Dart Master

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

The safety green light in the corridor was also off, so I could only keep running down the steps, my ears were filled with the screams of the elevator, my whole body was numb, and my mind seemed to be confused by paste It's messy.

The door is also broken, the stairs seem to be endless, and I don't know how long I have walked, but I still can't find the exit downstairs.

Why don't you go downstairs? The one running in the front is a fat man. This guy leaned against the stairs and sat down, panting and shouting.

Bai Ling shook my arm, and seeing that I didn't respond, he pinched me severely again.

I felt the pain, and my mind cleared up a bit, and I suddenly realized that this building is a formation, and I was fascinated.

I took a deep breath, and the whole building was filled with a strong smell of blood.

I took out the lighter and flicked it a few times, but it didn't work at all. The place is too cloudy, and the air is full of blood particles.

Because Bai Ling came out in a hurry, he didn't bring the seven-color ghost lamp, so he could only rely on the fire talisman now.

I took out a fire talisman, and when the aura was activated, it burned up, and suddenly there was light around it.

The place we are in now seems to be completely different from the original building. Surrounded by colorful carved railings, illuminated by the talisman fire, it is resplendent and resplendent. It is a bit like an old-fashioned luxurious Fengyue Building. In terms of style, it is even better than the Yinsi’s Fengyu Building. style.

What the hell, I couldn't take it anymore, the fat man saw the wooden stairs through the light, and walked down the stairs without hesitation.After walking two steps, the person disappeared, and then there was a scream, and it didn't take much thinking to know that he had been eaten by Yu.

"What should we do now? Will we all die here?" The only female employee who ran out with us squatted on the ground and buried her head in tears, because they all wore high heels and short skirts to work, and their feet had already worn out. Yes, there are spots of blood on the stockings.

"Can you stop crying, please? Listen to this big brother." Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, the man who looked like an executive shouted anxiously.

This man was also sweating from fright, but he had a bit of insight. Seeing the fire talisman burning in my hand, he guessed that I might be their savior.

I didn't expect to encounter such a strange thing just after learning some skills. This is far more terrifying than being in the underworld.

I have seen a lot of ghosts in Yin Si, and with Uncle Qi sitting in charge, I feel very exciting, like a strange trip.But in Yangjian, where there are people everywhere, when encountering ghosts, I feel even more frightened and a little overwhelmed.

"I am the bodyguard master of Huangquan, who specializes in yin and yang, how can I be afraid of ghosts?" I pinched myself hard and tried to stay calm.

"Brother Hurt, I'm afraid we've entered a ghost building." Bai Ling said in a trembling voice.

"Building within a building!" I let out a sigh of relief, yes, it must be a building within a building.

The outside is a modern office building, and the inside is actually a wonderful evil formation. We should be in the middle of a ghost building now. Unfortunately, my cultivation is limited, and I am still a beginner in detecting pulses and eyes. The ability to listen to the sky and the earth.

Of course, if there is Seventh Uncle's Five Elements True Thunder Art, even if the golden thunder rolls, even if it can't break the formation, it should be no problem to smash a way out in the ghost building.

Ouch, when I thought about it, the fire talisman had burned to my finger, and I threw it out in a hurry because of the pain.

The surroundings fell into darkness again, I bit my finger, and blindly drew a thunderbolt on the palm of my hand, just in case, and slowly groped forward.

Jie Jie, it's rare that there are still two who come to your door automatically!I want to have a full meal tonight!
The cold voice in the darkness floated into my ears, like needle pricks, it was indescribably uncomfortable.

A blue light suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. I saw that Bai Ling had turned on the phone. Although the blue light on the screen was not strong enough, I could barely see something. Several other people also turned on the phone one after another.

I thought to myself why I was so stupid, wasting a fire talisman for nothing!
I followed the blue light and groped forward slowly. This ghost building is both virtual and real. Maybe the next step is the edge of the roof. If I take a wrong step, my life will be lost.

"Manager Wang, I sprained my foot and I can't walk!"

The female employee leaned against the corner and said to the gold-rimmed glasses with tears,
"Master, look at this, what should we do?" Manager Wang took off his glasses tremblingly, and wiped the sweaty lenses.

I know that Yu is just watching in this haunted building, it is not in a hurry to attack, it is clear that it wants to play tricks on us, if it stops, it will definitely provoke it to kill immediately.

