Dart Master

Chapter 365

Chapter 365
"Thank you, Mr. Qin!" She looked at me and seemed to have something to say, but she endured it, made a rustling sound, turned into a colorful spider, and quickly crawled out of the cave along the stone mountain.

I didn't expect to get such an unexpected answer from the mouth of the spider, which undoubtedly added a heavy pressure to me.

Wang Ze is not a right envoy, who is the real right envoy?He must be in the Nine Dragon Cave.

But it is beneficial to me right now, Wang Ze didn't know that the spider's words would let me know his fake identity, and at the same time, he was a little more wary of the real right envoy.

"The opportunity is rare right now. I should hide my identity and control the situation in secret. It is far more appropriate to stand on the sidelines than to be in a crisis." I turned my mind and quietly walked out of the stone temple, following Eunuch Liu and his party.

Eunuch Liu had already walked into the fire cave. The fire cave was extremely hot, and the monstrous heat wave was like walking into a huge steamer. Feng Qianshang stood at the entrance of the cave, refusing to enter the cave for a long time.

"I said, Miss Feng, don't wait any longer. Don't forget the Queen Yin's instructions. If you delay the business, the empress will blame you, but it won't be good." Eunuch Liu stopped impatiently, urged, and cursed secretly. Feng Qianshang doesn't know good from bad.

"Yes, Ms. Feng, King Qin has deep meaning in staying in Shimiao. Don't worry, he will be fine. Maybe he will catch up soon." Wang Ze urged with a smile.

He winked at Feng Qianshang on purpose to show that he has a special relationship with me.

However, Feng Qianshang did not accept this, she is a woman with a very character, she sneered at the moment: "You go first, I will stay here and wait for him, I will never leave if I don't see him of."

"I said Miss, why are you so stubborn? You and that Qin Wushang are just playing around, and the Queen of Yin's confession is the top priority right now. Even if Qin Wushang stays, won't he be dead sooner or later? "Eunuch Liu frowned, and complained in a strange way.

The eunuch's voice was already high, and when he raised his throat, it sounded like a duck calling, which was extremely ear-piercing.

"My father-in-law is so sad. Without Qin Wushang, you may not be able to find the real dragon cave. Since you are so confident, please do it yourself." Feng Qianshang's eyebrows were clustered, extremely displeased, and the murderous aura spread on her body, vaguely Moved to kill.

Eunuch Liu is a discerning person. When he saw Feng Qianshang, he already knew in his heart that she really had feelings for me, but he was a little more wary in his heart. He rolled his eyes and said quietly: "Well, you stay here and wait for that Qin Yes, let's go ahead and open the way."

Wang Ze hesitated to speak, but finally followed behind Eunuch Liu, and the two walked into the crimson fire hole.

I hid aside, naturally I could hear clearly, and I couldn't help feeling a little more fond of Feng Qianshang in my heart.

Feng Qianshang sat cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, closed her eyes, meditated with a calm expression.She is as elegant and pleasant as a fairy in the mountains. I have a hunch that if I don't show up, she will probably wait here for a lifetime.

"Hey, why bother?" I shook my head, I could only show up helplessly, and walked to her side.

Before I could speak, she opened her eyes. Seeing that it was me, she stood up with great joy, "No injury, you are back, you are not injured."

I patted the dirt on my body, pretended to be angry and said, "If you stay here alone, aren't you afraid of encountering some ghosts again?"

She smiled, "If you don't come, it doesn't make much sense for me to go in. It's better to wait here for a hundred years and have something to look forward to in my heart."

What she said was very sincere, which moved me a little. I coughed, pulled her aside quickly, and told her about Wang Ze.

Feng Qianshang is a very smart person, and she knows far more about the situation in Yinshan, the Queen of Yin and others than I do.

After listening to me, she bowed her head in thought for a moment, and when she raised her head, her face was full of horror.

"Little Zhi, what's wrong?" I asked.

Feng Qianshang held my hand and said coldly, "I know who Wang Ze is."

"Who is it?" I looked into her eyes.She spat out two words coldly, "Yin Queen!"

