Dart Master

Chapter 272

Chapter 272
I walked into the file room, and Feng Er was pacing back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back. When he saw me walking in, he pointed at me and said, "Boy, what's going on with you today?"

What was Mr. Feng referring to? I pulled up a chair and sat down.

Feng Er snorted coldly, stop playing sloppy with me here, what's going on with you and Zhao Heizi?Don't think the old man can't see it.

I was a little annoyed and said, you can see it and ask?That's right, he's my seventh uncle's disciple, strictly speaking, he's your old man's disciple.Otherwise, how could it be so lucky, Jiangdong Xuanmen director can sit on such an important position, and you are the old man as a backer, so naturally everything is aboveboard and represents the authenticity of Xuanmen.

Feng Er saw that I looked unhappy and spoke with a hint of sarcasm, so he was a little annoyed and said: "Boy, just say what you have to say, I, Feng Er, only deal with things and not people, if you think there is something wrong with Zhao Heizi, don't talk about him It's my grandson, even the heavenly king Lao Tzu, I won't let you be lightly appointed as the second."

Feng Er and Lao Bagong are both Seventh Uncle's masters, but Seventh Uncle's real heir is Bai Chaoyang, and Zhao Heizi and I have no serious skills taught by Meng Qishu. What my uncle taught me is more of the experience of walking in Taoism.

Therefore, in Feng Er's eyes, Zhao Heizi and I have the same status, Zhao Heizi is capable, and during the time I was not in Jiangdong, he was highly valued by Feng Er.

When I deny Zhao Heizi, I undoubtedly deny Feng Er's vision.

When Feng Er dealt with the plague snake, he was very dissatisfied with Zhao Heizi for killing his uncle Zhao Dasheng, but as time goes by, people will gradually get used to it and be paralyzed, and he is no exception.

"Mr. Feng, I know that you are the defender of Taoism's orthodox sect, but I was born possessed by Moluo, and I will eventually join forces with evil. This is also the reason why Uncle Seven gave up on me. You so-called decent sects, be wary of me." , I, the successor of King Zhang, am not recognized by you, am I?" I sneered.

The expression on Feng Er's face was extremely cold. When I returned to Jiangdong, I went around the ghost world. From the attitude of the ghosts towards me, I knew that even Uncle Qi stood up and spoke out for me, because my demon Luo Xie's body, these so-called decent people, will not buy my account, they will only be wary of me and fear me.

There is no balance between good and evil, this is an eternal truth.

"That's right, the old man is not very optimistic about you, because one day you will be devoured by the evil Buddha and become an evil puppet. But you can't blame him. If he abandons you, he won't go to Kunlun with his body to find success." The Way of Immortals. His mission has already been completed, there is no need to go into this muddy water again. So, you can't say that about him." Feng Er stared at me coldly and said.

Feng Er said that he was referring to Uncle Qi, who was brutally fighting openly and secretly every day. I haven't thought about Uncle Qi for a long time.

Did he go to Kunlun to help me?

In my ears came the words of Uncle Seven when he left Piaomiao City for the last time: "Heaven owes me, and I will not fail heaven."

Yes, under the blessing of God Guan, he can live the rest of his life in peace with the Holy Maiden of the Little Moon.Why are you in such a hurry to go to the dangerous place of Kunlun?

Uncle Qi, what kind of person are you?

"You and Zhao Heizi are both extremely talented people. If we can join forces to defend Jiangdong, it will be Jiangdong's blessing." Feng Er said with a broken heart.

"Mr. Feng, in this catastrophe, you can choose either me or Zhao Heizi. The two of us cannot coexist." I put my hands on the table and looked at Feng Er firmly.

Feng Er frowned and asked, "Wu Shang, now is not the time to be impulsive. Defending Jiangdong is the top priority. I hope you can understand what is more important than personal grievances and public safety."

"Mr. Feng, you are wrong. I am not acting out of passion, but I suspect that Zhao Heizi is the Black King. He is the puppet that the Yin Division Xie Wang and Bai Wuchang are looking for. Do you dare to use such a person?" I asked.

Feng Er was stunned and looked at me in disbelief. Obviously, he couldn't believe my words at all.

"Do you have evidence?" Feng Er asked me.

Zhao Heizi is now the director of Jiangdong Xuanmen, under his management, and because he is likely to be the black king, there is no shortage of funds and elite subordinates.Now in Jiangdong area, he can have the final say.

If he is the black king, it will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to Feng Er, because all this is because of him for Zhao Heizi.Zhao Heizi held his banner, and with money and means, Jiang Dongzao fell into his hands secretly.

