Dart Master

Chapter 290

Chapter 290

"What's the matter with Nie Yuan?" I asked.

The corpse demon shivered all over his body, "Nieyuan is a place where the underworld and the underworld meet, and there are so many evil spirits in the sky. Few people know where this place is, but there is no doubt that all the prisoners in it are Gods and demons, beasts, these are the taboos of the Yin Division, and they are not even allowed to be mentioned, and this general is just a mere general guarding the temple, how could he know."

"Qin Wushang, you can kill if you want, what's the matter with trapping this general here?" The corpse demon yelled impatiently.

Seeing that I couldn't get anything beneficial out of his mouth, I immediately poured the blood in the copper basin into the hole, and sternly shouted: "Corpse demon, I have the right to spare your life today, but I believe that soon, we will We will meet in the underworld."

The corpse demon said viciously: "I don't want to see you, the evil star, in this general's life."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Zhao Qiankun's head off his head and threw it by the side of the pit. The headless body sank into the hole.

The corpse demon itself cannot come to the yang world, he can only see the things in the yang world with the head of the twelve killings, and now the head has been completely destroyed, and he can no longer make waves if he stays in the yang world.

After putting away the copper basin and looking at the corpses all over the ground, I felt very uncomfortable in every possible way.

Feng Er will naturally take care of all of this, but Jiang Dong will definitely be seriously injured after this battle.

Whether all this is done by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the truth can only be explored by myself, the truth will never be heard, only by being in it and experiencing it with your heart, can you understand the true meaning of the matter.

I won't listen to Feng Er. On the contrary, in order to reveal the truth and save Ziyi, I will become stronger. Only those who grow up in adversity are truly strong.

When I returned to the riverside, the elite soldiers from Duzhai had already returned, and they were only interfering with the Yin soldiers returning to the ghost gate. After achieving their goal, they returned to the riverside and joined forces with Cai Xiaoqi.

The blood cloud receded and the sky cleared up. I sat on the side of the boat and watched the corpses floating on the river. My nose was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Cai Xiaoqi sat beside me quietly, I lit a cigarette, took a few puffs, and asked with a calm smile, "Xiaoqi, when are you going back to Jingzhou?"

She calmly said: "I have already told the sailors to prepare to break out of the camp, and we will set off immediately."

"No injury, Feng Er has already posted a notice, placing the main responsibility for Jiangdong's fiasco on you. From now on, it may be difficult for Xuanmen to have a foothold for you." Cai Xiaoqi raised his eyebrows, his expression extremely serious sad.

I knew that Feng Erhui would deal with the bad guys to the end before he retired, and he, Hei Wang and others will not give up unless they force me into evil ways.

"I know, are you disappointed?" I looked up and asked her.

Cai Xiaoqi shook his head: "I believe in you, but Xiaoqi is too soft-spoken and unable to uphold you. Although I inherited the position of head of the family when I was young, in fact, my uncle and the elders have always been in charge of the family, and I can't help it. This farewell , I don’t know when I can meet Brother Qin again.”

I can feel Cai Xiaoqi's sincerity. The hidden meaning of what she said is clear. After Feng Er removed me from the Taoist sect and ruined my reputation, she couldn't find a suitable reason to help me again.

There is no way, Feng Er's cultivation base is not the highest in Taoism, but he has the most right to speak. He said that I am black, so I can only go one way to the bottom.

"Xiaoqi, don't worry, one day I will come back and let justice burn on this land again." I looked at her and said seriously.

Cai Xiaoqi looked into my eyes, her eyes were a little red, and she was very sad: "Wu Shang, in fact, you are the most miserable person. You don't owe anyone, but you have to face frame, slander, and oppression all the time."

I stood up, looked at the vast sky with my hands behind my back, and said coldly: "Even if the whole world is against me and there is no light in the world, I will go on bravely and find my own light."

"Wu Shang, I will always believe in you. Goodbye, take care." Cai Xiaoqi stretched out her fair white hands and looked at me with firm eyes.

"Xiaoqi, goodbye." I shook hands with her, and her hand was bitingly cold.

"Sister Xiaoqi, goodbye." Shaotian put down the fierce cat in his arms, and bid farewell to Cai Xiaoqi reluctantly.

Leaving the ferry, Shaotian and I waved hands to watch Cai Xiaoqi's fleet disappear into the sky, feeling a kind of unspeakable pain in our hearts.

