Dart Master

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

How could the ghost building dig out the dead? Who was so coincidental that he came up with the idea of ​​the ghost building in these two days? No, it seems that this is a trap set by the black king. Is he going to trigger the twelve killings in advance?

This is entirely possible. Since the black king has set up a game and completely took the lead at every step, he probably knew that I would come here to stay here, so he simply ended the formation ahead of schedule.

But I'd like to see how he got together the No. 12 Pig Phase Killing Calamity.

When Shaotian and I rushed to the ghost building, there were students surrounded outside. When I squeezed to the front, I saw that the ghost building had been pulled down, and a huge hole was dug in the ground.

But there are twelve series of tombs in the pit, which are shaped like a copper basin, and they are strangely connected to form a semicircle. In the middle is a large bluestone wheel that looks like a stone mill, and it is full of dense runes.

In the twelve pits, there were eleven corpses. Each corpse was naked, male and female. Judging from the skin of the corpse, it looked like a person who had just died, neither decayed nor transformed.

All the stones were decapitated and placed in strange poses in the tomb.And their heads are neatly placed on the big bluestone wheel according to eleven directions.

Each head kept the horrible appearance before death, extremely hideous, only the head of the old man on the far left was wearing a sinister smile.

I don't know why, when I looked at him, I seemed to feel him sneering.

He should not have been murdered, but committed suicide. If I'm not mistaken, that gloomy old man's head is Zhao Qiankun, the grandfather of the Zhao family.

It has been more than 100 years, and the corpses have not melted, which shows how sinister this bureau is. It's just that these ignorant students are still watching the fun here, completely unaware that they are likely to be infected with corpse evil.If it is light, the fortune will decline, and if it is heavy, it will be death.

"It's so scary. No wonder it's haunted. So many people died."

"Yeah, where are their heads?"

"Don't look at it, it's dirty."

The students chattered together, and many of them took out their cameras to take pictures.

After digging out so many corpses, the driver of the excavator was also dumbfounded. The excavator stopped aside, and the shovel didn't know where to drop it.

Since the school is a bit far from the police station, it has been a while since the body was dug up, and no one has come to martial law until now, not even a cordon around the pit.

In such a big school, there are not many security guards, which is really evil.

Everyone disperse, be careful of cheating corpses, I came to find you in the middle of the night, Deng Qing yelled at the top of his voice.

Although the students were a little surprised, they laughed more, and no one believed it at all.

I opened my Night Demon Eyes to look at those corpses, but I saw that black gas was shining on each corpse, and the one with the thickest black gas was the first one. His long spear symbol should be Mr. Zhao.

These corpses already had extremely strong evil spirits. Once awakened, each corpse would be extremely destructive evil corpses.

By this time, most of the onlookers had already been injured by the corpse, and it was useless for me to persuade them. I could only stare at the last grave.

The blood in my whole body is ready to go, and I search the crowd with keen eyesight, and my energy is released, looking for suspicious people from the Taoist sect.

There were too many students. At this time, my eyes fell on Fatty Sun, who was squatting in the front and taking pictures frantically with his camera.

This grandson is indeed a pervert, the camera focuses on headless female corpses in the pit, judging from the wretched expression on his face, I really want to slap this grandson to death.

But my target is more on the driver of the excavator. He exudes a strong black air all over his body. He should be evil. Judging from his appearance, he should be in his early 40s. Judging by the zodiac, it is very likely. It is a pig.

Could it be that the final murder should be on this unlucky ghost?

I always feel a little familiar with the evil spirit on his body. When I think about it carefully, isn't it just the plague poison of the plague snake?

The poison on this driver's body has become stronger. It seems that after the seven kills in the express store last time, the plague snake has become more poisonous. It is very likely that the plague snake has already taken shape during the time I went to Xichuan.

"King Qin, don't panic, there is a kitten here, the plague snake can't make any waves." The fierce cat in Shaotian's arms whimpered, and the sound came into my ears.

