Dart Master

Chapter 359 Heading to Nine Dragon Caves

Chapter 359 Heading to Jiulong Cave

Feng Qianshang stood up and looked at my eyes full of sweetness and secret joy. I knew very well that what Queen Yin said undoubtedly declared her freedom.

Whether it is Empress Yin or Empress Xuehai, the family rules have always been strict, if she forcibly follows me, she will only harm me.And getting permission from the Yin Empress is the only way.

I couldn't bear to dampen her joy, so I smiled slightly.

"Qin Wushang, this empress ordered you to rush to Nine Dragon Cave at noon today, do you have any objection?" Yin Empress asked in a deep voice.

I cupped my hands and said, "But according to the orders of the Queen of Yin!"

Speaking of this, I changed the subject, "However, I would like to ask Chen Ji to go to Jiulong Cave with me."

"What did you say?" Empress Yin was furious, her eyes turned cold, and she shouted at me.

I briefly explained the plan to Empress Yin, the reason why she values ​​me so much is because I have a roster of contacts with Han Qing, but if I want to trick Chen Ji and others into the cave, I have to hand over the roster. It was reasonable for her not to accept it.

But the Queen of Yin has no choice, except to kill Chen Ji's faction in the Nine Dragon Cave, if it is dragged on in the open, it will only be unfavorable for him.

"That's good, but I have selected a few guards for you to drive, and I will leave this matter to you. No matter whether you can get back the evil emperor's order or not, Chen Ji and others must not leave the Nine Dragon Cave." Yin Queen Leng Sensen road.

"Don't worry, Empress Yin, Jiulong Cave is the tomb of Chen Ji, Chen Bushi and others." I said calmly.

"You go on, Xiao Zhi stays here." Yin Hou said with a flick of her sleeves.

"Nine Dragon Cave is not only the tomb of Chen Ji and others, it will also be your burial place." I sneered inwardly and walked out of the Yinshan Hall.

When I arrived outside the hall, several capable guards were already waiting outside the hall. Don't worry, they were all sent by the Queen of Yin to Jiulong Cave to monitor me.

However, Wang Ze was also in the mix, this guy really had some means, he got in as soon as Yin Hou arranged for someone.

Not only do I know that these people will monitor me, but Yin Hou himself is also very likely to secretly attach to a certain guard, preparing for the oriole to follow.

She thinks me too simply, she is a oriole, but I am not a praying mantis, but a goshawk that preys on orioles.

"You guys are here later, you, come with me for a little bit." I pointed at Wang Ze, waved my hand, and called him out.

After leaving the main hall, Wang Ze and I walked to Chen Ji's house.

Chen Ji lived in a very simple house in Yinshan, just a small bamboo house. When I arrived, she was playing in the water barefoot by the stream, and the three elders of the Xiezong Chen Bushi, Zuo and Mao were all standing by the stream wait for her will.

This woman really becomes more and more interesting as she gets older. It's a pity that only people like Seventh Uncle and Xie Wang can control her in this world. Anyone else who wants to dream about it will also burn himself.

"King Qin, after spending the spring night with your little daughter-in-law, do you think of me as an aunt again?" Seeing me approaching, Chen Ji pulled her snow-white feet out of the stream, put on her wooden clogs, and stroked them. Hair, lowered his head and asked me.

"If I don't come again, I'm afraid my aunt will have trouble sleeping and eating." I glanced at the five people behind her and sneered.

The gathering of these five people is almost the full strength of the Yinshan faction, but now the sun is rising, but Chen Ji has not made the slightest move. There is only one reason, she is waiting for me to send the roster.

Without a roster, they entered Jiulong Cave rashly. Even if they survived, they would never get what they wanted.

Moreover, Chen Bushi and the others are old, treacherous and cunning people, who would venture into the Nine Dragon Cave to take their own life without interests.

Chen Ji smiled happily: "You little cunning, you understand my thoughts, you all have seen it, King Qin is called benevolence and righteousness."

When I arrived at Xiaozhulou, I gave Chen Ji the contact information with Han Qing written on it.

Chen Ji looked down, frowned slightly, and gave me a coquettish white look: "I said nephew, you can't lie to me, right?"