"Let's go!" I walked over to help the female employee up, and there was a gust of wind in my ears.

I grabbed the flying thing with my backhand, my palm was sticky, I almost died of fright when I saw it, it turned out to be a bloody human head, it belonged to that fat man just now.

The fat man's face has been distorted and deformed, his mouth is almost crooked to his nose, and his bloodshot eyes are bulging, as if they are about to burst out at any moment.

I let out a strange cry, and threw the head out casually, and it just landed on the short skirt of a female employee sitting in the corner. The woman immediately screamed in fright, and jumped up, her legs still hurt and she couldn't walk. .

Fortunately, Bai Ling's little boots kicked the head away, and the female staff calmed down, without piercing our eardrums.

I smiled and gave her a thumbs up. Don't look at the girl who is timid at ordinary times, but she is quite brave at critical times.

Jie Jie!

There was a horrible strange laughter in my ears, I just felt like something fell into my neck, it was cool and itchy.Immediately, I stretched out my hand to check it, and it was all green saliva, exuding a strong fishy smell, which almost made me sick to death.

I looked up and saw that the dead old man was actually flat on the top of the floor, grinning strangely with his big bloody mouth creaking.

Be careful!

When I saw him, the old man hung down in a straight line, stabbing the female employee's shoulder with his hands like knives, and lifted her up in the air.

"Help, save me!" The female employee let out a scream, kicking her legs in the air.

"My celestial master doesn't show his power, do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

I stomped my right foot on the ground, urgently urged the breath in Dantian, and the thunder blasted away from the center of my right palm.

The lightning flashed, and a thunderbolt hit the old man's chest fiercely, making a heavy impact sound.

Ow!I vaguely heard a muffled hum, and the wind was loud, and the old jiao had disappeared.

This guy has an IQ. In the evil formation in this ghost building, it is his territory. He hides it by the evil formation's obsession, and I can't find it at all.

I smeared the green blood on the sticky ground, this guy should have been injured by me.

yeah!Hurt brother, you hurt it!Bai Ling hugged my arm, feeling a little happy.

I didn't expect that the first time I used aura to activate the Thunder Palm Curse, it would be so powerful that it would actually injure the old man. Although it is not as aggressive as Seventh Uncle's Five Elements True Thunder Jue, it still looks good.

But I couldn't be happy soon, because I found that the dantian in the lower abdomen was uncomfortable, and I couldn't lift the whole right arm. My eyes were staring, and my legs were so weak. Use it indiscriminately.

"Xiaojuan!" Manager Wang called out in pain as he lifted up the fallen female employee.

When I saw the female employee who was caught by the old man, there were two blood holes in her neck, and the blood was rushing, and it was probably impossible to live, so I could only sigh secretly.

"Little master, what should we do now?" Manager Wang let go of Xiaojuan, stood up and asked me with a pale face.

The old man sucked the blood of so many people tonight and devoured the living soul. Although my palm lightning hit it, it may not be able to kill it.

What's more, it is protected by a magic circle. I think if I don't break the building, I'm afraid I will be trapped here to death sooner or later.

"Girl, you are holding the lamp, is there any way to find a way out?" I asked Bai Ling.

When Bai Ling came out, he was accompanying me to deal with the dinner, and he didn't bring any magical artifacts, otherwise he might break the illusion and find a way out.

But she is intelligent by nature, she tilted her head and thought about it, and said pleasantly, yes!

Bai's palm lamp technique has said that all illusions, evil methods and yin obstacles are restrained by yang methods.If the technique cannot be broken, it may be feasible to take the human spirit as the foundation and take the number that overcomes Yin.

What this means is that yin and yang both generate and restrain each other, and there are always ways to break this evil and yin.Since my skills are low and I can't break through the formation, maybe I can use my human spirit to break through.

Man is the primate of all things in the world, but he has been polluted by the world, and most people have lost their aura, and the so-called fetal breath and vitality of Taoists are the innate spiritual energy.

"Human spirits, things with yang energy, what are there?"

By the way, boy pee!I said with great joy.

Manager Wang adjusted his glasses, and said embarrassingly, little master, I am no longer this.

I said, it's okay, I am!

Manager Wang looked at Bai Ling in surprise and then at me, his face full of incredulity, don't think about it, this guy must be thinking that Bai Ling is so beautiful, I'm still a boy, only a ghost would believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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