Dart Master

Chapter 298 Feng Shang

Chapter 298

"Old Xue, let's go, the door master is still waiting for us in the side hall." Jasmine blinked at me, looked at Xu An's back walking outside the door with some reluctance, and said quietly.

What kind of ability does Xu An have, to be so domineering in Baihuamen, and to win the love of Jasmine and other female disciples.

My heart was full of doubts, and I followed behind Jasmine, leading Shaotian straight to the side hall.

The side hall was originally the East Mansion, where Shaotian lived, but Feng Qianshang has turned it into a special place for meeting guests, which is extremely luxurious.

Shaotian looked left and right, looking very surprised, I was really afraid that this brat would slip through.

Feng Qianshang had already changed into a red silk robe and lay sideways on the bench carved with phoenixes. The makeup on his face was even more coquettish. Knowing that he was a man, such a dress with faint skin was simply disgusting.

But the more this kind of feminine and uncertain person, his mind is also extremely difficult to guess, like a poisonous snake, if he is not serious, he may fall into his trap.

"Xue Muze from Qinglong Gang, I have met the master of Fengmen." I cupped my hands.

Feng Qianshang smiled, and looked around me, "Xichuan man is indeed mighty, I heard that Chief Xue fought fiercely with Qin Wushang in Xichuan, and he kept millions of ambergris incense for him, I don't know if there is such a thing?"

I nodded, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "That's right, Qin Wushang has been kind to my Azure Dragon Gang, but now the entire Taoist sect is looking for him, and there is no place for him in the world. The so-called people who know the current affairs are heroes, and I, Azure Dragon Helping thousands of brothers absolutely cannot bet your future on him.”

Feng Qianshang covered her mouth and laughed, "Help Master Xue is a discerning person, and Jasmine is my most proud disciple. If you get married, we will be a family in the future. I don't know why you came to my Baihuamen this time. But be blunt."

I don’t know why, but my whole body is numb from his numb eyes. I donated 30 bundles of ambergris this time, which is almost one-third of what I got from the ambergris pit. .

Feng Qianshang naturally thinks that I am sincere, especially now that incense is extremely difficult to buy, and the production of the three major incense pits is limited.

"To be honest, I want to see the Yin Queen and join the evil sect." I said.

"Master Xue has been in Xichuan for many years, and he is also a well-known hero. Joining the evil faction is not a glorious thing. You must know that the evil faction has no place to stand. The old master, Qin Wushang, has been driven out from Xichuan, so Chief Xue has some ulterior motives, right?" Feng Qianshang looked at me with a coquettish smile, with doubt and murderous intent on her brows.

I know that Feng Qianshang may attack me as long as there is a slight mistake right now, but if I want to get into the main altar of the evil sect and get in touch with the real core of the evil sect, Yinhou, Chen Ji and others, I have to use this damned shemale.

"The head of the sect is wrong. If the hearts of the Xuanmen are completely lost, the world will be led by the Queen of Yin and the Black King. The Black King wants to swallow my millions of incense sticks. This sect leader is helpless. Now that Jasmine is the guarantor, if he can join the evil sect of the Queen of Yin, It is the best policy to have a backer to protect my Qinglong Gang." I replied loudly.

I said this with the element of temptation. Judging from all the things that happened, the three factions of Yinhou, Xiewang, and Heiwang should be using each other, and the face and heart should be at odds, otherwise the Black King would not secretly go to the second party. The temple assistant corpse demon has recruited troops.

But I have no idea what the relationship between the Queen of Yin and the King of Black is.

"Dare he? The Black King is just a dog under the control of the Evil King. If he dares to fight against the Empress Yin, even if you give him a hundred dog galls, he won't dare to swallow this million incense sticks." Feng Qianshang slapped the big chair. , sat up and yelled sharply.

I was overjoyed. It seems that the evil sect, the black king, and the evil king are all based on interests. According to Feng Qianshang, the black king is likely to get rid of the control of the evil king, so it develops everywhere secretly. own power.

