Dart Master

Chapter 270

Chapter 270
That's right, Niu Liyuan is usually very cold, even when she smiles, it's not surprising that she is a little cold.But through her deadly exchange with the black king that night, she did not hesitate to turn against her sect master Heisha God, and her respect for the special envoy in front of the stone temple and the tenderness in her eyes when she mentioned the black king.

I can conclude that she is not a heartless person, but just has a soft spot. If Dean Zeng is the Black King, how could her eyes be so cold.

With Niu Liyuan's character, she would definitely not play around with others like this. Thinking about it this way, when she took these photos, she should have been extremely reluctant, so there was no joy in her heart, only disgust.

Whoever wants to pour the dirty water of the ghost building on Dean Zeng is the one who is really related to the Black King.

Dean Zeng is most likely a scapegoat, but why did he commit suicide?Could it be that he was really afraid that I would find out the truth, or that the Twelve Killing Tribulation Formation had already been completed so he chose to commit suicide.

Zhao Dongyang squatted on the ground and retched for a while, spit out a few mouthfuls of jaundice juice, stood up, and lamented with tears all over his face: "I really didn't expect Dean Zeng to end up like this."

After finishing speaking, he cried bitterly, and said while crying: "He has always loved to practice these evil techniques. I have repeatedly advised him not to take risks, but he insisted on not listening. I never thought that..."

So eager to lead everything to Dean Zeng so quickly, it seems that this black king has underestimated me too much. If it was a few months ago, I might have recklessly listened to what Zhao Dongyang said, or I would have been fooled by these false rumors. confused by evidence.

But after what happened in Xichuan, I am no longer the old Qin Wushang. Zhao Dongyang and the Black King underestimated me, and they will definitely pay a heavy price.

"Don't look for Shaotian. Dean Zeng is the man in black. The evidence is solid. He has already completed the Twelve Kills. Damn villain, he should be hacked into pieces. It's really cheap for him." I looked Looking at Dean Zeng who had turned into a smelly slime, he cursed viciously.

Shaotian echoed: "Brother Wushang is right, if Shaotian catches him, the kitten will definitely bite him hard."

Seeing my indignation, Zhao Dongyang's eyes flashed a gleam of joy, but the expression on his face was still extremely sad, more painful than the death of his own father.

"Director Zhao, I hope you will go back to the police station to make a statement about Dean Zeng's matter, especially about his practice of magic. You must also explain in detail to those who have contacts with him." I Looking at him coldly, his eyes were full of anger.

Zhao Dongyang nodded quickly, "Dean Zeng has caused such a big trouble, and the whole college has suffered because of him. I will definitely explain the truth to the police."

Back at the police station, Xue Muze bumped into me with someone.

This man was murderous and cold, wearing a black Chinese tunic suit, slightly curly long hair, drooping at the corners of his eyes, extremely gloomy and cold, he was actually Zhao Heizi whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

Zhao Heizi was getting colder and colder. Standing there, he was like a sharp sword, showing his sharpness and chilling people's hearts.

I don't know why, but every time I see Zhao Heizi, I feel even more unfamiliar. He exudes a cold and arrogant air with his hands behind his back, like a king, majestic and serious, and he doesn't look like a dull boy who walked darts with me in the past.

"King Qin!" Xue Muze was very excited and happy to see me, and hurriedly bowed his hands.

"Master Xue, my brother, you don't have to be so polite in this world." I smiled slightly and raised my hand.

"King Qin, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Zhao, the Taoist director of Jiangdong. Mr. Zhao is a great person. Our Azure Dragon Gang can gain a firm foothold in Jiangdong, thanks to the care of him and Mr. Feng." Xue Muze Introduced.

I have always had brotherhood towards Zhao Heizi, especially in Piaomiao City, he tried his best to fight back against the enemy in order to save me, but was finally captured by Mr. Ma and almost lost his life.

I thought he would be the best brother in my life, but I was wrong. Ever since I got out of Baiqiao, Bai Ling left me, and Zi Yi appeared, he seemed to be a different person, fighting against me everywhere.

Every time he met me, he was extremely contemptuous and contemptuous, and he didn't pay attention to me at all. Moreover, he became colder and more murderous. Several times I could feel that he wanted to kill me.

