Dart Master

Chapter 283

Chapter 283
At the moment when the ghost horse soared into the sky, everything in time seemed to stop.

The corpse demon and all the ghosts stopped roaring, Yan Donglou and the city guards were all stunned as I drove my horse towards the insurmountable Yan Junshi, almost suicidally.

My ears are full of wind, this moment is so long for me, the ups and downs of life and death, fame and fortune are all in this short second.

I felt the neighing sound of Ming Ma, and when I opened my eyes, Yan Junshi was already in front of me, and Uncle Qi’s stern and calm face was facing me. I’m afraid he would never have imagined that although Jiangdong today strengthened Xiongguan, However, due to the great loss of people's hearts, it is inevitable to face the disaster of extinction.

Mingma's foot strength is indeed extraordinary, but it can only jump about four feet, and it is an insurmountable two feet from the top of Yan Jun's cliff.

I thought it was over!
"Seventh uncle bless me!"

Bang, the ghost horse still inevitably fell down and hit the statue.


My heart was ashamed, and when I looked back, there was a distance of several feet, as long as I fell, the dense ghosts would definitely tear me apart alive.

However, to my surprise, I just felt that when I jumped, the Ming horse actually landed on its hooves.

I saw its body standing like a bow, its four hooves were tightly together, and it landed on a stone ball.

I lowered my head to see what kind of stone ball it was, and it was clearly Qishu's outstretched palm. This carved mural should be Qishu's final mobilization to the Yinmen during the final decisive battle when he was defending Jiangdong, but He didn't know that this inadvertent reaching out saved his nephew's life.

God bless me, thank you Seventh Uncle!
I was overjoyed, gathered all the energy in my body, exerted strength with the ghost horse almost at the same time, tightened the reins of the ghost horse, and the ghost horse, like a compressed spring, roared and bounced towards the top of the cliff with me.


Ming Ma landed steadily on the top of Yan Jun's cliff!

I rode on the horse and looked down coldly at the corpse demon, Yan Donglou and others below, laughing wildly.

All the ghosts were stunned, silently looking at my stern, arrogant king figure in the dark wind.

"I am Qin Wushang, the blood lotus king god. I am the king of Qin Guang. Who can do anything to me? Who can do anything to me! Haha!"

I started laughing hysterically, the joyful feeling of escaping death was really exciting.

"Corpse demon, you dare to step into Jiangdong and hurt one of my people. The day I ascend the throne will be the day when all the ghosts in your second hall will be scattered."

"Yandonglou, I, Qin Wushang, will be your nightmare from today on!"

"Ha ha!"

Dark clouds hovered above my head, and purple lightning flashed through the clouds.

As soon as I lifted the reins, Mingma felt my kingly spirit and neighed. While I laughed wildly, I rode the horse down the steep mountain road on the other side of the cliff, and headed straight to the river amidst the sound of thunder. Sailors go.

The pressure on Cai Xiaoqi’s navy is relatively light. The Cai family’s navy has been an elite division since the Eastern Han Dynasty. If it hadn’t been for the killing of Jingzhou Admiral Cai Mao and the catastrophe of Chibi caused by Cao Cao’s iron chain, would history have been rewritten? It is also unknown.

As a descendant of Cai Mao, Cai Xiaoqi was also instructed by the ancestor of the water god, and was proficient in the art of controlling water. Although the water ghosts came riding the waves, they were aggressive, but they still failed to break through Cai Xiaoqi's defense line.

I rode my horse and rushed to the naval camp. As soon as I entered the camp, Mingma let out a painful neigh and fell to the ground, even Zhao Heizi and I fell heavily to the ground.


Mingma thumped a few times, and the purple flames all over his body gradually dimmed. His blood-red eyes looked at the unconscious Zhao Heizi, full of unwillingness and helplessness.

I know that after going through the great array of Yin ghosts, Mingma's Yin energy has been exhausted due to the attack of Yin ghosts and galloping, and at this moment, he is in a state of dying.

I got up from the ground, untied my clothes, and asked someone to carry Zhao Heizi into the barracks.

"You have completed the task, go." I patted Mingma's head, its soul turned into a purple streamer, slowly dissipated into nothingness, and completely turned into nothingness.

I put away its left saddle and bridle, and went into the barracks.

Cai Xiaoqi received the notification from his subordinates and rushed back to the camp, and was also surprised to see that I was covered in blood.

"No wound, how could this be?" She asked me with a frown as she healed my injury with the magic spell of the water god.

