Dart Master

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Of course, it's not that I'm cheap and necrophilic, but that Uncle Qi taught me the general knowledge of examining corpses.

The tricks of the whole body are sealed, and the heavenly spirit is not injured, only Yintang has a little blood red mark, like being stung by a needle, if I didn't check it intentionally, I wouldn't have found it at all.

how?Seeing my brows furrowed tightly, Bai Ling asked curiously from the side.

"She was born with a soul, and she died without any pain, which shows that the person who took the soul is extremely clever." I explained.

Bai Ling was even more dizzy, "Since she is a dead person, how did this call go out!"

I thought about it, and reached out to grope around the dead body's head. Sure enough, as I thought, there was a paper figure hidden in her hair, which should be a corpse control technique.

Her birthday horoscope is written on the paper figurine. Although I haven't mastered the essence of the technique of gossip, I still have a little understanding of ordinary numerology.

This woman's horoscope is very yin and evil, and the five elements of soil dominate her life, and all of them are yin soil.
Like Zhang Yunhang, this woman's life is extremely hard, extremely dark, and she only dominates others.The difference is that the two of them have a heavenly evil and an earthly evil.

"Heavenly evil, earthly evil, the two souls are taken away by someone, what exactly do you want to do?" I couldn't figure it out for a while, but there is no doubt that the person who took away the soul was definitely not kind.

"Qin Jian is a talented man, but his ability to teach his disciples is very poor!" A cold, dry voice came over coldly.

I looked back and saw an old man in a black gown and a melon cap standing at the narrow door with a pipe in his mouth, looking at Bai Ling and me with a blank expression.

This person came quietly, and his breath seemed to be completely integrated with the darkness and Yin Qi, so that I couldn't feel his vitality at all, as if he was already a dead person.

Of course, he is by no means dead, it's just that the cold qi has been cultivated to a certain level and can cover up his own aura.

There is no doubt that this person is a master of insidious ways. He hides in the Temple of the City God and eats rats for a living. He is definitely not a good stubble.

"Brother Hurt, this old man saved us that day." Bai Ling whispered in my ear.

"Are you a human or a ghost?" If I remember correctly, the last grave should belong to him too.

The old man puffed out a smoke without hesitation, "You can call me old ghost, I'm both a human and a ghost."

"I want to know why Zhang Yunhang and this woman were taken away by someone." At this moment, I have too many doubts that I can't solve, and I urgently need answers.

The old man smiled darkly, "Although Qin Jian is a genius in the world, the apprentice he taught was an ignorant pussy like you. It's ridiculous. The two evil souls, the fusion of heaven, earth, and evil, can cast evil souls. Don't you understand?"

"Cast evil soul?" Bai Ling and I were surprised at the same time.

Casting evil spirits is an evil method left over from ancient times. It is rumored that the two evil spirits are too heavy because of the evil spirit. The two evil spirits are combined into one, and can communicate with the evil gods with powerful evil spirits. Could it be that someone wants to attract the evil gods, or cultivate the power of the evil gods? body?

"It turns out that you, a bad old man, stole the evil spirits of Hang Zi and Jiang Ziyang. No wonder I saw you sneaking around in the night market with malicious intentions that day." It's not so polite.

The old man was not annoyed, he walked up to me slowly, picked up the bong and hit me hard on the head.His movements were not fast, but it was as if I had been cast with a holding spell, and I couldn't even arouse the slightest consciousness of dodging, so I took it firmly.

"You idiot, if this old man is the one who took away the souls of the two demons, would you still be alive? You don't even know if you've been used by others. The matter of Jinsheng Company is that someone wants your life, understand?"

Although the old man was swearing, his face was still expressionless, as if this person would never have emotions.

"You mean that Zhang Yunhang lured me to Jinsheng Company on purpose?" I touched my chin, then shook my head, "Impossible, if he intends to harm me, how can Uncle Qi just sit idly by. "

"Your Seventh Uncle is either so useless that he can't even see through the simplest soul-hate technique and fake soul, or he is too broad-minded and trusts you too much." The old man said.

If Zhang Yunhang had been robbed of Tiansha's soul seven days ago, he would have been a dead person long ago. Uncle Qi couldn't even tell the difference between a dead person and a living person.Maybe it's just like what the strange old man said, this is Uncle Seven's test for me.

"Hmph, Qin Jian never dreamed that that idiot Zhang Wang tried his best to open the Nine Reincarnations, but in the end it hurt both of them." in the eyes.

"You're talking nonsense, King Zhang is the master of the underworld, wise and powerful, with supreme supernatural powers, how could he be a fool." Bai Ling argued angrily.

