Dart Master

Chapter 259

Chapter 259

When I came out of the Tower of the Underworld, I was in a heavy mood. The man in black instigated Cui Pan to change my fate. The Yin Division, the mystery of life and death, and the mystery of Zhang Wang shrouded my heart like a fog.

I feel like I am in the boundless darkness, there will never be an end, and I feel tired from the bottom of my heart. Sometimes I really want to take the purple clothes and Bai Ling and retreat to the mountains and forests.It's just the sense of mission that comes from my talent, and the expectations of my father and my uncle, so I have to crawl forward with this heavy volute on my back.

"Since my fate has changed, I want to see what kind of tragic fate God has arranged for me." I laughed at myself, and immediately dispelled the loss and decadence in my heart.

Back at the police station, Feng Er was very surprised when I finished talking about the Ming Tower. Although he was well-informed about life and death, he had no clue, but he thought that most of what Cui Pan told me was true. Heartfelt words.

As for the man in black, I didn't mention it to Feng Er, because I felt that this man had no intention of killing me, and he did even intend to help me secretly.

He should be a member of the black king, the puppet of the underworld, but he secretly helps me repeatedly, which is really strange.

At night, the number of victims of cat monsters in the city is still increasing, Feng Er can't sit still, and wants to distribute the antidote, I asked him to wait.

If the prediction is not bad, Niu Liyuan will summon all the cat demons soon. Judging from the Minglou, she doesn't like to stay in the Minglou, otherwise Cui Pan is not the only one waiting for me in the hall of the Minglou.

And through the cat demon, I can find out her exact location and destroy her.

As the midnight approached, only a few screams of cats were heard, and the entire Wucheng City instantly became a city of demon cats, and demon cats screamed at the moonlight like hungry wolves.

For a moment, the sky of Wucheng changed drastically. Wucheng, which was originally a bright moon, suddenly became cloudy and windy, and the stars were dark. I don't know where the dark clouds came from. They rolled like a sea of ​​clouds, gathering from all around towards the moon.

Feng Er pinched his fingers and counted the celestial phenomena, his thick eyebrows were frowned, and he yelled that it was not good.

"Mr. Feng, there is a vision in the sky, what is the sign?" I asked.

This Niu Liyuan is really not simple, and she wants to change the situation against the sky.

Feng Er's face was full of solemnity, his expression was extremely solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "She is going to open the altar to destroy the luck of Wucheng, so that Wucheng will be completely reduced to Yincheng and become their stronghold."

I asked Feng Er, "Whenever a secular city is built, there must be a feng shui master who has seen it. How can someone easily change the city's luck?"

Feng Er sighed and said: "You don't understand, Wucheng is different from other cities. It is located at the junction of Xichuan and Jiangdong. Strong wood, the original gold that restrains wood, becomes wood that restrains gold, and gold produces weak water to nourish wood."

Speaking of this, Feng Er pointed to the surroundings of Wucheng and said: "You see that Wucheng is mostly shaded by five ghosts, with bad water in the south and countless dead people. , Wucheng’s population is not prosperous, the economy is not prosperous, the people’s hearts are not abandoned, the righteousness is not enough, and the evil is more than enough, so it will be catastrophically robbed by the cat demon.”

He shook his head and sighed deeply: "Most of the cities like this will eventually become dead cities and ghost cities, and they will be drawn out of the secular world and become fierce places where mysterious spirits and ghosts live."

Is there no capable person in the past dynasties to break the fierce situation in Wucheng?
Feng Er shook his head, "This situation is a dilemma. If the strong wood is changed to a weak wood, gold will be strong, and it will be easy to cause disasters. Xichuan has always been a place where military strategists and emperors must fight. Living in Xichuan is mainly based on the golden energy, to prevent the Sichuan people's swords and soldiers from leaving Sichuan, in the eyes of the ruler, how can a mere city be as important as a country?"

Hey, the prosperity of the people is suffering, the death of the people is suffering, and the victims will always be the people at the bottom. Even the people in Taoism, the gods in their eyes, do this, so what can ordinary people do?I sighed.

"Sir, is there no way to crack it?" I asked.

Seeing that the sky over Wucheng is covered with dark clouds, the wind is whistling, and lonely ghosts from all directions are roaring towards them.

I thought Hei Wang was too simple, he was far more vicious than I imagined, Niu Liyuan didn't want to gather all the cat demons to evacuate Jiangdong, but wanted Wucheng to be completely reduced to a ghost town of cat demons.

