Dart Master

Chapter 262 The King of Evil Gods

Chapter 262 The King of Evil Gods
I overlooked one point, in terms of evil, who in the world is more evil than my Mara Blood Buddha, this is undoubtedly a great tonic for me.Only in this way, my evil spirit will inevitably increase, and my evil nature will increase greatly.

My cultivation has entered a bottleneck right now, and I can no longer make any breakthrough in normal cultivation, and the Blood Buddha absorbs very little aura from the yang world, but is very happy with blood, murderous, and evil auras.

Shaotian, follow me to punish the evil!I laughed wildly, swiped my hand between my eyebrows, and the Night Demon's eyes opened wide, facing the spirit body of the Heisha God who opened his mouth to devour it.

Heisha God has thousands of spirit bodies in the world to enjoy the blood food enshrined for him in various places. This is just one of them, and he has just melted most of the evil spirits in the spirit body into the holy water, so there is nothing to worry about.

Night Demon's eyes lit up, and a green light penetrated into the skull's brow, and Heisha God froze for half a second.

The blink of an eye was enough for me to do it, I took out a self-drawn blood-cutting talisman from my pocket, and stuffed it into his hideous mouth.

The blood-killing talisman burst instantly, and blood light penetrated from the seven holes at the head of the hole.

Heisha let out a scream, spun rapidly in the air, and flew back into the air. Judging from his shape, he was a little shaky, obviously injured by my sudden attack.

"Are you from Tongtianmen?" He screamed in fear.

"That's right, I am not only the ancestor of the evil Buddha, but also a member of the blood-clothed sect of Tongtian. If you talk about evil and evil, who will compete with me in the world?" I felt an indescribable joy in my body, as if suppressing thousands of people. Ten thousand years, that madness makes me intoxicated.

When I was speaking, the blood on my body enveloped me like a flame, and I could even feel that something deep in my soul seemed to be awakened after drinking the Holy Water of Heisha God.

Maybe this is God's will. Everyone is saying that I will turn evil into righteousness and use evil to help the heavens. I have always been fighting against fate, but at this moment, the awakening of the blood Buddha made me understand that this is the true meaning of my life , the meaning of living.

To cure evil with evil, no matter what school or faction there is in the world, there are good and evil. Since ancient times, evil has prevailed over good, but my appearance will undoubtedly change everything.

The demonic body of the Tathagata Buddha, the blood-clothed dharma of the leader of Tongtian sect, the most evil of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism are all gathered in me, and I am the real evil king.

The evil body of Heisha God showed fear and excitement. I tore off the cat skin camouflage on my body and took off the longbow on my back. The Qi soared, forming a black cyclone at the tip of the arrow.

Although the evil spirit of Heisha God is only gathered by the spirit body, this spirit body has eaten so much blood food and ferocious energy. It was swallowed by me at this moment, and it was instantly fused by the blood Buddha and turned into my own use.

Thinking about the last time when absorbing Yandonglou's Dharma Protector Shenyuan, it took more than half a year to fully integrate, and absorbing the vitality of evil people such as Monk Kulong also fused extremely quickly.

I think I have figured out the way to advance by leaps and bounds, which is to absorb the evil spirit of evil people, the evil spirit of fierce gods, and the hostility, so as to cure evil with evil.

Heisha God was firmly locked by my arrow, unable to move. I have never been so relieved. The majestic evil god was suppressed by me like a bereaved dog. Although it was only a spiritual body, it gave me unprecedented confidence.

Heisha swished his whole body, fell to the ground, and turned into a black phantom. The phantom was the head of a sheep, with a goatee beard, but a strong body like a cow. It was covered with black scales, exuding Monstrous evil.

"King Qin can't, you and I are both members of the sect of Tongtian Dao Patriarch Jiejiao, how can we kill each other. Nowadays, the so-called decent sects and gods are all villains, and their viciousness is far superior to ours. There is no place for my Jiejiao disciples to survive, so we can't kill each other Ah." Heisha begged in pain.

I destroyed one of his evil gods, which undoubtedly obliterated a level of cultivation, and all the blood that his spiritual body has sucked for so many years was all in vain.

Over there, Niu Liyuan and Shaotian were fighting fiercely. Seeing that God Heisha actually asked me to surrender, she sternly shouted: "Evil God, you and I have an agreement with King Hei, don't break your promise, fight to the death with Qin Wushang, How can the majestic Heishamen submit to a layman."

