Dart Master

Chapter 257 Fate Changed

Chapter 257 Fate Changed
Cui Pan is a very special existence in the Yin Division. From the time when Qin Guang Wang Jiang was in power, he was the judge in charge of the book of life and death. When Zhang Wang succeeded, he was still Cui Pan's assistant.

Rumor has it that Cui Pan is an upright person with the ability to never forget his photographs. He assisted King Qin Guang in managing life and death.

After Zhang Wang was captured, Judge Cui also disappeared. I didn't expect him to appear here, and he acted so disobediently. I was really disappointed and very angry.

"Cui Pan, everyone in the world respects you, you don't want to save the king and savior, but hide here, how can you be at ease?" I asked sharply.

Cui Pan's eyes were calm, and he looked at me indifferently: "Everyone is subject to change, even gods and bodhisattvas will change. Qin Wushang, Yin Division is not as simple as you see."

"It involves secrets for thousands of years. From ancient times to the present, they are entangled and intertwined. King Zhang is righteous and treats me like a brother and brother. He trusts me very much. How can I betray him? But if I don't Beg for compromise, I'm afraid I will never know the whereabouts of my king." Cui Pan cupped his hands and faced the direction of Yinsi, said loudly.

"Aggrieved, it's really nice to say, you are a majestic judge, who can persecute you?" I snorted coldly, and asked proudly.

Cui Juan sighed faintly: "King Zhang, the number one God King of the Yin Division, can be replaced by others, so what is a mere judge like me?"

"Are you writing the Book of Life and Death?" I asked.

Cui Pan nodded: "That's right, the book of life and death has fallen into the hands of Xie Wang, but there is only the first half of it, and he can't make any waves."

It's the evil king again, the world is in such chaos right now, it's all caused by that hateful evil eagle.

"So, you've been led here to write the second half? Want to make two into one, right?" I asked him.

Cui Pan glanced at me, "You are smarter than I imagined. This is a good thing. It proves that Zhang Wang and Yan Jun are not mistaken. That's right, when Zhang Wang went to Yasha City, he knew that he was likely to die. In an accident, he destroyed the second half of the life and death book, and I became the only one who knew the life and death book."

"What the hell is life and death book?" I asked puzzled.

Cui Pan walked down the steps with his hands behind his back, pacing in the hall and said: "Life and Death Book is a supreme treasure book of Taoism, and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva represents the supreme existence of Buddhism in the underworld. The people in the Yin Division are not from the Buddhist sect, at least neither King Jiang nor King Zhang, the reason is because of the thin life and death passed down by the Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing Dynasty."

"There is life and death. King Guang of Qin of all dynasties can control all living beings for three days. He is not simply a roster, but contains a kind of supreme Taoism. King Zhang understood it, so he opened the Nine Reincarnations. In the end, he caused his own death." Cui Juan said.

I asked him what Zhang Wang realized from it?
Cui Pan shook his head and said that the book of life and death is the wonderful book left by the Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing to check and balance Buddhism in the world. King Qin Guang of all dynasties failed to realize the way in it. How can ordinary people like us comprehend the doorway in it.

I think that it is very likely that Zhang Wang realized the spells and formations related to the upper three days from the book of life and death, and even found out the way to the upper three days, which is very likely to break the order of the upper and lower three days. Therefore, he was jointly suppressed by the gods of the Yin Division, and he was defeated in Yasha City.

Cui Pan's analysis is very reasonable. Zhang Wang can become a generation of God King and rule the Yin Division for so many years, so he naturally has his own strengths.

And the reason for his disappearance is most likely related to the life and death book.

Is Life and Death Bo more powerful than my cat?Shaotian patted the fierce cat on the head, and asked Cui Pan stupidly.

Cui Pan glanced at Shaotian and smiled happily: "Of course, let me give you an example, which is related to your Bodhi Gate. There was a fighting Buddha in Bodhi Gate, and he once tore up the book of life and death. One page, so far there are three people in this world who have become immortal, one is the holy Buddha himself, the other is the six-eared macaque monster, but later he was killed by the Buddha himself, and the third is in the abyss of evil, no one knows him name, but he does exist.

