Dart Master

Chapter 255

Chapter 255
Anger is burning in my heart, but all evil spirits often turn a blind eye to the rules and laws of Taoism, and trample on the lives of ordinary people at will, which makes people feel distressed and helpless.

Zhang Xiaomao is a very cute girl. I originally thought that Ominous Cat was simply using her body to deceive Shaotian and me, but I didn't expect that she would be murdered in the end.

"Qin Wushang, do you know when this Tower of the Underworld was built?" Zhang Xiaomao looked at me and smiled slyly. Maybe it was because of the possession of a vicious cat, her smile was very sinister.

I looked at her coldly, and she continued: "Since you went to Bai's house, you almost ruined the black king's event, so this building was built, and it's killing your luck every day. It's a pity That damned woman used her fate to protect you from disasters, and her curse in the Underworld would not move you, so you can come back from Xichuan alive."

I was so sad, I thought that Ziyi would protect me from disasters because of her unique fate, but on the contrary, since she was with me, she faced life-and-death crises several times and almost died.

I used to think that my fate was too hard to restrain her, but I never thought that it was this damn Minglou.

The person who killed me must know me well. He can't kill me, or dare not kill me. He can only use this despicable and shameless method to mutilate the people around me, so that I will be exhausted and have no time to care about the general situation of Taoism.

If what I expected is correct, since he is so deliberate here, he must have accumulated strong forces in the dark.

Even the person who has the same blood as me, as well as the special envoy of Jiangdong who is like a god with a gun and stick, are all his people.This person has a great relationship with the evil sect and the Yin Division, and he hides too deeply, far more terrifying than Yan Donglou and Murong Yu.

"Black King? Why did he want to kill me?" It was the first time I heard this name, I asked her with a frown, and at the same time secretly gathered blood, preparing for a fatal blow.

Zhang Xiaomao laughed badly: "Because you are the person Hei Wang hates and envies the most, you can always turn bad luck into good luck, and everyone in the world is helping you. You, Qin Wushang, are the true destiny." Son of Heaven, but the Black King can only be your substitute, if you don't die, how can the Black King feel at ease. However, everything is fine, anyway, this is your time of death, and everything will end here."

"What kind of bullshit black king, I've never heard of it, you picky bastards, wanting to replace King Qin is simply wishful thinking." Yue Linghao yelled.

Zhang Xiaomao's eyes turned cold, and his figure suddenly tilted. A cat's tail that was burning with raging fire was thrown over in the blink of an eye.

"Your mouth is really stinky. If you like talking so much, then just be dumb." Zhang Xiaomao said with a grin. , when she swung Yue Linghao over with her giant tail, Yue Linghao was already speechless.

Lao Yue, I helped Yue Linghao up, he glared at Zhang Xiao Mao angrily, and gestured to show that he was already dumb.

What a vicious monster, I yelled angrily, the Huangquan knife came out through my body, and slashed towards Zhang Xiaomao.

Zhang Xiaomao knew that I was powerful, and his figure flickered, and his face suddenly deformed into a cat face with three eyes. Nine bodies had also appeared, and at the same time, they exerted strength and rushed towards me.

Although this thing has nine bodies, its speed is extremely fast. It rushed to my body like lightning, opened its huge mouth that spewed out black air, and closed its fangs, unexpectedly biting my Huangquan knife.

The Huangquan knife was condensed in my blood, and for some reason, I was bitten by the fierce cat, but I couldn't break free.

Before I had time to react, the fierce cat's sharp claws had already grabbed me, and because she had four to nine thirty-six legs, it almost covered the vital points of my whole body.

Her speed was extremely fast, and I received more than a dozen heavy blows on my body immediately. The seal of the vase shattered in response, and the fierce cat flicked its mouth, and I was thrown out like a kite with a broken string.

"Brother Wushang, I'll help you." Shaotian yelled, and threw the golden halberd at the fierce cat, and Yue Linghao also attacked with a pair of iron fists at the same time.

The ominous cat let out a gloomy growl, sat on the ground, nine bodies stood up, and because of its huge body, its head almost hit the roof of the building.Like Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands, dozens of sharp claws greeted the two of them.

