Dart Master

Chapter 265 The Ghost Tower

Chapter 265 The Ghost Tower
From the outside, the walls of this building look very old, covered with moss, and the walls are cracked in many places, and the traces of water stains are particularly obvious. This is a typical abandoned old building.

What I can't understand is why Niu Liyuan would date someone here. Logically speaking, a woman like her who loves cats should be extremely clean and picky. Is there any way to do this?

The fat man glanced around, and said to me vigilantly, "Brother Qin, this is the building."

I nodded, and the fat man walked to the edge of the iron fence, shook it vigorously a few times, adjusted one of the iron rods, got in, and waved at me.

I followed and walked in. The building is not big, it is a two-story tube building.

Jiangdong University has a history of more than a hundred years. It is rumored that it used to be the residence of a professor of archeology. Later, for unknown reasons, the old professor committed suicide by burning charcoal in the building.

Later, some teachers moved into this old house one after another, but they all died strangely.

The most tragic one was a courageous college student who didn't believe in evil. He came to the house in the middle of the night, but Zaiye didn't go out. When the police found him, he was wearing a red Chinese wedding dress and hung himself on the beam. This has become a famous haunted house, and no one dares to live in it anymore.

Niu Liyuan has always been a very special existence in school. She is a loner, widowed and has no friends. If Fatty had such a nickname and followed her for many days, he would not have found her appearing in this place.

When I walked into the corridor, a gloomy air rushed towards my face. Water was dripping and leaking in the corridor. Because the haunted house was extremely quiet, the sound of the ticking water was like hitting the heart, which made people feel panic.

There are two rooms on the second floor, the doors are old and dilapidated, and there are a few mouse holes below, and the white yin is coming out from the inside.

The fat man pointed to the room on the left and said, "Mr. Niu probably had a date in this room, because I took the picture from the tree outside at that time, it was a little far away, and it was through the window, so it was not very clear."

I pushed open the door on the left, and the inside was very clean, not as messy as I imagined.

The house is not small. On the left is a bookshelf, which is empty. All the books should have been recycled by the school. The writing on the seal on the glass cabinet has faded and blurred.

There is a small bed next to the window. The bed is very tidy, but there is no quilt. I looked up at the beam of the house. There is a small hook on it, which should be used to hang the old-fashioned ceiling fan.

Seeing me looking up at the ceiling, the fat man reminded me in a low voice: "It is said that the student who died was hanged on this ceiling. I heard that he died in a miserable state. His tongue was more than three inches long, which is scary."

Deng Qingsheng was also shivering at the side, and hurriedly told the fat man to shut up.

With my current cultivation base, I am naturally not afraid of ordinary ghosts, but when I heard the fat man say this, I also felt creepy, especially the chill on my neck, as if someone was blowing a dark wind behind my head.

I went to the window and took a look at the tree opposite. I don’t know when the tree was full of crows. When I saw them, they all screamed and flew away.

"It was next to this small bed. The window was covered at that time. Teacher Niu would cover half of the window every time, so I could only take a little bit of it." The fat man said.

I walked to the side of the small bed, the bed was very tidy, I bent down and carefully searched for the remaining clues, but there was nothing, not even a strand of hair.

However, a trace of residual fragrance came into my nose. Because of my talent, I am extremely sensitive to various smells, especially the faint fragrance on the pillow. Although there is only a little bit of it, I am very familiar with it. .

It was left by Ziyi.

That is to say, this place is indeed a stronghold of Hei Wang and Niu Liyuan, and they also have an affair. Zi Yi should have been placed here briefly by Hei Wang.

Judging from the smell, it should have been a day or two, that is, the night I quelled the calamity of the cat demon, Ziyi may have been brought to Jiangdong.

I continued to search for traces in the room. What is so unusual about this house? Why do all the occupants die strangely? Hei Wang and Niu Liyuan chose the university as their base?

Ding dong, I seem to have stepped on something inadvertently, and at first glance, it is a brazier.

I bent down and took out the brazier from under the desk. It had turned pitch black due to long-term burning of charcoal, and the brazier looked like it was heavy.

"Brother Qin, isn't this the basin where the old professor committed suicide by burning charcoal?" Deng Qingsheng asked me in a low voice behind him.

I signaled them to stop talking, and with a flash of blood in my palm, the black dirt on the copper basin wall was melted away, and the bottom wall of the copper basin was clearly displayed.

There are some strange murals painted on the wall of the copper basin. The murals are very bloody. They are all headless corpses. There is a certain law.

This copper basin should have been left by the professor, because he was the first to die. At that time, it was determined that he had burned too much charcoal and died suddenly. It was not a big deal to die at that time, so it did not cause too much trouble. With much attention, the copper basin has been preserved.

I rubbed my fingers on the copper basin, and the murals on the basin were very layered. Inadvertently, I felt a huge pain in my fingertips. When I saw it, my fingertips were dripping blood.

The drop of blood happened to fall on a headless corpse in the basin. I don’t know if I misread it. I seemed to see the headless corpse moving a bit, but when I checked carefully, there was no movement at all. .

"Brother Qin, let's go, this place is too crowded." The fat man crossed his arms and suggested to me with some fear.

I quickly rummaged through the room again, but didn't find any useful clues. The only thing that made me feel a little relieved was that Ziyi had appeared here, which at least proved that she was still alive.

Her fate is very strange, and now I can only hope that the black king will not know.

"Let's go." I walked out the door with a copper basin, and greeted Fatty and Deng Qingsheng.

I don't know why, but I always feel like there are a pair of eyes staring at me in the dark, exuding cold hostility, like a hunter staring at his prey.

I know that my battle with the Black King has already begun, but sooner or later, I will find out his prototype and rescue Zi Yi.

Back at the police station, I handed the copper basin to Feng Er. Feng Er carefully looked at the copper basin without blinking his eyes, staring at it for half an hour.

"Come on, follow me to the file room." Feng Er stood up and said.

When he arrived at the archives room, Feng Er began to retrieve the case files of Jiangdong University. After reading them, his expression was extremely serious.

Jiangdong University has been established for a long time, with a very long history. There are thick piles of files on the table. Feng Er is a very sitting person.

He will check every file carefully. I don't have such patience as him, and my scalp becomes numb after seeing so many materials.

"Wu Shang, don't be so fussy here, you can't finish reading these files without spending some time. This is my order, you go to contact the shadows everywhere, and do it for the day when the gates of hell are opened and all ghosts go out." Get ready, let them temporarily put down everything they are doing these days, and concentrate on drawing symbols and polishing magical instruments. I have a hunch that this July [-]th will be more dangerous than before, if it is not serious, Jiangdong will perish." Feng Er raised his head from the file and warned me.


I couldn't sit still, walked out of the police station, found Shaotian in the front hall, asked him and me to find the Yin-Wai one by one according to the booklet.

The shaman is a special existence in the Taoist ghost world. Unlike the people in the Taoist world, the shaman in the ghost world stays more in the secular world and has his own life and status.

The last time the ghosts went out, Uncle Qi was not Yan Jun at the time, and he had just become the judge of Jiangdong, leading more than 100 ghosts in Jiangdong to stop the catastrophe.

There are around 150 shady men on the list, but when I went to find them, most of them turned me down.

Jiangdong has never had city gods and judges, and Yinmen have no unified orders. Those who have a strong sense of responsibility have always kindly caught ghosts and exorcised evil spirits. Most of the Yinmen have been affected by the corruption of Taoist hearts, and the ghost world has also been affected. It's all the same thing. A gesture of indifference and indifference.

(End of this chapter)

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