Isn't there a name in the book of life and death?How come there is no name, I asked puzzled.

Cui Pan glanced at me, because he does not have a name, but he still exists. Perhaps only the Bodhisattva will know who he is in the next three days.

What Zhang Wang realizes is only a little bit of life and death, but it is enough to change some taboos and status quo in the next three days, such as the nine reincarnations, so he is destined to be trapped by the conservative law protectors in the next three days.

Cui Pan’s words gave me a deeper understanding of the Yin Division. The next three days are not just a simple dispute between factions, it also involves a kind of order between heaven and earth, even if Zhang Wang, the master of the Yin Division, wants to Changing the status quo can only be futile and suffer from it.

But I believe that Zhang Wang will not break the order of the underworld for no reason, there must be some kind of secret in it.

I asked Cui Pan, and he couldn't tell, because Zhang Wang is a very eccentric person. Dealing with the affairs of the underworld and focusing on the book of life and death, this also laid the root of disaster for Bai Wuchang's family to regain power.

What Cui Pan said is indeed very reasonable, but I don't understand why he appeared in the Minglou where he cursed me, and he is more willing to dedicate the book of life and death to others.

Cui Pan looked up to the sky and sighed sadly, and said to me: "The reason why I appear here is because someone wants to change your life, your royal veins, and your fate."

"Is it the Black King?" I asked coldly.

He smiled and said: "You are very smart. It is indeed him. He was supported by the evil king's family as the new King Qin Guang. He will only be able to ascend the throne after unifying the Taoist sect. But there are laws in the way of heaven. But if you go against the sky, even if the ancestor of Dao Tongtian goes against the sky, he will be defeated by the law of heaven. He can only change your fate, and once you transfer your fate and royal aura to him, you can avoid the punishment of heaven."

Fate is a very strange thing. It is like the genes of modern scientific people. Everyone has their own combination, and the life and death book records everyone's fate. Only in this way can they control life and death for three days.

If my fate is changed by someone, this person can have everything that I am likely to get in the future, and all my unknown fate will come true on him.

This is undoubtedly a terrible thing. No wonder the life and death book can become the treasure of the underworld. If it falls into the hands of evil people, the consequences will be disastrous.

He didn't explain why he was wearing King Zhang's dragon robe and crown. Maybe he just wanted to remember it, and he took advantage of no one's addiction to being king.

"Have you changed it?" I asked him with a chill in my heart.

He nodded, "Change it, I am willing to change your life for you, not because of the black king, but because of someone else's entrustment."

"How did you change my brother Wushang?" Shaotian asked with his eyes wide open.

Cui Ban laughed and said: "The secret must not be revealed, but there is no doubt that the road ahead will be more difficult for you. Maybe it's good for you, maybe it's the beginning of a nightmare for you."

My whole body was trembling with anger. It is undoubtedly the greatest pain to have my fate controlled by others, but there is nothing I can do.

"Have you written and handed over the second half of the Book of Life and Death?" I asked.

Cui Fuxu nodded silently.

I was furious, and grabbed his chest, "Are you crazy? You will destroy Yinsi like this. Right now, the power of evil people is overwhelming, and you even gave them life and death. With the wisdom of the evil king, if you really realize If you show the supernatural power without harm, the heaven and the earth will not tolerate you."

Cui Pan didn't resist, and when I calmed down a little, he let go of his hand. He took out the judge's pen and wrote six words on the paper, Bodhi Gate and Water Curtain Cave.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He said coldly: "I handed over the second half of the birth and death book, which is the king's order left by King Zhang before he left. Because only when life and death are combined into one, can he live and be worthy of living to the enemy. And I, Only then can I see my king again, Qin Wushang, the Yin Division is not as simple as you think, the secrets inside, apart from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, even King Zhang may not be able to know all of them, to put it bluntly, the Yin Division is vast, there are eighteen Layers of Hell, Ten Temples of Yama, Zhang Wang and we know that what we can control is only a handful of Yin Division. Just like you and I, we will never know the last three days, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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