It doesn't have any moves, but because it is the ancestor of the cat demon, the evil beast of the evil abyss, it is as hard as steel, and its claws are like blades, Yue Linghao and Shaotian can't take advantage of it at all.

"Teng Yun Zong!" Seeing that the fierce cat couldn't be hurt, Shaotian uttered a strange squeaking sound, and the Bodhi Gate movement technique taught by Qiuwen came out, like a golden monkey at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye, It was writhing and jumping under the countless sharp claws of the fierce cat.

Tengyun Zong, also known as somersaulting cloud, is the body method of Bodhimen. It is rumored that the ancestor of Bodhi is an immortal from outside the world.

Just like the ancestor's disciple Dou Zhan Buddha, it is rumored that Dou Zhan Buddha is the protector of the holy monk Xuanzang.

Regarding Dou Zhan Buddha, most of them think that it is nonsense, but in some sects of gods, there are quite a few who invite Dou Zhan Buddha to take the upper body.

In the last three days in Taoism, except for the original Western God of Plague Zhao Gongming, who was promoted to the God of Wealth, most of the other gods were rumors. After all, the upper three days and the next three days have long been separated. Few showed up in the next three days.

Shaotian's movement technique is really ingenious, although it is not as powerful as my Xuehe movement technique, but it is superior in dexterity and lightness, the fierce cat is furious after being teased by him, but there is nothing he can do.

It's just that Shaotian doesn't wait for the opportunity to unleash his halberd. Although his body is extremely fast, he can't hurt the fierce cat.

However, this is enough opportunity for me.

"A long sword, who will fight for the edge!"

While the fierce cat was being disturbed by Shaotian, I turned into a river of blood, and the Huangquan knife pierced towards the fierce cat like a long dragon spiral.

I would like to see, the number one magic weapon in the world, who can break the monster body of the fierce cat.

Seeing me coming towards me like a spiral wave of blood, the fierce cat slapped Shaotian's harassment away, and turned around with nine cat tails intertwined like a blooming flower, blocking my saber.

However, the Huangquan sword technique is not so easy to break, and after the practice of the man in black in Tangmen Villa that day, I have a little more understanding of the sword technique.

In fact, Huangquan's sword technique is thick and delicate, and the fierceness can make the momentum go forward, but it is more about blending, changing, and changing, so that the knife technique can be as tricky as a sword, as domineering as an axe, and as thunderbolt as a bow, reaching the ultimate perfection .

In the past, I would only pick up the sword and fight the enemy with a brutal blow to the end, but as the man in black said, it simply ruined Wang Zhang's sword skills.

Just imagine that although Zhang Wang looks rough, he actually has a very careful mind. Otherwise, how could a rough and reckless man rule the Yin Division for so many years? If he didn't insist on opening the Nine Reincarnations, it is very possible to keep the Yin Division for hundreds, or even thousands of years.

As soon as the blade touched the cat's tail, my blade immediately changed direction, and the cat's tail was connected to the heart of the flower. If I wanted to break through it all at once, it would definitely be impossible, because the strength of the beast lay there.

The blade swept towards the cat's tails that spread out in all directions, spinning like a fan, cutting off all the scattered cat's tails.

The vicious cat groaned in pain and stretched out its sharp claws to catch me. The moment it was about to catch me, I lifted myself up, slipped away from its huge claws, and slipped through the gaps in its body. Sneaking behind it, it hit one of its body fiercely.

This knife almost used up [-]% to [-]% of my vitality. The Huangquan knife roared like a dragon, and followed the tail of the fierce cat, pulling its body in half, and scattered all the black energy and blood all over the ground.

After crippling its body, I am in control. It seems that although Nieyuan's fierce beast is powerful and venomous, it is not as difficult to defeat as a god.

In the final analysis, they are just monsters with more evil and fierce auras. Compared with the real ancient mythical beasts Suzaku and White Tiger, as well as spirit beasts such as Qilin and Taotie, they are far inferior.

The ominous cat was ruined by me, roaring again and again, and opened its mouth to spit out a black mist straight to the door in front of me. At the same time, there was a puffing sound from the other bodies, and the mist and stench suddenly filled the hall, dark and dense, It makes people dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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