Dart Master

Chapter 349

Chapter 349
I forced my vitality to fight against her, and the red and black rays of vitality formed two vortexes in the secret room, hovering between our fingers.

"Empress Yin, you specially invited me here, do you want to waste your last ounce of vitality to fight with me? Doing so will make relatives and enemies hurt, maybe we are not enemies, what do you think?" I looked at her With dark eyes behind the veil, he asked with a calm smile.

Knowing that she couldn't kill me, Empress Yin snorted coldly, withdrew her Yin Qi, turned over and sat down on the chair.

I took two steps back before I stopped, but seeing her chest heaving violently, it must have been extremely uncomfortable.

I have basically figured out the strength of Queen Yin. I don't know what Chen Ji did to her, causing this top master of the evil sect to wear down her cultivation so much that she can only be on par with me now.

No wonder Chen Ji was so presumptuous in the hall, Queen Yin finally chose to let Chen Ji go.

In fact, it wasn't that she was soft-hearted, but that she didn't have absolute certainty at all.Just imagine if Queen Yin made a move at that time, Chen Ji, who knew she had been poisoned, would definitely fight to the death.

In front of the hall, if she couldn't even win Chen Ji, or if she had to go through countless twists and turns to defeat Chen Ji, it would undoubtedly expose her current strength.Chen Bushi and the others are old, treacherous and cunning. If they can see through it at a glance, they will inevitably attack them in groups. Not only will the Queen Yin lose her dignity, but she may even lose her life.

Both Yinhou and Chen Ji are smart people, but judging from today's situation, Chen Ji is obviously more scheming, because anyone with a little discernment can see that facing Chen Ji's aggressiveness, Yinhou's front That threat was already a slap in the face.

This is also the most fatal shortcoming of Empress Yin, conceited and domineering, once someone provokes her dignity, it will easily arouse her anger.

Yin Hou took two breaths, calmed down, and then sighed coldly: "It seems that this empress will not be able to kill you today."

I said: "If I were a lady, the most urgent thing is how to leave the Yin Mountain, return to the Yin Division, or find a place to cure the poison, instead of competing here. Please forgive me, you can't beat Chen Ji."

Yin Hou smiled wryly and said: "I just didn't expect that this stinky and shameless bitch would hook up with the evil king, and even be moved by the truth, and dare to betray me. If I had known, I should have killed her in the first place."

My heart skipped a beat, and it seemed that my guess was correct. Chen Ji and the Xie Wang colluded together. These two people are extremely intelligent. Once combined, the Xiezong and the Yin Division would all fall into their hands.

"The slut gave this empress hungry ghost gangrene, and it was hungry ghost gangrene that was exposed to the dark sun. Ben empress trusts her so much in vain. I hate me so much!"

Yin Hou took off the veil, revealing the true face of Lushan.

When I saw her face, the pores all over my body stood upside down. Yinhou's face, from the eyes down, couldn't be called a face at all.

It was like a wriggling pool of dark green mud, on which a human-shaped face was slowly wriggling in the mud, her nose and mouth had already been covered with green venom.

It's not the first time I've seen ghost gangrene, from Fang Youde to Murong Bei, but the ghost gangrene caught by the Queen of Yin is definitely the scariest and most vicious.

I never knew that ghost gangrene can grow on people's faces, it's really creepy.

I suddenly realized a terrible thing, how could there be so many gangrene on Chen Ji's hands suddenly, the only gangrene in the world was the one on Fang Youde back then.

But it has already been snatched away by the green-robed man, and the hungry ghost gangrene that Murong Bei and Jin Taibao are keeping should never be the mother. Thinking about it this way, is there someone who is constantly creating such terrible things?

My first reaction was that mysterious green robe, that insubstantial guy with only one pair of eyes. I haven't seen him since Jin Jiabao.

Taking a deep breath, my thoughts returned to reality.

"I didn't expect it to be Hungry Ghost Gangrene!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Jie Jie, Qin Wushang, we meet again, I miss Fengren Village so much." The blurred face in the venom slowly protruded out of the venom, and smiled strangely at me Get up and make a muffled sound.