Of course, what I gave her was not true, as long as I could trick them into the cave, as for the contact signal, even if Han Qing read it, she wouldn't buy it, and she would just be busy for nothing.

"What's the benefit of me lying to you? Right now the entire Yinshan Mountain is yours, and I have seen the true face of the Queen of Yin. Apart from cooperating with you, do you think I have any other way out?" He walked to the window, overlooking the beautiful scenery between the mountains and forests, and said leisurely.

Chen Ji also couldn't tell whether what I gave her was real or not. The real contact information can only be confirmed by meeting Han Qing himself.

"Of course, I don't give it to you without conditions. Yang Feng's Eight Desolation Cauldron must be given to me." I turned around, looked at Chen Ji, and said.

With a woman as cunning as a fox like her, only benefits are the most real thing.Sure enough, as soon as I asked for something, her vigilance dropped a bit, and she said with a giggle, "Don't worry, nephew, can aunt treat you badly?"

After finishing speaking, she put away the note, took a set of purple robes from the bedside, and was about to take off her clothes in front of me.

"Ben Ji is going to change clothes, if you want, you can stay here, I don't mind." She smiled charmingly, her words were full of turmoil.

I hurriedly got up and walked out. Although I often joked that she was an old woman, Chen Ji's skin was definitely more supple and elastic than ordinary girls. This kind of woman is definitely a beauty on the bed, and I dare not really provoke her.

After a while, Chen Ji, who had changed into a purple robe, walked out of the bamboo building. Her hot figure was wrapped in a loose robe, her hair was also coiled up, and she looked a bit heroic.

"Elder Zuo, stay in Yinshan to guard, and keep an eye on the movement of Yinhou. If we don't come back, we will lead people to evacuate from Yinshan, understand?" Chen Ji asked.

I knew that she was about to leave. The sun was already hanging in the air. The dazzling sunlight penetrated through the layers of mist and sprinkled on the mountain, as if it had been covered with a layer of gold powder. It was an elegant scene.

Entering Jiulong Cave can only be done at noon, because it has been occupied by mountain spirits and evil spirits for a long time, forming a miasma around Jiulong Cave.

Watching Chen Ji and the others leave, Wang Ze and I exchanged glances, "Chen Ji and the others are really going all out this time. It would be great if King Qin could catch them all."

I sighed in my heart, love is really numb, especially for women who are in love, they often lose their original wisdom.

If it was the past, Chen Ji would definitely not have personally gone to the danger like this, but now she has completely risked herself for the evil king to obtain the alchemy technique and the universe bag, and to establish a foundation in Yangjian.

You must know that she is the most selfish woman in the world, and only love has such great power, which can make an extremely selfish woman willingly give up her own life, so disregarding her own safety.

"Wang Ze, do you know how to contact Han Qing?" I asked.

As soon as the words came out, I suddenly realized that I had made a serious mistake. Wang Ze is not from Baihuamen. How could he know the secret contact information between Baihuamen and Han Qing?
Wang Ze nodded and said: "Since he and the evil emperor entered the Nine Dragon Cave, we have cut off contact. Usually he contacts me. You know that the evil emperor is a very cautious person. He will not let Han Qing go outside. who knows where he hides."

"Is Han Qing loyal to the evil emperor?" I asked as I walked.

Wang Ze frowned and said, "It's really hard for me to say. Han Qing is a very well-known man. He has always been moody and seldom speaks. It's hard to know his real intentions, but I'm thinking about how he and Like me, after witnessing the extravagance of the evil king for so many years, I am afraid that I have already been completely disappointed."

If Han Qing was Yang Feng's confidant, even if I had contact information and found him, he might not necessarily listen to me.

Right now, everything can only be done according to God's will, and we have to take one step at a time. If this matter can be accomplished, Wang Ze and Han Qing will undoubtedly be my right-hand men to rule the Taoist sect in the future.

When I returned to the Yinshan Great Hall, Feng Qianshang and the guards were looking anxiously at the door.

Seeing me come back, Xiao Zhi hurriedly came up to meet me, "No injury, have everything been arranged?"

I nodded, "Don't worry, Chen Ji and the others have already entered Jiulong Cave, we have to leave without delay."

Chen Ji was originally extremely intelligent, and had many talented people under her command. If she were to encounter a dead mouse and find Yang Feng, it would be troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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