As the saying goes, a dragon and a tiger fight, and the plague snake and the fierce cat are also natural rivals.

My gaze fell firmly on the driver, and suddenly the big tree next to him snapped and fell towards the excavator, and at the same time, all the crows on the tree screamed and flew away.

The corpse pit was horrifying at first, but the crowd of crows screamed in terror for an instant, which shocked everyone, and many girls screamed in fear.

Fear is contagious, and all the people around the pit were panicked. Those who retreated in front collided with those who wanted to squeeze in to watch the excitement, and the scene was very complicated for a while.

The evil spirit in the pit is getting heavier and heavier, and I can even see those black evil spirits condensed together, thick red and purple, spreading in all directions.

I was about to help the driver when Fatty Sun stood up. He was the closest to the pit. When he turned around and saw me, he didn't know whether he was guilty or afraid. He staggered and fell to the ground. down.

His body was already round, but this time he rolled, he just fell into the pit.

Fatty Sun is also a clever man, struggling to climb out of the pit, the evil spirit in the pit is like tentacles, densely penetrated into the fat man's seven holes and limbs, the fat man was too frightened, he struggled twice Can't get up either.

Fatty Sun had a look of despair. He clearly felt that the god of death was approaching him, so he couldn't help but shouted at me: "Brother Qin, save me, save me!"

Of course I wouldn't let him die in this pit, just as I was about to save him, a chill of evil came from my back.

I looked back and saw a black arrow of qi pierced through the forest. The qi is weak, and the opponent used feminine strength, but it was extremely vicious and powerful. The person who shot this arrow is definitely not as good as me Down.

The air arrows pierced through more than a dozen people behind me in a row, but their energy remained undiminished, and they shot straight at me.

The student who was hit by the arrow vomited blood and fell to the ground on the spot, but no scars could be found from their wounds, because this person used soft and vigorous arrows, which are not comparable to the blood-killing arrows I shot.

Of course I didn't dare to use my body to catch it hard, so I had to turn around, and at the same time as I turned sideways, the Buddhist Vajra Finger grabbed the arrow and forcibly snatched it off.

My palms ached from the strong qi, but it failed to hurt my meridians. When I touched the Buddha's light, it disappeared into nothingness.

I saw a black shadow flashing through the forest, "Shaotian, catch the person who shot the arrow."

Shaotian knew how to chase into the woods, and the fierce cat followed closely.

In just a short time, when I turned around, I only heard heart-piercing screams from all around me, and an unimaginable scene appeared before my eyes.

The original bucket of the excavator suddenly shoveled down heavily, without deviation, just at the neck of Fatty Sun, and chopped off his head in unison. Fatty Sun's body happened to be lying in the pit, and The head that was carried away landed firmly on the big bluestone wheel.

Everything was so seamless, I still couldn't stop the Twelve Kills.

The Black King asked me to focus my main attention on the excavator driver who was covered in evil spirits and cursed by the plague, but it was actually the unlucky Fatty Sun.And the person who shot the arrow in the dark grasped the timing precisely, leaving me with no time to spare, which caused the tragedy.

Fatty Sun is greedy for windfalls and lustful for women, but he never thought that he would suffer misfortune because of this and fill his face with pigs.

Deng Qingsheng stood beside me, he was a little stupid, he covered his mouth and retched, tears streaming down his face.

"Qingsheng, what year is Fatty Sun from?" I grabbed him, patted his back, and asked anxiously.

Deng Qingsheng said a year, and when I counted it, I felt dizzy for a while. The damned Fatty Sun is really a pig, and he happened to be robbed and killed by a pig.

The big bluestone wheel whirled, and Fatty Sun's broken neck was still spraying hot blood. Suddenly, the evil spirits of the twelve corpses gathered towards the wheel at the same time, and the twelve heads also turned along with it. The jet-black hair of several of the female corpses danced with the wind, how evil the scene was.

(End of this chapter)

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