I am too familiar with this voice, but it is Fang Youde's voice, that hoarse, interfering voice, I will never forget it in my life.

"What's going on, Fang Youde, aren't you in Fengren Village, are you already dead?" I looked at that face in disbelief, and asked doubtfully, the blood in my palm was flickering, ready to kill him.

He smiled strangely at me and said: "Death is life, and life is death. If you want to know, you can ask your father. Jie Jie, do you want to kill me? You are so naive. Even the Queen of Yin can do nothing to me, let alone I told you."

"Oh! Long time no see, you have indeed become calmer, and your cultivation base has also increased a lot, but you are far from qualified to stop this catastrophe."

After speaking, he laughed, and slowly wriggled and retracted back to the face of Queen Yin.

Empress Yin suddenly let out a painful cry, put on her veil again, and looked at me weakly, "You see, this is what that bitch Chen Ji planted in my body. It tortured me day and night, and consumed me. Otherwise, how could I be forced by that bitch to be in such a mess today."

Hungry ghost gangrene, I have some understanding, this thing is almost unsolvable, the deeper the cultivation level, the heavier the suffering, the more resistance, the more vitality will be swallowed.Jin Taibao is a living example. The former No. [-] God of War in the Yin Division was forced to leave his hometown by this ghost, and he has never returned home.

Why!I sighed to myself.

In the past, I brought Fang Youde into the Yin Division, and it was because of the tricks of the green robe that I let this hungry ghost see the dark sun of the Yin Division.

Although I don't know the connection between the ghost gangrene and the dark sun, there must be a lot of weirdness in it. At least for now, the ghost gangrene is beyond my ability to deal with.

"Why didn't Empress Yin go to the Nether Mountain to ask Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva? Maybe with his supernatural powers, he can dissolve this poison." I regretted helplessly.

Rumor has it that Yin Hou was originally a stunning beauty, but now she is completely unrecognizable, neither a human nor a ghost, for her, it must be worse than death.

"I've been to Nether Mountain before, but the strange thing is that Nether Mountain has been sealed off, and even the above documents to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva have been cut off. Nether Mountain has become a forbidden place. Since then, this is the first time that the Bodhisattva has closed the mountain!" Yin Hou said helplessly.

The Queen of Yin has lived in the Yin Division for a long time, and she naturally knows more about the affairs of the Yin Division than I do. "Since Brother Wang disappeared, the Yin Division has become disorderly, and all kinds of weird things have emerged one after another. Alas! I am afraid that even a Bodhisattva may not be able to save you." This time it was a catastrophe."

Speaking of this, her eyes swept over me, and said with a sneer: "I really don't know how confident Brother Wang is, that you can inherit his great rule and overcome the calamity."

I don't want to discuss this distant issue. I have been frustrated and lost because of it. In the end, I realized that the only truth is that even if the world falls apart, I just need to follow my heart and go on step by step.

Maybe in the eyes of others, I am not strong enough to save the way of heaven, but I believe that the sky will definitely leave me with a ray of light, so that I can go to the top all the way.

Otherwise, my existence would be meaningless.

"There is one thing, I hope you can answer me truthfully." I looked at Queen Yin and said in a low tone, "Some people suspect that the actions against King Zhang were ordered by the Bodhisattva, and you are a participant in it, so you must be clear. You tell me the truth."

Yinhou's eyes are cloudy and cloudy, and she seems to be hesitant. The case of Zhang Wang's disappearance is the biggest unsolved case in the Yin and Yang worlds, but Yinhou must know about it.

I looked at her with burning eyes and sincerity, and emphasized again, "Tell me, this is very important to my future choices."

She avoided my gaze and turned her back, "Yes, and no!"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"This matter may have something to do with Brother Wang's opening of the Nine Reincarnations. After the Ninth Reincarnation, the seal of Nie Yuan began to shatter. When it was opened, Brother Wang himself could not control it, so that he was seriously injured and his magical powers were greatly damaged. More importantly, , I suspect that there is a terrible thing coming to Yin Division with the sky wheel." Speaking of this, she paused and stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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