Dart Master

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

I saw the plate spinning, turning faster and faster. Two female students were a little scared. They wanted to let go, but found that their hands seemed to be glued to the plate, and they couldn't move at all.

Deng Qingsheng laughed loudly, "Die Xian is here, Die Xian is here, if you have anything to ask, just ask."

Zizi, as the Yin Qi became more and more dense, everyone could feel the chilly and terrifying aura. The old Guo who was sailing the boat was also afraid at this time, but this man was a guy who wanted to save face, but he had to Pretending to be very bold.

"Stop playing, or something will happen if you play any more." An old man yelled. After all, the old man still believed in ghosts and gods. Many people even started crying in fright.

"You guys are so brave, it's really boring, maybe I can help you with the lottery, stocks, and help you make a lot of money." Deng Qing said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Deng Qingsheng asked the companions who were playing together to make wishes to Die Xian and ask questions.

Perhaps because of nervousness, those companions asked some very unnutritious topics, which made Deng Qingsheng a little upset.

"Let me tell you, don't keep asking about love, can't you ask something interesting?"

It was the turn of the boatman Lao Guo. Lao Guo swallowed his saliva and asked calmly: "I, I want to ask, when will I get rich, not too much, 100 million is enough."

Die Xianyou walked away and landed on a rune. Deng Qingsheng looked at the rune and said, "Hey, Boss Chuan, you will get 100 million in three days."

Lao Guo hurriedly read a few times excitedly: "Thank you, Great Immortal, thank you, Great Immortal."

"Stop playing, you will die." The kitten shouted anxiously from the side.

Deng Qingsheng was very angry with the kitten, "Don't keep disturbing the immortal, please, it's so easy to die."

After finishing speaking, he asked: "Die Xian, Die Xian, when do you think we will die?"

When he asked, the atmosphere in the cabin became more tense, the weather was so bad, and it was so late at night, it always seemed a bit weird to ask such a topic related to death.

When he said this, he had a smug look on his face, as if deliberately annoying the little cat, to prove to him that he would invite Die Xian very well.

The plate swam around quickly on the paper and landed on a rune. Deng Qingsheng saw it, his face turned green, and his whole body trembled like sifting chaff.

The others didn't know the runes, but they all knew something was wrong, so they quickly asked, "What's the matter, what did Die Xian say?"

"Die! He said we all have to die tonight." Deng Qingsheng murmured.

The calculation of such a result undoubtedly made everyone's heart tremble.

The onlookers looked as if they had eaten a fly, and they looked extremely embarrassed. They pointed at Deng Qing and cursed angrily. Who doesn't want to seek good luck when they go out.

Deng Qingsheng opened his mouth, but did not speak, because the hands holding the plate could no longer move away, the plate spun around like crazy, and then landed on the rune representing "death".

"Wu Shang, something's wrong, you'd better go and have a look." Zi Yi also felt that inexplicable fear, which probably summoned more than just an ordinary kid.

There is always an ominous premonition in my heart, and a peanut sticks from the plate at that moment, and bounces towards the plate. With a ding sound, the peanut shatters into powder, but the plate is intact.

With my current vigor, I can't even break a small plate, which is incredible.

I quickly walked over to the table and looked at it. The crooked thing on it was not a rune, but a ghost.

I am very surprised how this Deng Qingsheng can read the Mingwen, there is something strange in it, it is definitely not as simple as playing Die Xian.

Of course, I didn't want to expose myself as different, so I laughed out loud, and I came to play too.

I put my hand on Deng Qingsheng's hand, and at the same time, my luck went to the plate. The plate sensed my blood, but it didn't stop. It was still walking on the white cloth, leaving a few words: "You All must die!"

I silently recited the Sutra of Burning the Lamp, the Buddha's light loomed, and my hands stimulated the blood.

It is so ruthless, this thing is extremely ferocious, it is definitely not a good kind, it must be destroyed before it harms anyone.