In this way, if you go west from Wucheng, you can lead the cat demons into Sichuan, and go down the river, and you can go straight to Jiangdong. This is to form an army of cat demons.

Moreover, cat demons have the instinct to devour ghosts. On the day when the gates of ghosts are wide open and all ghosts travel, this army of cat demons can unscrupulously devour weak ghosts and souls, and their strength will increase at that time.

Have!Seal two ways.

Open the altar to fight, since someone is going to set up the dark moon, the old man will fight with her, Feng Er said solemnly.

Feng Er and I hurried to the star observatory in Wucheng. The star observatory is an ancient site with a height of tens of feet. It is rumored that when Feng Chu Pangtong entered Sichuan, he passed by Wucheng. Saw the omen of his own death.

Arriving at the top of the observatory, the howling wind was icy cold, and the altar had already been set up above, it seemed that Feng Er had already made preparations.

Feng Er first put on the Taoist robe, put on the incense sticks, picked up the copper bell and shook it quickly, summoning the guardian gods. Walk up and down the observatory.

His disciples also swam away holding the banners symbolizing the gods of the four directions!

As the formation became faster and faster, streaks of multicolored light wandered among the French flags.

When performing the technique, Wucheng had already been reduced to a city of darkness, and the thick cloud formed a pitch-black vortex, surrounding the moonlight in the middle, and black yin energy was continuously injected from the cloud into the dark moon.

While doing the method, Feng Er explained to me that what he set up was the Five Elements Breaking Evil Formation. Due to the defects of the five elements, Wucheng was full of evil spirits.

"The Taishang Daozu is above, grant me supernatural powers, control the energy of the five elements, destroy evil spirits and punish evil, and be as urgent as laws!"

As the formation became more and more urgent, the metal, wood, water, fire, and earth in the formation were filled with five-color rays of light. Feng Er's mahogany sword pointed towards the sky, and a column of five-color light pierced the sky straight into the sky.

Immediately, all the ghosts and ghosts in the surroundings retreated, the cold wind did not enter, the cold air disappeared immediately, the dark clouds were also washed away a lot, the moon was surrounded by colorful lights, and the vortex was broken through.

"What a powerful array!"

This is the first time I have experienced the magical effect of formations. Feng Erbai's Five Elements Breaking Evil Formation is not large in scale, if it is a formation of ten thousand people.From this, it can be imagined that the eight-door golden lock array of Cao Cao, the king of Wei in the past, if there were no great talents and brave generals such as Guan Yu, there were very few people in the world who could break the array. become admiral.

It can be seen that the formation is wonderful, and its subtlety is unimaginable.

However, I soon lost my joy, Feng Er's face was very pale, it was obvious that the formation was very exhausting for him.

At the same time, in the direction of Zhuiziling, a ray of bloody light shot up into the sky, directly towards the bright moon, instantly dissipating the five-colored light, and the colorful moon just now became extremely blood-red. Lightning rushed through the clouds, and the entire Wucheng trembled, as if the end of the world was coming.

Feng Er's head was covered with dense beads of sweat. He didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so strong, and the formation he made was even more subtle.

The blood moon volleys in the sky!
Suddenly, a blood-red thunderbolt pierced through the barrier of the formation from the clouds, and slammed heavily on Feng Er's altar. The altar collapsed and the candles were all extinguished, and Feng Er spit out a mouthful of blood.

In an instant, the lights of five colors faded away, the Five Elements Shattering Formation was broken, and all the disciples were thrown to the ground by the blood thunder, in a panic.

"The yin energy in Wucheng is too heavy, and the opponent occupies Zhuiziling, the most sinister place. The old man's formation is not inferior to others, but he loses in terms of location. Is this city really hopeless?" Feng Er wiped off the corners of his mouth. Bloodstained, looking at the terrifying sky, sighed.

"Mr. Feng, this is most likely a formation formed by the evil people of Jiejiao. It should be of the same clan as the blood-clothed method I practice. You stay here to guard, and I will go to Zhuiziling to have a look." I always feel that the blood in the sky is very familiar , Is there my blood-clothed disciple here?
Feng Er nodded and signaled me to get off the altar quickly. He rebuilt the altar. Once I put down the powerful enemy on Zhuizi Ridge, I will attack the evil.

(End of this chapter)

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