If it wasn't for my cultivation level increasing day by day, I really doubt that he would kill me.

Ziyi said, Zhao Heizi probably hated because of love, because he was born on the same day, but I can get all the best, but he can only be the clown behind me silently. Bai Ling detonated, making me the person he hates and hates the most.

I am a very affectionate person, and I don't want to make the relationship irretrievable. In my heart, I still really want to restore this former life and death brother.

I have thought many times, if I will always be just a small bodyguard master, and he, me, and Bai Ling are just walking darts, maybe the three of us will always be an iron triangle.

But fate is cruel, it makes everyone go to a different path, and goes farther and farther until they become strangers.

I stretched out my hand to Zhao Heizi sincerely, Zhao Heizi's eyes flashed coldness and contempt, he raised his head and sneered, as if ignoring me.

I withdrew my hand in embarrassment, feeling like a knife was piercing my heart. I knew that the brotherhood might come to an end.

"King Qin, Mr. Zhao, you..." Xue Muze walked around the Xuanmen for a long time, and he could naturally see that Zhao Heizi and I seemed to be at odds.

"Master Xue, Mr. Zhao is a flag guard of my Huangquan Security Bureau, not an outsider." I smiled, and after I finished speaking, I walked past Zhao Heizi with my head held high.

You want to suppress me, but as long as the Huangquan Escort Bureau is open for one day, and you, Zhao Heizi, receive the dart flag when you open the dart, you will always be just a flag guard under my command. Don't even think about riding on my head, my heart is cold .

The moment I passed by him, I clearly felt that the murderous aura on Zhao Heizi's body became more and more dignified.

When we arrived at the police station, Zhao Dongyang was taking a statement, and Feng Er called me and Zhao Heizi away, wanting to discuss school matters.Just as he was about to speak, I interrupted him, pretending to be depressed, and said, "There's no need to analyze, the murderer disturbed me, completely turned into a twelve-kill robbery, and then committed suicide. The overall situation is over, Mr. Feng should arrange Jiangdong's defense earlier matter."

"Mr. Feng, if there is nothing else, I'll go back first." I gave Zhao Heizi a cold look, turned around and left.

Feng Er opened his mouth, but didn't let me go.

As soon as I arrived at the rental house, Xue Muze followed me in, and asked a little puzzled: "King Qin, you seem to have a gap with Mr. Zhao."

I waved my hand, "It's nothing, old Xue, how did you know Zhao Heizi?"

Xue Muze hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhao is in Fengquan. You are very famous in the hometown of King Qin, and he is very familiar with Mr. Feng. With Mr. Feng as his guarantee, his character is naturally trustworthy, so he usually takes care of you." , and the walk is relatively close.”

"How close is it? Did you even discuss with him the place where the incense is hidden and the place where Beishan is on guard?" I slapped the table and shouted angrily.

Xue Muze was shocked, and said with some astonishment: "King Qin, it is true. Mr. Zhao has an old relationship with you. I have inquired about what happened to you in Misty City, so I thought you were in a relationship of life and death, and had no defense against him. ..."

"Could it be that something went wrong, please let me know."

Thick beads of sweat oozed from Xue Muze's forehead, and he realized how serious a mistake he had made.Because he had just arrived in Jiangdong, he had discussed with Zhao Heizi almost all the vital plans of the Qinglong Gang.

I can't say what's wrong or not, I feel that Zhao Heizi's heart is too deep, and I always feel that he seems to have some kind of conspiracy.

In particular, the Twelve Killing Tribulations were established by the Zhao family's grandparents, and Zhao Heizi's talent is very similar to mine, and his aura of kingship is becoming more and more obvious.

In the past when I was in Jiangdong, I was always designed by others. I once doubted Zhao Heizi, but denied it again, because I still have a brotherly feeling for him in my heart.

But today he completely chilled me, I could clearly feel his strong murderous intent when passing by his side.

He wants me dead!The person who wants me dead the most is Black King. If I am killed, he will be able to control Jiang Dong and Qishu's old department as Seventh Uncle's successor with the support of Feng Er and other people who don't know.

(End of this chapter)

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