Dart Master

Chapter 367 The True Rightist

Chapter 367 The True Rightist

Chen Ji is not stupid, she quickly sensed the displeasure in my words, and immediately smiled, "My Lord Qin Wang is angry, I'm just joking with you, since I have arrived at the Nine Dragon Cave, I definitely didn't go back home reason."

"It's just one thing, the eldest nephew is a little unkind?"

"What's wrong?" I pretended not to know, and asked in a deep voice.

"The contact information you gave me is probably fake. I entered this cave, not to mention the sign, and I didn't even see a ghost. Can King Qin explain it?" Chen Ji walked around me for a while. circle, asked the strange voice.

"Let's not talk about you, I can't find Bei right now, the left envoy Han Qing didn't leave any mark at all, how do you ask me to find it?" I sneered.

"Chen Ji, now is not the time to blame each other. Since the Queen of Yin is here, we have to get rid of her to avoid future troubles." Chen Bushi gave Chen Ji a look and said sinisterly.

One thing has always surprised me, Yinhou and Chen Ji are eager to find Yang Feng, and it may not be as simple as the evil emperor's order.Especially Queen Yin, who is as cunning as a fox, if she is unsuspecting of me, it is impossible.With Eunuch Liu leading the team, she was still uneasy and did not hesitate to enter the Jiulong Cave herself.

I thought, Yang Feng might have a kind of elixir in his hand that can suppress the gangrene of evil ghosts, so he did not hesitate to let the Yin Queen go to the danger himself, and Chen Bushi and others also knew this secret, so they were extremely afraid of the Yin Queen, fearing that she would find it in advance. Yang Feng.

"Chen Ji, once the Queen of Yin finds Yang Feng, not to mention that she has a master like Eunuch Liu to help her, as long as she recovers [-]% of her strength, you and I will definitely not be her opponents. There will be no place for you and me in the Yin Mountain , think about it carefully." I said.

Chen Ji thought for a while, then looked at me with wonderful eyes, "Okay, it's the same old saying, kill the Yin queen, the Yin mountain and the evil emperor's order will belong to you, I just want the Qiankun bag."

"Deal!" I stretched out my hand and gently shook Chen Ji's soft jade hand to show my agreement.

This is just a chance for her to go down the stairs. If she and Chen Fushi can get out alive, Yinshan will not belong to me.

"This thing can't be relied on, you can only rely on King Qin to lead the way." Chen Ji took out the contact method I gave her from her bosom, tore it into pieces, and sneered.

I quickly walked into the cave where Feng Qianshang left the gardenia mark. The cave was filled with a dangerous aura, which was stronger than the gas of gold, and it made people feel breathless.

"Could this be the Cave of the Real Dragon?" Chen Ji and I glanced at each other, and there was surprise in her eyes, and she thought of something with me.

"Come on!"


The four walls of the cave suddenly burst out with purple flames, the flames were overwhelming, and the heat wave was overwhelming. Chen Bushi, a knowledgeable person, hurriedly said: "This is most likely the leftover ambergris fire, let's go quickly."

The further you go in, the stronger the dangerous atmosphere, as if declaring that this place is inviolable.

Passing through the narrow corridor, the aura descended instead, not as compelling as before.

A spirit of beauty rushed to the face, refreshing, and faintly mixed with the fragrance of flowers.


When we appeared at the entrance of the cave, Chen Ji couldn't help holding her chest and screaming excitedly at the scene in front of me.

It is completely different from the land of fire in my imagination, this place is simply a paradise, a fairyland on earth.

Who would have thought that after the cave, it leads to another world.

What catches the eye is the verdant four walls, covered with ancient vines and old pines, and the sunlight pours down from the several feet wide opening on the top of the stone wall, appropriately covering the entire valley.

Under the stone wall is a clear cold pool, with fish flying in the shallow bottom, and waterfalls flying into the pool, stirring up layers of waves, which is truly a spectacle.

Surrounded by blooming flowers, green grass, flocks of birds, and deer and cranes singing, it is like a fairyland without fear of people watching.

"Well, the spiritual energy of the entire Yinshan Mountain is here, no wonder Guangchengzi chose to practice here to become an immortal, it is really a blessed place." Chen Bushi sighed while touching his beard.

"Only this kind of place can be called the land of real dragons. Although the dragon aura is domineering, it is also the most aura in the world. No wonder there is a fairy aura here."