The God of Heisha sternly shouted: "Shut up? The King of Qin is the evil Buddha of destiny. Only he can find the way to go to the third day, welcome the patriarch of heaven and master the universe."

"The Black King is also an evil killer, why did the evil god help him, Qin Wushang?" Niu Liyuan refused to accept the excuse, the green knife in her hand was full of evil spirits, obviously determined to fight with death.

He is an evil killer, but he will never be able to break the Dharma of Ksitigarbha. Only the blood Buddha, the body of the Buddha, can break through the obstacles of the underworld, find the way to the upper three days, rescue the Taoist ancestor Tongtian, and revive me. Intercept to teach Tianwei.

No, the black king is smart, and we have the help of the evil king. Once the black king understands life and death, are we afraid that we will have no chance?A resolute gleam flashed in Niu Liyuan's eyes, and she even did not hesitate to offend Heisha.

"Children can't be taught!" Heisha was extremely angry, but he was injured by my blood killing talisman at this time, and he no longer had the evil spirit to kill Niu Liyuan.

After all, it is just one spirit body. If thousands of spirit bodies become one and the real body descends, it will be a different matter.

"King Qin, I, the God of Heisha, would like to lead the Heisha Sect in the north and the King of Qin to prove the way with evil, and go to heaven and earth, and I will not hesitate to do so." The God of Heisha said awe-inspiringly.

I took a deep breath and tried my best to calm down the restlessness and evil spirit in my heart. I was just affected by the evil spirit, and my emotions were too arrogant. Now I calm down, I have to think about it.

Judging from the current situation, I am undoubtedly the nemesis of evil people. As I want to cultivate more diligently in the future, my actions will definitely become more evil and domineering. However, people who are not necessarily able to tolerate me may not be able to tolerate me. At least Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the true master of the next three days, will not let me go.

What's more, I am the descendant of King Zhang, the great supernatural being who assassinated King Zhang, although I can't confirm who he is, he will definitely stop me.

Perhaps it is with his acquiescence that the current evil king and black king have developed so rapidly.

Uncle Qi once said that the way of heaven follows people's hearts, and now the Taoist sect has lost people's hearts.

Zhang Wang and Seventh Uncle were able to conquer the world, in addition to the great help of Yangjian Xuanmen, and more importantly, the acquiescence of Dizang.

This Bodhisattva looks at everything in the world with cold eyes. The major events and people's hearts in the world are all in his Buddha's heart.

Will he allow me to enter the underworld and become the king of Jianye?
There was a chill all over my body, who could know what the Bodhisattva was thinking?Only when he is strong enough to fight against him, may he be able to control his own destiny and gain insight into all the secrets of the underworld.

I can't put all my hopes on the old foundation left to me by Uncle Seven and King Zhang. Instead, I should be like the puppet black king. Both good and evil must be in my hands, so that I can have the absolute right to speak and truly unite good and evil.

It has nothing to do with me, but in order to save my father from the evil king and for King Zhang, I dare to break through even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, not to mention only being in harmony with the evil god.

I proudly raised my head, usually Heisha God's spiritual body, put away my murderous intentions, "From today onwards, you Heisha God is my ally of Qin Wushang, but you can't call me King Qin, you can only call me Mara, Mara He is a demon, King Qin is a human being, do you understand what I say?"

God Heisha nodded, "Ma Luo is the evil body of the Buddha, why not. When the god returns to the north, he will make the evil bodies of all places follow Mara's decree and regard Mara as the deity."

Speaking of this, his blood-red pupils ignored the sky: "From now on, the name Mo Luo will make the next three days tremble, and you, Qin Wushang, are also destined to be the Lord of my evil gods, welcome back the Tongtian Taoist ancestor, and rule the whole three days. "

"The evil god is stupid. Since you are so obsessed with thieves, I will kill him and break your thoughts. The kitten will follow me to kill Qin Wushang." Niu Liyuan yelled, the green knife in her hand flickered with black energy, and stabbed me in the chest. Come.

I didn't dodge, and when she was almost in front of me, I raised my fingers, and Zhang Kitty's sharp claws shot out from behind her, and the sharp claws penetrated her chest, blood dripping out.

Niu Liyuan's knife stopped within an inch of my chest, she looked at the hand on her chest in disbelief, her eyes opened wide, and she slowly turned her head to look at Zhang Xiaomao.

(End of this chapter)

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