I bit my cigarette, and said numbly: "We lost Xiguan and Beiguan, and Mr. Feng was detained by Yandonglou. If I expected correctly, with Yandonglou's character, he would never stay and guard the city gates. Within half an hour, the sword gate will be broken."

As soon as I finished speaking, I only heard two loud bangs, followed by the miserable cries and the crazy, crazy and bloodthirsty carnival of ghosts everywhere in Jiangdong City.

Jiangdong was finally broken!

Numerous signal tubes shot up into the sky, and the green fireworks all over the sky were so bright and poignant in the dark night sky.

It was a signal for the Yinmen to call for help, but I was helpless, I was seriously injured, and Cai Xiaoqi was busy defending against the water ghosts, and she was at a loss for resources, and she only had [-] sailors to fight the Yinguis in the city. It can't be used much at all.

The ghosts have gone through the consumption of the west and north passes, and there are only five or six thousand left. If Xue Muze's Qinglong gang is present at this time, they may be able to resist.

But everything was in vain. He was bewitched by the black king and the demon girl, and the 2000 men and horses became decorations.

Zhao Heizi, Zhao Heizi, if you are really the Black King, what are you doing?

Seeing Jiangdong blazing into the sky, and ghosts crying and wolves howling, Cai Xiaoqi couldn't help but shed tears, and his expression was extremely sad. It seems that this iceberg beauty is actually soft and warm in his heart.

"Wu Shang, what shall we do now?" Cai Xiaoqi asked me.

"The ghosts will leave Jiangdong before dawn. As for how much the people in Jiangdong City will lose before dawn, only God can know." I exhaustedly stubbed out the cigarette butts and walked into the barracks.

Cai Xiaoqi sighed quietly, "Shaotian is still defending against water ghosts, before I go back to the formation first, I have recovered your trauma, you should adjust your breath quickly."

I nodded and watched Cai Xiaoqi walk out of the camp. I feel more relieved that Shaotian will protect her. This silly boy is becoming smarter now. Once he slowly awakens, he will definitely be an unrivaled God of War in the future.

Zhao Heizi is still in a coma, looking at his stern face, I am so strange.

He is cruel, unscrupulous, and used to be my life and death brother, but as soon as he opens his eyes, he will be my enemy.

He took away the purple clothes and attracted corpse demons, but he rushed forward to defeat the enemy regardless of his own life, regardless of life or death.

Hey, what kind of person are you?

I sighed secretly, shook my head, and sat down next to him cross-legged, with luck to heal my wounds and restore my blood, maybe when he wakes up, everything will be clear.

The corpse demon's blow had a force of ten thousand catties. Although I blocked it, it hurt my lungs and dantian. Fortunately, there was a blood lotus guarding it. Although it was serious, it would not become a cripple.

I cleared away distracting thoughts, tried my best not to think about the tragic scene in Jiangdong, and entered the Embryo Method. After absorbing the evil spirit of Heisha God, the lotus flower in Dantian seemed to have grown a lot, and the number of blood Buddha awakenings became more and more frequent.

One day, he will completely integrate into my dantian, blood, and soul, completely replace me, and become the real blood lotus king god.

But the me at that time, will I still be the Qin Wushang I am now?Feng Er said that I would eventually become Mo Luo's puppet, maybe by then, I would have lost my soul long ago.

There is only Mo Luo in the world, and no Qin Wushang!

Thinking about a talent that is considered powerful by others is undoubtedly a disaster for me. What could be more painful than losing my own soul and consciousness?

Uncle Qi saw this early on, so he wanted to protect me, and he was even more afraid that I would fall into evil ways, but fate cannot be changed by human power. King Zhang, who can rewrite fate in the world and open the nine cycles of reincarnation, himself suffered a catastrophe.

If I want to save myself, I can only rely on myself.

Only if I am strong enough to be equal to the Buddha and to be with the heaven and the earth, even if Mo Luo awakens, it will only be me, Qin Wushang, who will control the fate.

I don't know how long it took, but I came to my senses, and I took a little breath, and the blood was already smooth.

After this battle, I discovered that the Blood Lotus Moro is also extremely repellent to yin and filthy qi, and absorbs very little. This also comes from the evil spirits of the underworld. As comfortable as Heisha God, a pure evil and hostile god.

More importantly, my mortal body is too weak. Although the Aquarian Dharma body protection of the Lantern Scripture is far inferior to those who specialize in physical fitness.

My weak body has greatly restricted me in all aspects, and it is difficult to realize my potential.

(End of this chapter)

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