"Trust my sincerity this time." I looked at the excited Chen and Ji, and smiled lightly.

"Let's go quickly, have you seen it? In that flower forest, there is a Taoist temple. If I expect it to be correct, it should be the place where Guangchengzi ascended. Yang Feng is probably hiding there." Chen Ji pointed to the place far away. There is an ancient temple path among the flowers.

The three of them climbed into the valley along the vines. Since Eunuch Liu and the others came here first, Chen Ji was extremely cautious and walked very slowly.

I always feel like there are a pair of eyes staring at me all around. It definitely does not come from Yinhou or Eunuch Liu. Compared with them, the owner of these eyes is more cruel and ruthless.

When I walked to the flowers, I felt more and more that something was wrong, and the sense of fear and appalling oppression became clearer and clearer.

At this moment, I saw a sign, which is a communication symbol of Baihuamen. Yue Cangsong specially made this strange symbol in order to connect with the dark lines of his subordinates. Only those who really own the roster can see it The doorway in it.

This symbol, a bit like a tadpole, is engraved on a standing stone tablet among the flowers. It is very small, but I discovered it.

Since I came here, I have been looking for the mark left by Han Qing.Yue Cangsong once said that Han Qing was his most proud pawn. If he was indeed a Zuoshi, it would be normal to leave a mark here.

But seeing this symbol doesn't cheer me up at all, because the meaning it represents is danger.

"Be careful!" I only felt a strong wind blowing behind my ears, almost out of instinct, I fell back into the air, raising it by two or three feet.

Only then did I realize that a group of people in blood-red clothes flew down out of thin air. These people flew in mid-air, and the poisonous crossbows in their hands poured down like rain.

I was fine, because I saw the symbol, I became alert, and when I jumped into the air, Xuehe possessed the body, and the Huangquan knife spun like the wind. to the side.

It's the blood killing group, Song Qiufeng's people!
The poisonous crossbow collided with the Huangquan knife, and my arm was a little numb from the shock, which shows that these killers are all excellent people, not ordinary cats or dogs.

Chen Ji and Chen Fushi will be miserable. It is good that Chen Ji is ahead, but because I suddenly avoid it, it is too late to remind them.

Facing many poisonous crossbows, Chen Bushi was able to block them for a while at first, but soon hit a few arrows in succession.

However, he was loyal to Chen Ji, and tried his best to protect her, "Chen Ji, go!"

Chen Bushi roared angrily and was hit by a few more arrows. The poisonous gas attacked his heart, blood gushed out like a fountain, and his whole body was immediately stained red with blood.

"It's not true!" In Chen Ji's hands, the ivy was like a snake, strangling one of the killers, and with a flick of her wrist, she tore off the killer's head.

"Let's go." Chen Bushi raised the two knives in his hands, and rushed towards the killer who had already surrounded him like a tiger.

"Flower array!"

The leader had his face covered, but from his cold eyes, I could tell that he was Song Qiufeng.

But seeing Song Qiufeng's ten fingers wriggling quickly, the surrounding flowers and plants moved densely, rolling towards Chen Ji and Chen Bushi.

"not good!"

My heart sank, Song Qiufeng must have laid a net here, he must have planned it for a long time, how could he be so familiar with Zhenlong Cave?

Song Qiufeng is the real right envoy of the evil emperor!

I immediately understood that this kid hid too deeply. He knew that Chen Ji was powerful, so he deliberately instigated me to join the Queen of Yin to check and balance Chen Ji.

After Chen Ji and Queen Yin lost their soldiers and lost their generals, he led them into the real dragon cave and killed them one by one.

He is the real oriole. When the five-color spider mentioned Yang Feng, it had already hinted at me.

Among the dead bodies found earlier, there was someone from Song Qiufeng, but I always regarded it as a secret protection of Queen Yin, or a force of mine.

Now it seems that he is the only oriole in the family.

Yang Feng's entry into the Nine Dragon Cave was a plan that Song Qiufeng and Yang Feng had already arranged. The purpose was to use the land of the real dragon to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, and then wipe out the two most powerful forces in Yinshan.

At that time, Yang Feng can come out of the cave again and control the world again, and the most critical person in all of this is Song Qiufeng.

This deacon of the Blood Clothes Sect is simply a genius from the heavens, his lurking is too deep, I don't think even Gui Lao would have imagined that Song Qiufeng would be the right envoy of the evil emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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