I don't have one, but I will soon, I said.

Mr. Feng, Zhao Taigong set up today's situation for his descendants more than 100 years ago, and why Zhao Heizi killed his own uncle, because he wanted to kill people.

Zhao Dasheng is a desperado, in exile, who else has the ability to bring them back besides him.

It is precisely because he is the black king and the Yin Division replaced my puppet, so he made a wish to Zhao Dasheng and his son to be officials, and the father and son desperately helped him, but they were silenced by him in the end.

Here's the proof, I shouted.

Feng Er shook his head and said, "No, this is all your conjecture, not evidence. You..."

I raised my hand and interrupted Feng Er. I know that Zhao Heizi has gained his trust and has become his indispensable right-hand man. If I don't return to Jiangdong, Zhao Heizi must be Feng Er's number one choice to defend Jiangdong this time. .

"I don't want to argue about this issue any more. The right and wrong will always come to light one day, and you will see." I said.

Feng Er also calmed down, "Okay, I have two news, old man, one good news and one bad news."

I said, let's talk about the bad first.

Feng Erdao: "The bad news is that the judge's order has not yet been found, and it is impossible to order all the shady men."

The judge's order was lost by Uncle Qi in Baiqiao. According to what Ziyi said at the time, Uncle Qi was captured on purpose. How could Uncle Qi hand over such an important thing as the judge's order to Li Zhongyuan.

Thinking about it this way, Uncle Qi probably gave it to Zhao Heizi, and Li Zhongyuan held the fake token in his hand which was most likely made by Uncle Qi.That is to say, when Li Zhongyuan died, what the man in black assassinated and took away from me was fake.

Really, it was on Zhao Heizi, because at that time Uncle Seven was only with Zhao Heizi.

Just like Feng Er, even though Uncle Seven was devoted to me at that time, he didn't dislike Zhao Heizi, and regarded him as his apprentice, and often taught Zhao Heizi.

I'm afraid, he also never thought that Zhao Heizi would become the Black King!
I even suspected that in Misty City, the defender who arrested me with my portrait in his hand and revealed my whereabouts was Zhao Heizi.Otherwise, I would have escaped from Piaomiao City in Xiangjia's caravan long ago, why would my seventh uncle almost lose his life for me, and we would be separated from then on.

"Don't think about it, the judge's order is in the hands of Zhao Heizi, and he will definitely summon Jiangdong Yinhou as he wishes the day after tomorrow to show his might." I sneered.

Feng Er thought I was just talking angrily and glared at me with some displeasure, "The good news is that the old man has checked the information, and the ten halls of hell are connected with the nine halls. Since the first hall, King Jiang of Qin Guang, blocked it." The connection between King Chu Jiang of the Second Palace and Yin and Yang."

The first hall is the so-called Yin Division in Taoism, and the Yin Division should be the ten halls, but the other nine halls cannot pass through the first hall and Qin Guangwang's site to connect with Yang, so they are not known to the world.

On the other hand, almost most of the ghosts who arrived at Qin Guangwang Palace were either conscripted into Yin soldiers or became ghost people. The other nine palaces could not catch ghosts at all, except for some Qin Guang Wang who was afraid of affecting the Yin Division and was not easy to educate and manage. The evil ghosts and fierce ghosts will be assigned to the lower nine temples.

Since then, the other nine temples are the land of evil spirits, and there are very few ghosts.

This is likely to be a ruling method of Qin Guang Wang Jiang. Without ghost soldiers, he cannot conquer, which poses a threat to Qin Guang Wang's position as the god king.

It will be even more serious when King Zhang succeeds to the throne. Ordinary ghosts will all rush to the army or become ghost people.The other nine halls don't even grow old.

Therefore, the Yin Division has become more and more prosperous and large, the scale of each city has also become magnificent, and the trade with Yang has become more frequent. If Zhang Wang was not captured and the Yin Division changed dramatically, the Yin Division would only develop faster.

"It is almost impossible for the corpse demon to come to the realm of King Zhang who pierces through the Yin Division and come to Jiangdong. This copper basin is likely to be the magic weapon to open the Twelve Killing Formation. But according to the old man's search of Xuanmen files, there is no King Qin Guang's blood for it. Yin, the formation will not work."

Speaking of this, Feng Er flicked on the copper basin, "The copper basin is here with us, King Zhang was captured again, and you are here, so even if the Twelve Killing Tribulation Formation is activated, the corpse demon will not be able to appear."

After Feng Er finished speaking, I sat down on the chair.

Where is this good news, for me, it is simply a nightmare.

(End of this chapter)

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