Dart Master

Chapter 392

Chapter 392
Cao San looked at me regretfully, with some disappointment in his dull eyes, maybe he thought I could block his first sword, but he didn't expect me to be no exception.

In fact, not only me, I am afraid that no one in this world can block such a fast sword.His sword has returned to its original nature, so that the vitality of the body and the seal of the vase are as weak as a piece of paper in front of him.

How can such a strange sword technique be broken unless there is a special method?
"Cao San, maybe you think I've lost, but it's just an appearance, how about we make another bet?" I pressed the blood hole in my chest and smiled palely.

There was a rare look of surprise in Cao San's eyes. He didn't expect that after my blood was cut off by him and my body was severely injured, I still had such confidence.

He looked at me seriously, and then laughed loudly: "If someone else said this, I would dismiss it, but I regard Brother Qin as a confidant, and I believe that Brother Qin still has the strength to bet with me."

"Brother Qin, what do you want to bet?" Cao San asked me.

"Gamble your life!" I said.

"I bet tonight, between you and me, it's not me who dies, but you."

Cao San looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, and even Yang Feng laughed inconceivably. They couldn't believe that I dared to speak so wildly when I was on the verge of death.

Cao San stopped laughing suddenly, and slapped my chest with a single palm. I only felt my chest sink, and the person flew up, and fell into the Eight Desolation Cauldron that was tempered by thousands of years of fire and bones.

"Brother Qin, as long as you come out alive, you will win this game." Cao San's voice came into my ears.

"Yang Feng, I have ordered you to channel the Dragon Qi as quickly as possible!"

Yang Feng and Sima Fang gladly accepted each other's orders, no matter whose hands this dragon energy will fall into in the end, at least I, who lost my blood, will surely die if I fall into the Eight Desolation Cauldron.

Once I die, the Zhuan Lingzhu in the bones will naturally become manifest, so I don't have to worry about the dragon energy not being psychic.

After assassinating me, Cao San couldn't be happy at all, and walked out of the alchemy room lonely.

Sima Fang and Yang Feng were ecstatic, Yang Feng held the fire and recited the Dharma, while Sima Fang anxiously stood by and listened to the movement in the Eight Desolation Cauldron.

"Brother Sima, how can you be sure that the Zhuan Lingzhu is on Qin Wushang's body? If the Zhuan Lingzhu has nothing to do with him, wouldn't we kill this kid unjustly?" Yang Feng added a thousand-year-old bone to the Eight Desolation Cauldron , a little uneasy.

Sima Fang sneered coldly, and said proudly: "Since ancient times, when it comes to major events, it is better to kill three thousand people by mistake than to let one person go. When Queen Yin died, Qin Wushang was the only one in the sky. He is our only hope, so he must die."

Yang Feng chuckled dryly: "Everyone says that the suzerain is cruel, but compared to you, brother, I am far inferior. No wonder you can pretend to be Han Qing and deceive me around."

Sima Fang was cold and arrogant. In his opinion, Yang Feng was a waste of no brains, so how could he argue with him.

He is in an extremely bad mood now, just now Cao San scolded him like a wild dog, and my strong cultivation made his proud self-esteem extremely painful.

He desperately needs to improve his own strength, and his wisdom can lead to the country, but only by cultivating himself can he strengthen himself, otherwise he will never be able to stand on his own.

"Brother Sima, what do you think will happen if we kill Qin Wushang, the Xiang family, Bai family, and Jiangdong old fellows are not easy to mess with?" Yang Feng asked worriedly.

"No one will know that Qin Wushang died at our hands. Although Song Qiufeng and Feng Qianshang came out of the Nine Dragon Cave, they couldn't escape Chen Ji's net. As for Cao San, it's just Qin Wushang. He doesn't need to hang up. It's all over the world." Sima Fang sneered.

"No wonder Brother Sima asked Mr. Cao to use Qiu Wen to make a deal with Chen Ji. It turned out that he had already left someone behind. It really is perfect. Brother Sima really has the legacy of his ancestor Sima Yi, and there are no omissions." Yang Feng praised.

"It's just that even if we refine the Dragon Qi, Cao San will not tolerate us." Yang Feng said the most worrying thing.

