Dart Master

Chapter 383 Conspiracy

Chapter 383 Conspiracy
Sima Fang's expression changed drastically when he heard that the yin was gone. What he needs most right now is the dragon's energy. If the spirit body is gone, how can he get the dragon's energy.

He cast his eyes on me. Since I asked Song Qiufeng to come to Sima Fang, I had expected it.

I can feel Sima Fang's eagerness to know the answer. He is suppressing his uneasy emotions, because he is not sure whether Song Qiufeng is cheating on him.

Taoism is all about intrigue, wit and courage, and the Sima clan is also a suspicious generation, so how dare they believe Song Qiufeng's words casually.

I didn't speak, just stood there flatly, and he couldn't figure out my thoughts for a while.

"Brother Han, things are in crisis right now, please give me an idea." Song Qiufeng begged again and again.

In fact, most of Qiankun Guan was his subordinate. When he came to Han Qing, he decided to rebel against Cao San. He just wanted to get one more helper and one more person into the water.

Sima Fang thought for a while and said: "Brother Song, don't panic. To Cao San, human life is like grass. If you mess up the affairs of Queen Yin, he will definitely not tolerate you. There is no other way but to turn against him, and this Things must be done as soon as possible, if it is too late, if Cao San discovers the clues, it is very likely that his life will be lost."

Song Qiufeng got Sima Fang's approval, which coincided with his inner thoughts, and he couldn't help looking a little relaxed. In his opinion, Sima Fang was at least dissatisfied with Cao San.

It's just that he still couldn't believe it completely, so he immediately smiled and said, "Brother Han has already had the opposite intention? This is not right, I think Mr. Cao thinks highly of you."

Naturally, it is impossible for Sima Fang to surrender to Cao San. Although he can't guess whether the destruction of the Zhuan Lingzhu is true or not, it will also help our plan if we can instigate Song Qiufeng.

After all, the biggest force in Qiankun Guan now is Song Qiufeng's blood-killing group. If he can rebel, the chances of getting rid of Cao San will undoubtedly be much higher.

"That's right, Cao San is ruthless and ungrateful. He thinks highly of me, but he thinks that I have some abilities and wants to use me to contain Brother Song. Besides, as long as we get rid of Cao San, we will also take the Yin Empress and the Evil Emperor together." Let the world know what he killed. We are undoubtedly the revenge heroes of the evil sect, are we still afraid that the evil sect will not be able to unify?" Sima Fangsen sneered.

This is indeed a good opportunity. The Yin Empress and the Evil Emperor have always been two forces. Although the Yin Empress imprisoned the Evil Emperor, there are still many Evil Emperor's old followers and sects who support Yang Feng.

But if a person can avenge the Yin Empress and the Evil Emperor at the same time, his prestige will undoubtedly reach the peak between the two factions, and the unification of Taoism will not be empty talk.

Song Qiufeng quickly understood the meaning, realized that this was indeed an opportunity, and asked with cold eyes, "Brother Han has a magic method to eliminate thieves?"

Sima Fang nodded, "Isn't Cao San obsessed with currying favor with Miss Feng recently? I found a mushroom in this valley called Wudu mushroom. This mushroom has a strong and highly poisonous smell. If people smell it, At the beginning, you won’t feel anything. Once you get good at it, it will be very toxic. As long as you can lure Cao San to the forest of five poisonous mushrooms, or you can let someone pick the five poisonous mushrooms in person and send them to the kitchen, Cao San will hear a lot The poisoning will become deeper."

When Song Qiufeng heard that it was a method of poisoning, he couldn't help feeling a little worried: "Cao San is an expert in poisoning. You forgot that the crazy monk was killed by his Tianwu holy water."

"Furthermore, even if he is poisoned, we may not be able to kill him."

Song Qiufeng is well aware of the horror of Cao San. He has been following Cao San for some time. He is a ruthless, cunning fox-like person, and he is protected by the sword master and Boss Xu. It is almost impossible to kill him. matter.

Sima Fang sneered, and said proudly: "Deacon Song is too courageous. Besides, we are not the only ones who killed Cao San. In this valley, there are at least three other people who want his life."

"Who?" Song Qiufeng asked in amazement, but soon realized: "Qin Wushang!"

"That's right, Cao San snatched Qin Wushang's wife. With his personality, he will definitely not let Cao San go. He must be lurking somewhere in this valley. Once Cao San is poisoned, he will wait for the opportunity to kill and snatch her. Cao San's life." Sima Fang analyzed.

