Dart Master

Chapter 228

Chapter 228
Murong Bei's expression is very complicated, although I am not really Murong Yu, but seeing a father's gloomy and farewell eyes towards his son, I can't help but feel a deep sense of loss for Murong Yu.

Ruthless is the emperor's family, if Murong himself is here today, maybe this will be the last drink of his life.

However, I am Qin Wushang!How could Murong Bei and his son's careful thinking be hidden from me, but what I didn't expect was that he would actually do such a cruel thing to his own son.

This man is already crazy, he is a complete lunatic, completely reduced to a slave to power, and there is no cure.

Murong Xue poured two glasses of wine slowly, her movements were gentle and soft, and she looked at me softly after pouring: "Fourth brother, you are going to Mobei, but we brothers and sisters don't know when we will meet again."

I sat upright, my eyes full of dejection, weakness and despair, and I kept my mouth shut.

Murong Xue doesn't doubt it, because even if it is the real Murong Yu, what she is doing at this time is definitely not much different from what I am doing now.

"Fourth brother, I know you will blame me and father, but it is for your own good. If you stay in Xichuan any longer, you will only be used by Qin Wushang. After all, father is old and can't bear to part, so let little sister Drink this parting glass with me." After speaking, she picked up the wine glass on the table as if to drink.

As soon as she brought it to her mouth, she stopped again, "Why doesn't fourth brother drink it? Could it be that he still has hatred for my little sister in his heart? Fourth brother, I know you are not happy, but if you don't drink this glass of wine, I will die in my father's arms." Zunna can't do business, if you don't give your father face so much, I'm afraid Mobei won't be so easy to go to, and you don't know his temper."

Murong Xue persuaded him to drink like this, the drink must have been highly poisonous.Murong Bei is determined to kill his son Murong Yu. Murong Xue is threatening me. If I drink it, I will be poisoned to death. If I don't drink it, Murong Bei will be upset. Maybe he will send his guards to kill him on the spot. Murong Yu.

In his eyes, the Taimiao is the place where Murong Yu is buried.

I have a clear understanding of the thoughts of Murong Bei's father and daughter in my heart, these two people are really extremely hot, with a heart of snakes and scorpions.

I looked at the wine glass in front of me, my hands trembling slightly, and I slowly touched the edge of the wine glass.

I was also a little nervous, because I didn't know what kind of poison Murong Xue had put on me, if even my blood couldn't handle it, there would be no way to survive.

Just when I was about to pick up the wine glass, a guard came over from the secret door and called out to Murong Xue.

Murong Xue glanced at me, smiled, stood up and walked towards the guard.

This was a great opportunity, and with a flick of my wrist, the two wine glasses quickly switched places on the table.

There should be a mystery in this jug, what Murong Xue drinks must be non-poisonous, if I replace the poisonous wine, it will also let this snake-like woman taste the taste of being poisoned.

After changing the wine, Murong Xue whispered something to the guard and returned to the wine table.

"Fourth brother, drink it, you can leave Yundu Mansion after drinking it." Murong Xue raised the wine glass and toasted me.

I didn't drink it right away, but deliberately pretended to be a little skeptical, which would be more realistic.

How cunning Murong Xue is, she covered her mouth and smiled, "Could it be that the fourth brother is afraid that the wine is poisonous, Xue'er is your own sister, how can she harm you?"

Seeing that I still didn't raise my glass, she smiled and picked up the glass and drank it down.

I knew that if I didn't drink it, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get out of this room. At the same time, I was secretly happy that this cunning thief woman finally swallowed the bitter fruit.

I looked up and drank the wine, the wine was very light, without any other taste or smell, this glass of wine should belong to Murong Xue, so it shouldn't be poisonous.

However, when the wine flowed into my throat, I only felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a knife in my throat, and the pain was severe.

No, the wine is poisonous, so I quickly channeled blood to wrap the poisoned wine and pressed it down my throat to prevent it from spreading.

If Murong Yu, who had been soaking in the black water dungeon for a few days, swallowed this poisonous wine, he would definitely be unable to suppress the toxicity.Fortunately, I saved him to death, this woman is really poisonous like a snake.