Sima Fang sneered, he dared to invite Cao San to plot against me to capture the Dragon Qi, so he naturally had a plan, but how could he tell Yang Feng such an important matter.

"You'd better train your dragon energy well, if the dragon energy can't channel psychics, you will be the first person Cao San wants to kill." Sima Fang said angrily.

Listening to the two thieves talking, I was filled with resentment, especially Sima Fang, who had carefully planned all this.

However, even if Cao San doesn't stab me with a sword, I will find a way to jump into the Eight Desolation Cauldron to forge the dragon body.

How could Sima Fang and others understand the principle of death and rebirth, they thought they could harm me, but they didn't realize that everything they did was within my calculations.

That's why I dared to make this bet with Cao San.

I am not afraid of flames. With the experience of being in the alchemy furnace of monk Benyin last time, my blood and blood lotus have a strong adsorption effect on fire, which is why I dare to fight with Cao San.

However, to my surprise, the temperature inside the Eight Desolation Cauldron was too high, and what was even more frightening was that my blood was stabbed by Cao San. At this moment, the breath in my whole body was exhausted, and the blood lotus could not be sacrificed at all.

If the blood lotus can't be sacrificed, I can't absorb the flame at all, and what awaits me is a dead end.

"Ah!" The flame instantly burned the skin and hair all over my body, and I could even clearly see the bright sparks of the fiery red flame blooming on my skin.

The next second, I became a Burning Man, and the words of Sima Fang and Yang Feng seemed to become blurred in my ears.

The reason why I was not burned to ashes in an instant was because although my main body was not strong, it was far beyond comparison. The main body, which has been colored by blood for a long time, has a certain degree of resistance.

But this can only last for half a minute. Yang Feng's thousand-year bone, ten thousand-year fire, and the blessing effect of the Eight Desolation Cauldron are simply not something humans can resist.

I can even hear the skin and bones on my body dry and split instantly, and the crackling sound coming here is clear and piercing.

The real dragon's aura is like a knife. In the Eight Desolation Cauldron, I can clearly see the real dragon condensed with the dragon's aura.

This is a pure dragon, with a golden body, sharp minions and rare horns, exuding a domineering aura.

He seemed to be extremely angry at me, an ordinary person who broke into the Eight Desolation Cauldron, and spun around my body, cutting my body like a knife.

Death hit my heart, my doomsday has come, the pain of my body being destroyed is indescribable, I am afraid it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the cruelest punishment in the world.

I was too careless, I thought I could use the furnace fire and dragon energy to refine my body, but now it's all right, even my life was involved, and my body was completely destroyed.

The real dragon spat out a mouthful of dragon flames, and the next second I clearly saw my body turned into ashes.

It's over, am I dying?

My heart is full of resentment, I belong to the destiny, shouldering the mission of King Zhang, how can I die.

At that moment, my thoughts kept replaying like a movie.

I thought of my mother's last words on her deathbed, asking me to find my father.I thought of the tragic scene of my father being tortured in the pool of blood.

There is also Seventh Uncle's elegant smile and unwilling sigh.Bai Ling's sweet smile, Ziyi's sadness, Xiaozhi's helplessness, Chaoyang and Heizi's faces that I miss are constantly appearing in my mind.

What the destiny is, after all, it is just a joke!

I had no tears, and smiled sadly. The next moment, I closed my eyes and waited for the coming of the ghost.

I already have a lot of dead souls under my command. When I killed their souls, I never thought that all these would happen to me one day.

What was that like?Will it hurt?

There seemed to be a black light flashing in front of my eyes. It was so dazzling that it made me dizzy. The next moment, I completely lost consciousness. Whether I live or die, everything is determined by God.

I don't know how long it took, but I feel that the pain has all dissipated.

It's a strange feeling, am I alive or dead!
I can still think, which shows that at least my soul is still there.

I found myself wrapped in a small black transparent ball, outside was a boundless sea of ​​blood.

"Amitabha!" Amidst the blood, Mo Luo slowly rose from the sea of ​​blood and sat cross-legged in front of me.

"Ma Luo Buddha, is Wushang alive or dead? Please enlighten me." Although Mo Luo has the same face as the Tathagata Buddha, his Dharma appearance looks full of evil spirits, and even the Buddha light emitting from the top of his head is blood-colored. Evil light.

(End of this chapter)

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