Click, the plate shattered as my blood energy strengthened, the cold feeling in the cabin disappeared immediately, and the lights returned to normal.

Deng Qingsheng, Lao Guo, and the five students playing Die Xian were already drenched in sweat. I let go of my hands, pretended to be innocent, and shrugged.

Everyone didn't dare to play anymore, the plate was broken just right.

The tranquility in the cabin was restored, and everyone was in an extremely bad mood, so they returned to their seats and closed their clothes to sleep.

Lao Guo also leaned against the window in boredom and smoked a cigarette, then returned to the cabin.

I felt that Dao Senhan's ghostly aura had receded, but I didn't know if mine could calm it down.

Now the lives of the people on the entire boat may be in danger, and I dare not take it lightly.

"Brother, I, can I sit with you?" Deng Qingsheng asked me in a low voice as he walked to the empty seat next to me with his backpack in hand.

I glared at him fiercely and ignored him.

The girl named Kitty also sat down. Obviously they are all smart people, and they can see that I have some skills.

Soon there were some tourists snoring in the cabin, and Ziyi looked very tired leaning against me, only Shaotian stared out the window with wide-eyed eyes, in good spirits.

Deng Qingsheng and the kitten also closed their eyes, leaning against the back of the chair and fell asleep.

I persisted for a while, and saw that there was no movement in the cabin, and I began to feel a little sleepy.

I don’t know if it’s a hallucination, but the lights and snoring in the cabin gave me a very peaceful and peaceful feeling. It’s like returning to the night when I was in Fengquan when I was a child, leaning on my mother’s warm embrace, listening to her singing. go to sleep.

Since I entered Taoism, I seldom go to sleep in the real sense.

Even at night, I mostly practice meditation to increase my cultivation base and resist fatigue. A good night's sleep is already a luxury for me.

When I looked at the sleeping faces in the cabin, a long-lost illusion appeared in my heart.

I'm so sleepy, I just want to sleep in the dark.

My eyelids are getting heavy, the lights, the sound of snoring, and even the sound of wind and rain outside the window, it seems that everything is reminding me to get a good night's sleep.

I can't control that much anymore, I just want to sleep well now, there is a voice in my heart that keeps repeating, greedily longing.

When the feeling was extreme, I could no longer resist the overwhelming drowsiness, and I closed my eyes unconsciously, sleeping in the dark.

I don't know how long it took, but I was intoxicated by that kind of endless drowsiness, and a golden light seemed to appear in my mind, dispelling my endless drowsiness.

The endless drowsiness was broken, which made people feel angry from the bottom of their hearts.

I opened my eyes, and the golden light in Shaotian's hand was shining, and a needle was condensed with gold coins, and it was piercing my temple, my cheeks were warm, the good guy actually pricked me until I bleed.

My pupils slowly contracted to focus the light, and my eyes gradually became clearer. I was forcibly woken up from sleep, and I had a severe headache.

Pulling away Shaotian's hand, "Shaotian, what are you doing, I finally fell asleep."

Shaotian smacked his lips, "I'm giving you a needle. Grandpa Crazy Monk said that once he finds that brother is not moving or panting, he will prick you with a needle."

As soon as Shaotian finished saying this, I was shocked, not panting?

"Brother is awake, Shaotian will prick my sister, and I have to prick them later." Shaotian proudly raised the needle in his hand, happy for pricking me awake.

Shaotian will not lie, I suddenly came to my senses, did I almost die just now?

No, the cabin is lifeless, and a strange thing is lurking in this small space.

I looked around and saw that the people around me were sleeping. They looked so peaceful, but they had stopped snoring for a long time, and there was a deathly silence in the cabin.

I quickly walked to the front and tried to push a female student, but there was no response.I checked her pulse again, it had stopped for a long time.

I tried several times in a row, but I lost my pulse and heartbeat, and even my soul disappeared.

In the entire cabin, there are already few living people.

(End of this chapter)

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