A confidant is rare in the world, and parting always makes people feel sad.

When I arrived at Du's army's camp, Du Wu, Hui Yue and others were drinking.

Seeing me walk in, Du Wu slapped the table and cursed: "Grandma, what a leg, Mr. Feng is really getting more and more confused as he gets older, and actually put the hat of Jiangdong City's fall on King Qin's head. I went to the city to find him to judge."

Feng Er is trying to push me into a desperate situation, but there is nothing I can do. In Taoism, you must have qualifications, face, or strength, so people will listen to your words.

Right now, my strength is weak, and some insidious and cunning people are fanning the flames. They wish to lose me as a strong competitor.Once Feng Er's hat is buckled, I'm afraid I will really be a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats me in Jiangdong in the future.

"No need, judging is useless. The weight of our few mouths is far less than Feng Er's." I raised my hand to signal Du Wu to calm down.

"Never mind him, I've always identified as the King of Qin for the rest of my life. When Yan Jun comes back in the future, let's see how this old man will face each other." Du Wu said angrily.

"Du Wu, have the arrangements been completed?" I asked.

Du Wu nodded, "The one surnamed Xue has already agreed to sell it to us for [-]%. Damn, for this matter, I spent a lot of gold and silver just to bribe the woman next to him. That's [-]%."

"Well, she is a member of the Tianxie Sect. These gold and silver will have a decisive influence on the Tianxie Sect in the future. If she can sell you [-]%, it is not bad." I laughed.

Jasmine belongs to Chen Ji, ambergris is extremely difficult to buy for the entire Taoist sect now, Xi Chuan has returned to Murong Yu's hands, it is even more difficult for Chen Ji and other members of the Tianxie sect to get ambergris Disaster.

Therefore, Jasmine impresses Xue Muze with her beauty, causing Xue Muze, who has always been shrewd, to lose his former glory and just settle for pleasure.

Jasmine became the actual controller of this batch of ambergris. If Xue Muze hadn't been in awe and had his own little calculations, he might not have moved the incense according to the plan, and fell into my plan.

"Go and talk to Jasmine again, let's go back to Beishan tonight, pay the money and deliver the goods." I knew it was time to give Xue Muze a hard medicine to help him "scratch the bone to heal the poison".

Du Wu chuckled: "Don't worry, tonight's scene will definitely be performed well, and it will be fun for King Qin."

I nodded!Du Wu took the order to go, and I took this opportunity to sneak into Jiangdong City again, wanting to see what's going on right now.

Under the call of Feng Er, Taoist people from all over the world came to Jiangdong one after another. When these guys defended the city, they were all shrunken turtles. When they criticized me, they were like tens of thousands of people in Jiangdong. It was me, Qin Wushang, who killed me, my hatred was overwhelming, and what I scolded was gnashing my teeth.

Someone even specially made a statue of me for people in the Taoist sect to scold.

Feng Er described me as heinous in order to completely drive me out of the sect of righteousness, destroy my influence in Yan Jun and Zhang Wang's lineage, and the hearts of people with lofty ideals all over the world to follow me.Let the Yin ghost enter the customs, use his trust in me to detain him and other shit bowls that originally belonged to Yandonglou, and all of them were detained on my head.

In fact, Feng Er is also a sensible person. Although Yan Donglou is a talented person, he is too conceited, and he is not very popular with the people.

And I, because I am the successor of Seventh Uncle and Zhang Wang, have made a name for myself in Xichuan, and people in the world have the highest voice for me to become the leader of the new generation of Taoism.

Therefore, it is far more effective for Feng Er to pin this shit pot on my head than to plant it on Yan Donglou.

In other words, all of what he did was aimed at me and drove me out of Taoism.

Looking at the turbulent Taoist people, including some sect masters and heads, under Feng Er's appeal, they signed the Xuanmen hunting order to strangle Qin Wushang.

I squeezed out of the crowd, looked at Feng Er who was sitting on the platform in Jiangdong Square, who was furious, and was speechless with contempt.

Damn old man Feng, you don't have to be so ruthless if you want me to fall into evil ways.

As soon as the killing order came out, from today onwards, I will be called a real loner in the Xuanmen decent sect.

But I don't care anymore, so what if the whole world is against me?In Taoism, the strong are respected, only when my fists hit them so hard that they can't get up, they will truly regard me as king.

(End of this chapter)

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