What I'm just wondering is, obviously I changed drinks with her, and both of them drank the wine at the same time, why did they still get poisoned?
I covered my throat, darkly touched a few acupuncture points on my body, and fell to the ground pretending to be in pain, howling and whimpering.

Murong Xuejiao walked to my side with a smile, squatted down, and said gloomyly: "Fourth brother, do you feel surprised, why did you change my wine glass, and you were still poisoned?"

I looked at her with resentment, my face was bruised and swollen with anger, and I hunched into a ball on the ground in pain.

"Little sister has already guessed that you will exchange my wine. You are the most cunning lone wolf in the desert, and wolves want to eat people. If you don't drink this glass of wine, you will look so incompetent to my father." In order for you to drink this glass of wine, my little sister also spent a lot of thought, and when I got to the Palace of the King of Hell, I would blame Qin Wushang, it was him who killed you and dragged you down."

Speaking of this, she let out another laugh like a silver bell, full of satisfaction, "Of course, don't worry, fourth brother, Qin Wushang will come to Huangquan to accompany you in a short time."

I immediately understood that this woman is really good at acting, she must have deliberately arranged for the guard to come in, she guessed that I would change her drink, but her glass of drink was actually poisonous.

It shows that she is extremely delicate and insidious, and also a ruthless and unscrupulous woman.

I slowly dilated my pupils, struggled weaker and weaker, and finally rolled my eyes, blood spilled from my mouth and fell to the ground without moving.

Seeing that I was out of breath, Murong Xue stood there for a moment, and after making sure that I would not move, she slowly approached me and called softly a few times: "Fourth Brother, Fourth Brother?"

Seeing that I didn't move, a triumphant smile appeared on her face, and she stretched out her hand to explore my veins.

The moment her hand touched my pulse door, I flipped my wrist and held on to her life pulse. At the same time, I opened my mouth to her face and spit out the highly poisonous wine.

Under the impact of blood energy, the wine sprayed all over Murong Xue's face with a puff.

The highly poisonous wine was stimulated by the blood energy, and the Gu poison in my blood energy fused together, corroding her fair face like sulfuric acid.

At the same time, with a urge of vitality in my hand, the powerful blood energy shattered her meridians and dantian, making her completely reduced to a waste.

"My face, my face!" Murong Xue's originally flawless pretty face was rotten, and the whole face was covered with blood. The rotten flesh and blood mixed with it fell straight down, it was too horrible to look at.

Murong Xue stretched out her hand in pain to caress her bloody face, but what she got in return was a handful of rotten flesh.

"Murongxue, your heart is like a poisonous scorpion, and you have repeatedly plotted to kill me. I didn't want to argue with you, a woman, but you shouldn't have poisoned Ziyi. If you make her suffer, I will make you suffer for the rest of your life. Once you hurt her, I will ruin your life." I looked at her coldly, without any expression on my face.

She recognized my voice, covered her face and struggled in pain, "Qin, Qin Wushang, please kill me and give me a good time."

I sneered, and softly leaned into her ear and said, "Murongxue, don't think about it. If you die, no one in this world can avenge you. Only by living can you find your true love." I take revenge."

Wouldn't it be too cheap for a scorpion-like woman like Murong Xue to die like this.But I have no way to stop a person from begging for death, I can only give her a glimmer of hope, and she may live with hatred.

"Qin Wushang, you are so vicious, you must die!" Murong Xue yelled in pain, her body was covered in blood, and because her face and flesh were completely destroyed, she looked like an evil ghost, extremely ferocious.

I grabbed her neckline angrily, "I am so vicious, and I was forced out by a villain like you! I am not vicious, and the one hanging on the city wall tomorrow will be my head."

After I finished speaking, I slapped her unconscious with my palm.

Looking at the horrific Murong Xue on the ground, my heart felt cold and I took a deep breath to calm down my excited mood.

Have I really changed?Maybe, when I think of the scene when Ziyi was poisoned and vomited blood, the last trace of kindness in my heart is also wiped out.

I just underestimated Murong Xue and was too kind to her, so I was victimized by her repeatedly.When dealing with wolves, snakes and scorpions, kindness is cruelty to oneself.

(End of this chapter)

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