"What?" I couldn't help but screamed. I was still guessing that Wang Ze was not Chen Ji's person, but a chess piece secretly planted by the Yin Queen, but I never dreamed that he was actually the Yin Queen herself.

But when you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Among the Yin Mountains, there are very few people who really know the identities of the evil emperor's left and right envoys, and it is difficult for me to tell the difference even if the Yin Queen forged the identity of Wang Ze.

Moreover, there are many doubts about his words and actions.

He said that he was aware of everything except the True Dragon Cave, but judging from the journey, he seemed not familiar with the Nine Dragon Cave.

Eunuch Liu dictated to the other guards along the way, but Wang Ze was the only one who ignored him. At first I thought it was because he saw that I was getting closer to Wang Ze, but when I thought about it carefully, Eunuch Liu didn’t even look down on me. How can you be polite to him if you don't pay attention to him.

Eunuch Liu is arrogant and has a bad mouth. There is only one reason why he doesn't care about him, and he is the Queen of Yin.

The most suspicious point is that he easily sneaked into the team this time. Eunuch Liu is a shrewd and picky person, even Feng Qianshang is on his guard, so how can he not know the guards in his team?

According to all the signs, Wang Ze must be the Empress of Yin. Although during this journey, Eunuch Liu occasionally made things difficult for Wang Ze, but that was just acting for me.

"It seems that this Wang Ze is just a body, and his soul has been taken over by Yin Hou's transformed spirit body." I said.

"I really didn't expect Master to be so suspicious. She has already given the task to me and Eunuch Liu, but she still came in person." Feng Qianshang sighed faintly.

I sneered and said: "A person like Yinhou will not trust anyone, including you. Xiao Zhi, from now on, our destiny is in our own hands. This cave is full of dangers. One step The difference is very likely to kill, you and I must work together to save the whole situation."

Feng Qianshang nodded, "Don't worry, I know what to do. Since I am your woman, my heart is naturally toward you."

"You go back first, don't reveal half of your thoughts, let the Queen of Yin find out that we already know her identity." I put my arms around her shoulders, looked at her, and softly instructed.

Feng Qianshang bit her lips, "What about you, won't you be with me?"

I shook my head and said, "No, I still have some things to do, I will protect you in secret, trust me, go."

She is well aware of the urgency of the situation now, and she is no longer clingy to me. She took a deep look at me and walked into the Red Fire Cave.

I followed Feng Qianshang secretly, since the Queen of Yin is playing with me, I will play with her to the end. If Chen Ji knows that Queen of Yin's real body is in this cave, she and Eunuch Liu will be doomed.

Once these two forces are in conflict, I can benefit from it.

In Chihuo Cave, according to the Qingmu Divine Book, there should be a volcanic mandrill that has become a climate, but along the way, Feng Qianshang and the three went unimpeded, and there were no corpses or fight marks left by Chen Ji and his party. I think that the volcanic mandrill has probably been captured by Yang Feng and made medicine.

The Golden Cave is a place that confuses me. There are no scary monsters in the Golden Cave. The gold is strong and sharp. No one can stay in a place with enough gold for a long time.

Because the human body and yang energy cannot be destroyed by gold energy for a long time.For Chen Ji, Queen Yin and the others, the Golden Cave is undoubtedly the safest.

However, according to the records of the Qingmu Divine Book, wherever there is sufficient gold energy, there must be gold crystals. Gold crystals are excellent for refining high-quality elixirs, and even making weapons and inlaid jewelry.

The golden light in the golden cave is scattered, not as resplendent as I imagined. On the contrary, it lacks vitality, and it does not feel the compelling feeling of sufficient golden energy.

"There's no need to look for it. The golden crystal has already been taken away. The second golden fire hole is considered useless." Qing Wen's voice hovered in my mind.

Who took Jin Jing away?Could it be Yang Feng again?You must know that gold crystals are not easy to find, and they are also extremely difficult to refine.

Without thinking about it, I walked out of the golden cave, and my eyes began to look like a maze, with forks everywhere.

I knew that the real problem was coming. After these forks, there were four roads, and only one road led to the real dragon's cave.

(End of this chapter)

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