Dart Master

Chapter 245

Chapter 245
The blood energy and mentality in my heart gradually sank, and I was swept away by the warm sleepiness, and I became defenseless. Suddenly, I felt a chill all over my body, as if something had suddenly penetrated into my body, and quickly rushed to my soul sea. Float away.

No, it's a nightmare!

The only reaction left in my subconscious mind is to use the blood lotus to protect the soul.

After being almost taken away from my soul by a nightmare last time, I already have an instinctive defense to deal with this invisible and intangible thing, that is my Mara Blood Lotus.

The red light of the blood lotus suddenly flourished, rushed straight to my heavenly soul sea, and bloomed in the soul sea. I heard a scream, as if a bomb had been thrown in my head.

As soon as the cold air subsided, I opened my eyes abruptly, with a severe headache, only to find that Deng Qingsheng was lying on the wall and looking at me in fear.

Apparently I was able to wake up, to his surprise.

When I touched my face, my face was covered with blood, and my eyes, mouth and nose were filled with a strong smell of blood. Fortunately, my soul was not damaged, it was only because of the night demon's collision with the blood lotus that I suffered internal injuries.

Oh my god, Deng Qing gave a weird cry, jumped off the wall and was about to run.

Good guy, I finally caught you. I exerted all my strength, only to find that the blood energy in the blood lotus was consumed a lot, and my limbs were extremely weak.

Where are you going?I frantically chased after him, Deng Qingsheng ran quite fast.

I kicked a stone and hit him on the back. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground. I grabbed his collar and lifted him up.

"Why are you hurting me?" I asked sharply.

He was trembling with fright, raised his hands in panic and said, "It has nothing to do with me, really, I'm just controlled by him."

I knew he was talking about Night Demon. From Deng Qingsheng's point of view, he was indeed just an ordinary person with a bit of evil spirit, but he must have been taken over by Night Demon to cause such a situation.

What is going on here, tell me clearly!I took him back to the yard, lit a cigarette, and handed it to him.

He took a few breaths nervously, pointed at me and said: "I, I know that you are the King of Qin, a very powerful person, and he asked me to come to you. Really, I didn't intend to harm you..."

How did you know to summon the night goblin?Was it passed to you by the temple guard on the top of the mountain?I asked.

Deng Qingsheng took a deep breath on his cigarette and told me the reason.

It turned out that this kid was a smart man, and he was wary of Niu Liyuan taking them to the top of Zhuizi Peak, and he and Zhang Xiaomao have always had an inexplicable relationship, which can be regarded as a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

But he found that since he went to Zhuizi Peak to pay homage to the terrifying cat demon, Zhang Xiaomao began to be a little abnormal. It is suspected that Zhang Xiaomao is bewitched.

So, he took Zhang Xiaomao to the Awl Temple again, and found the temple watcher, who taught him a way to invite ghosts.

Deng Qingsheng used this method of inviting ghosts to invite the Night Demon to treat Zhang Xiaomao.

Therefore, on the ship that day, Zhang Xiaomao would instinctively object. Of course, Deng Qingsheng himself was very excited, and asked some nonsensical questions through Ye Mo.

But when he asked whether everyone would die, he actually wanted to ask whether the kitten would be killed. He was afraid of scaring the kitten, so he could only ask in the name of everyone.

Then, Ye Mo told him the real answer, and everyone was killed by the cat demon on Zhang Xiaomao.

I think it's a little ridiculous, they all died in a dream, so how could they be killed by a cat demon.

Deng Qingsheng looked at me in surprise, as if he was very reluctant to recall, "Mr. Qin, what I said is true, you didn't know that the third eye grew on the kitten's forehead, and she saw it If it wasn't for the person I invited to protect the souls of you and that young lady, you would all be killed by that eye."

"The third eye?" I thought of that strange cat with nine legs. The eyes on its forehead are so powerful that it can even break Mr. Feng's spells through space.

It is not surprising if it is said to have the effect of soul-stirring.

But according to what Deng Qingsheng said, Night Demon saved me instead?Zhang Xiaomao, who is possessed by a cat demon, is the real murderer.