"That's right, when Cao San's death comes, and everything can be pushed to Qin Wushang, it will be a good thing for the deacon." I hurriedly echoed from the sidelines.

Song Qiufeng was a little tempted, touched his chin and said: "Brother Sima is right, but Qin Wushang also hates me to the bone, I have to guard against it."

"Deacon, all the elites of our blood-killing group are here, and you are supernatural. Qin Wushang may not be able to defeat you even face-to-face, so why worry about it." I urged.

Song Qiufeng thought that I was shot by him in Huazhen, and he felt a little more confidence in his heart. He is an extremely careful person. .

But now, he has no choice, the opportunity is in front of him, if he misses it, there will be no turning back.

He turned his head and glanced at Yu Song and me, and saw that Sima Fang was also looking at him eagerly, finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let's do it this way!"

"Guo Xiao, you seem to have gone all out with Feng Qianshang, you should find a way to persuade her to let Cao San go to the mushroom forest as much as possible." Song Qiufeng said to me.

I was startled in my heart, it seems that he already knew that I was trying to curry favor with Feng Qianshang, but this should be a normal thing for Song Qiufeng.Most of his subordinates are excluded by Cao San, and their status is very low, so it is reasonable to want to climb Cao San.

The reason why he dared to bring me here and discuss how to get rid of Cao San was because of the death of the Queen of Yin, Yu Song and I were related, and he and I were already grasshoppers on the same rope.

"Don't worry, Deacon, I will definitely find a way to persuade Feng Qianshang." I bowed my hands and said.

"Empress Yin is dead right now, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle the matter of turning the Lingzhu. Brother Han, tell me how to do it." Song Qiufeng asked.

Sima Fang thought for a while and said: "There is no other way, but to insist that in order to preserve Yinhou's transformed spirit body, Eunuch Liu did not hesitate to deceive and use false methods to destroy the transformed spirit body, understand?"

Speaking of this, he looked at me and Yu Song again, "You have to take care of this matter yourself, the deacon. I don't think Cao San will dare to attack you on the spot, at least he will not dare to touch you until he has obtained the alchemy technique." But if you push the matter to them, Cao San will definitely kill him soon, so as to make an example, and you will lose two more reliable helpers."

Song Qiufeng took a deep breath. He was usually a small person, and he was most afraid of taking responsibility. It was a lot of pressure to bear such a big burden.

But when I thought that Yu Song and I were indeed rare helpers, and we had to rely on us to do many things, I could only deliberately squeeze out a smile, and proudly said to the two of us: "It's all your fault. I took it for you."

Yu Song and I hurriedly thanked him for saving his life. I was pretending, but Yu Song was relieved, as if he had come back from the gate of hell, his clothes were soaked in sweat.

"Brother Song Gao Yi, Mr. Han finally got to know him." Sima Fang complimented him.

"Brother Han, this matter has to be kept secret, everything will be troublesome, I promise you, after the matter is completed, we will handle the evil together." Song Qiufeng stretched out his hand indifferently.

Sima Fang stood up and shook hands with him, "Let's get rid of Cao San first, Brother Song, it's not too late, let's split up."

Although Sima Fang really wanted to ask me what happened, but in front of Song Qiufeng and Yu Song, he couldn't force me to stay, so he just gave me a look and said goodbye.

Back in the forbidden area, Song Qiufeng walked into the Xuanzi shop, and shouted back the guards who were torturing Eunuch Liu inside.

"Remember, it was the eunuch who killed him with one bite, understand?" Song Qiufeng told us.

"He can't speak anymore, what we have to do is not let him see Cao San." Yu Song came over and said.

"That's right, we can't get rid of the old dog yet. But Cao San is afraid that he's busy with the kitchen right now, so he won't have time to talk to him," I said.

As soon as the words fell, the guard outside the door said: "Master Cao is here!"

Immediately afterwards, the door of the prison cell of the next door was opened. Song Qiufeng and I glanced at each other, and our hearts were half cold. Why did this grandson come to the prison in person?

This is undoubtedly extremely unfavorable to us. Song Qiufeng has not reported the affairs of the Yin Queen to Cao San yet, and it will be difficult if Cao San goes to the stone room of the Yin Queen himself.

(End of this chapter)

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