"Sect master Shengming, please give some kind words to Empress Yin. If my Azure Dragon Gang can join the evil sect, I would like to offer another 30 incense sticks." I pretended to be overjoyed and cupped my hands and said.

Feng Qianshang smiled happily, flicked his sleeves slightly, stood up and walked to my side, walked around me, Danfeng looked at me with his eyes, and flicked his fingers on my shoulder twice .

I trembled all over, and I already had goosebumps all over my body, "Master, he won't take a fancy to me."

"Naturally, there is no problem with good words. How about this? Gang leader Xue is tired all the way, go and rest first. I will hold a dinner for you tonight, and then we will talk about joining the sect." Feng Qianshang saw that I was unconscious. Shivering, covering his mouth with a smile, he said happily.

"Jasmine, you stay here."

I bid farewell, and Niuniu gave me a cold look and led the way.

Right now there are no outsiders around, Shaotian was about to call her, but I stopped him with my eyes.

Tu Niuniu is now renamed Tu Qiu, and she seems to have a deep hatred for me. If I can't explain the misunderstanding clearly, if I confront her in person at this time, I might only attract her to fight and burn myself.

Thinking of this, I touched the bridge of my nose, raised my head and said with a smile: "Tu Hufa, I just heard that you mentioned Qin Wushang. He and I are old acquaintances. I don't know what grievances Tu Hufa has with him? Can you tell me?" listen."

"This person is an ungrateful and shameless villain. No wonder everyone betrayed his relatives and became an abandoned disciple of Taoism." Niu Niu said coldly with a cold face.

"Oh, why is he so ungrateful, please ask the guardian to express it?" I asked.

"Why are you asking this?" Tu Niuniu looked at me warily, her eyes full of suspicion.

I hurriedly made a haha, and smiled happily: "I think you all know that Qin Wushang has been kind to my Qinglong Gang in Xichuan, and he kept all these incense sticks here. Now my Qinglong Gang has nowhere to stand, so I have to Betrayed him, I always feel a little bit sorry, if the guardian can say something about him, I can let go of it."

Tu Niuniu sneered and said: "Betrayal is betrayal, why bother to be hypocritical here, people in the Taoist sect, such hypocrisy is disgusting, if you are not the master of the sect, this protector will never say a word to you."

Speaking of this, she snorted coldly, pointed to a house in front, "That's your residence, go by yourself."

Seeing her go away coldly and arrogantly, I felt a little bit more secretly happy. It seems that Niu Niu is still the girl who hates evil and can distinguish right from wrong. As long as I can explain clearly, maybe she can become an important helper for me to deal with Feng Qianshang.

Judging from today's situation, Niuniu should be regarded as Feng Qianshang's confidant.

When I returned to my residence, I was a little surprised that there were not even any spies near the residence. I tested it with my blood again, and there was no monitoring spirit stone.

Feng Qianshang trusts me too much, which is a bit too unusual.

"Brother Wushang, why don't you let me meet Sister Niuniu?" Shaotian said impatiently when he returned to the room.

I poured him a glass of water and handed it to him, "Shaotian, it's not the time yet, you must hold your breath, understand?"

While talking, there was a rustling sound outside the door.

I looked through the window and saw an old woman cleaning fallen leaves in the yard with a broom. It was really strange. All of the Baihuamen are young and beautiful girls. How could there be an old woman?
The old woman was coughing while cleaning, and from my angle, all I could see was a large purple scar on her face.

This scar extended from the corner of her mouth to her forehead, covering almost half of her face, making her look ferocious and hideous.

I pushed open the door and walked to her side casually, she raised her head cautiously and glanced at me.

When our eyes met, we both looked shocked, obviously she recognized me too.

Because she is a person with a lot of experience in the rivers and lakes, people's eyes can't deceive people, because I was very surprised to see her, and what was revealed at this moment was the most true thought in my heart, so she can naturally recognize me.

This woman is Hua Die, the former master of Baihuamen, a matchmaker who wanders between the assassin's guild and the underworld.

What I didn't expect was that she would be reduced to this point. It turned out that the face of the half-aged lady was completely disfigured, which was simply horrible.

(End of this chapter)

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