He and Zhang Xiaomao are now both thieves shouting "stop the thief". Zhang Xiaomao insisted that it was the Nightmare's nightmare that killed them. Both of them are extremely suspicious.

"Brother Qin, if you don't believe me, you can ask that idiot. The idiot must know what happened at that time." Deng Qingsheng thought for a while and then yelled loudly.

I want to ask, but now Shaotian has been taken away by Zhang Xiaomao, where can I ask?

"Since it wasn't killed by Ye Mo, it doesn't have much to do with you. Why did you hide and only show up now?" I questioned him.

He was a little embarrassed and couldn't say anything, so he held back for a while before he said: "Well, let Ye Mo tell you by himself, I'm just being manipulated by him, Brother Qin, just trust me once, okay?"

And what Deng Qingsheng said was too mysterious, how did the temple guard know the magic spell to summon the night demon, why did he tell a student such an important thing, and thus he was killed.

"Brother Qin, I beg you to believe me, and the kitten, she is also innocent, I know you and that Mr. Feng are very powerful, you must have a way to save the kitten, right?" Deng Qing said bitterly begged.

Hmph, you can make it up. If I hadn't used the blood lotus to protect my soul, I would have been killed by the night demon just now, I said angrily in a cold voice.

Deng Qing waved his hand, and hurriedly explained: "Brother Qin, you are wrong, Ye Mo didn't want to kill you, he just wanted to enter your soul and talk to you."

"What?" I looked at him in disbelief, the Dharma protector of the dignified Yeyou God dared not even see me with his real body, is this possible?

Deng Qing said dejectedly: "Brother Qin, if you don't believe me, I can't do anything about it, but what I'm telling is the truth, Ye Mo, he is not a murderer, you should meet him."

I told him to shut up, walked to the yard and pondered carefully.

Ye Mo comes from Yacha City, maybe he knows the secret of King Zhang's disappearance, but I dare not take the risk, once he enters my soul, judging from his ability to forcefully enter my soul just now, he can kill him completely I.

This guardian general of the night tour god is extremely good at specializing in souls, so I have to be careful.

It is certainly true that Zhang Xiaomao was possessed by the cat demon, but either the cat demon or the night demon could be the murderer. Do I dare to trust him so confidently?
Seeing my hesitation, Deng Qingsheng's anxious tears almost flowed down, his eyes slowly turned blood red, and his hair stood upside down. It was obvious that the night demon had possessed him and was already furious.

I thought about it quickly in my mind, and finally after thinking about it, I decided to let the Night Demon enter my soul for a try.

Because I want to know Zhang Wang's secret too much, and Ye Mo is related to Ziyi's life and death, so I have to give it a go.

Thinking of this, I sat down cross-legged, calmed down, let go of my mind, and said to Deng Qing: "I'm ready."

I saw Deng Qingsheng trembling all over, I saw a mass of mist-like things twisting in the air, and slowly my eyes became a little blurred, shaking so badly, it made me dizzy, and slowly The eyelids became heavy.

Because I intentionally let the night demon enter the soul, my body didn't have any resistance, I just felt a shock in my soul, and a hideous black-robed yaksha ghost with teeth and claws appeared in my mind with black air all over his body.

Qin Wushang, this general has finally found you, if I don't see you again, this general will probably die, Ye Mo said sadly in my mind.

It turned out that this was the night demon's body, but it was night now, so I don't know why he didn't show his real body.

As soon as I thought about it, he could perceive it, and immediately said, Ye Mo is invisible and intangible, and this general is just a spiritual thought with cultivation base, he said.

I asked him what forced him to die, and the night demon replied: "It's the fierce cat of Nieyuan. Although this general is born with the night, he is most afraid of this kind of female monster. The fierce cat is the evil cat in Nieyuan." A ferocious thing, extremely ferocious, has evil eyes, can transform souls, it is the nemesis of this general."

I have also heard about this. Although cats have a lot of Yin energy, they can swallow evil energy and Yin spirits, so they are his nemesis.

(End of this chapter)

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