The old man didn't explain, and gave a dry laugh with disdain, "That's just the appearance you see. King Zhang is easy to kill, cruel, and eccentric. He is an evil sect himself, and he is determined to do things his own way. The Yin Division has been suffering for a long time. If not, how could he have risked the lives of the people in the world, opened the nine rounds of reincarnation, and attracted catastrophe."

"However, these two idiots are at least somewhat self-aware and pin their hopes on you. Although you are stupid, you are a teachable talent and have a bloodline. If it weren't for this, how could the old man save you last night? "

"What?" I couldn't believe my ears. It's normal for Seventh Uncle to have hopes for me, but Zhang Wang is the Lord of the Underworld, and he expects me to inherit the kingly way, which is too incredible.

I am well aware of how much weight I have, I can't even play with an old jerk, Mr. Ma can crush me to death with one hand, inheriting the king's way is nothing but a dream.

"If you didn't take away their souls, who would it be?" I don't fully believe what the old man said, who knows if he has evil intentions.

"When you get to Wufang Town, you will understand everything. Of course, you have to hurry up. God knows how long your Seventh Uncle and friends can live there." The old man made a hoarse voice, and his shiny eyes were full of contempt.

Old Wang said that Zhang Yunhang died in Wufang Town, and the person who cast the evil soul might be hiding in the town, but he didn't expect that even Uncle Qi and Heizi would rush there. Mystery.

I pulled Bai Ling and turned around to leave. I don't know why when I saw the old man's thin, withered and lifeless face, my heart trembled.

"If I were you, I would bring this corpse to Wufang Town, because she may be the only way to break the dual soul evil, and it is the right to be your teacher's gift from the old man. You must know that the old man wanted to grab this corpse. , but it took a lot of effort to get her here." The old man said proudly behind him.

I stopped in my tracks, "Apprentice ceremony, when did I worship you as my teacher?"

"That's right, my elder brother is the future master of Xuanmen, the king of the underworld. If you want him to worship you as a teacher, you have to have a bit of reputation. At the very least, you have to be above Master Zhang of Longhu Mountain." Bai Ling echoed.

The old man laughed loudly, because his face was expressionless, his smile was even colder and more terrifying.

"Little girl, you are so naive. Now the Zhang family is not as good as the previous generation. If it weren't for this, the former head teacher would not have been taken away by an outsider like Qin Jian. It has been handed down to the current generation, and it is even more rigid. Come out." The old man said proudly.

No matter what old ghosts say, I will never worship an evil person as my teacher, and immediately tell him to shut up and give up this idea.

"Don't hesitate, Qin Jian's method is not suitable for you, your destiny is doomed to be able to correct the evil, and you can only prove the truth if you take this old man as your teacher." Liu Shigong said.

"Bai Ling, let's go." I didn't talk nonsense to the old man, and I dragged Bai Ling away.

The night in early spring comes early, and after staying in the Chenghuang Temple for so long, it was completely dark when I went out.

Bai Ling and I had some food in the restaurant, found out the address of Wufang Town, and rushed there overnight.

Wufang Town is located in a county attached to Jiangdong. It is very remote, especially in the mountainous area, full of potholes.To make matters worse, halfway through the journey, there were thunder and lightning, and it rained heavily. The road was muddy and the vehicle was heavy, making it difficult to walk.

Bang dang, Lao Jinbei's body tilted, and suddenly misfired.

"Girl, you sit in the car, I'll go down and have a look." I opened the car door and rushed down against the rain.

The surrounding mountains are thick and thick, and they look like fierce beasts in the light of thunder and lightning, which is really frightening.

I rushed down to take a look, and I don't know which wicked ghost actually dug a big hole in the middle of the road, and half-turned the wheel and fell into the hole.

This ghost place is still in the outskirts of the country, and there are no people. It's really not working every day, and the land is not working. I can't get the car out by myself.Hey, it looks like I have to spend the night in this wilderness tonight.

I went back to the car depressed, opened the door, and saw Bai Ling staring at the rearview mirror in fear, his small face trembling.

I looked back, and there was a woman with drooping hair and a white mourning dress sitting motionless in the back seat. Under the reflection of the electric light, it was quite frightening.

Damn, I was too courageous, I hitchhiked into the car of my celestial master, I cursed secretly, bravely pushed open the door, pulled the car door and stepped up.

But she didn't seem to have a ghostly aura about her, it couldn't be a jumping corpse, so I boldly pushed her hair aside and took a closer look, it turned out to be Jiang Ziyang.

The cinnabar in her mouth and nose had already melted, and red stinky saliva flowed out, which was extremely disgusting.

I figured it out, this damn ghost is always relying on me, and I have to take this corpse with me.

(End of this chapter)

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