Dart Master

Chapter 423

Chapter 423
It seems that Ku Rong still understands me very well. Before I asked him, he said it first.

"That's very good. Master Ku Rong must remember that many unrighteous deeds will lead to self-death. Buddhism pays more attention to karma. If Toutuo Temple creates another unprovoked injustice, the sky will perish, and I, Qin Wushang, will perish." My face turned cold. , pointing to the sky and said solemnly.

Ku Rong recited a Buddhist mantra, "I would like to abide by the decree of King Qin!"

I handed over the golden Zen staff to Kurong, who immediately knelt down to receive the staff, formally surrendering Thutuo Temple to me.

"Dong dong!" There was the sound of drums and music from the martial arts arena, Feng Qianshang and the other masters moved to the martial arts arena, and began to select the evil emperor of the evil sect.

Feng Qianshang was naturally the chief seat, and Shang Yun and Peng Baili, as the hosts of Yinshan and Tianxie Sect, officially announced the official start of the selection ceremony of the evil emperor.

Since I gave the order of the evil emperor to Feng Qianshang, and I strongly pushed it, the Yinshan and Tianxie sects did not have much objection. Of course, there are also some treacherous people from other sects who want to make up their minds about the position of the evil emperor. , Questioning and provoking.

These people are often clowns who have no vision. Everyone present knows that Feng Qianshang was recommended by me. I fought against the evil king in Qingshiping, and it has already spread among the Taoists in just a short time.

Even the evil king dared to challenge me, so everyone naturally did not dare to be my enemy.

And as Feng Qianshang's protector, I naturally want to block those provocative guys. After wounding a few yellers who didn't know how to live or die, no one dared to question Feng Qianshang's position as the evil emperor.

In this way, the first female evil emperor of the evil sect officially succeeded to the throne.

"Congratulations to Emperor Feng, may my evil sect last forever!" Everyone congratulated in unison.

I made a look, and immediately a maid handed over the cloak. I shook the red cloak, which was embroidered with real dragons, and gently put it on Feng Qianshang's body.

But seeing her dragon and phoenix added to her body, her cold and solemn aura coexisted, but she was a bit like a queen.

After Feng Qianshang decided to accept the evil sect, she had already made plans. She knew more about the evil sect than I did, and since she lived by Yinhou's side for a long time, she was also very good at managing the evil sect.

After everyone performed the big ceremony, Feng Qianshang immediately rewarded everyone, and at the same time promulgated a new evil decree. For a while, everyone congratulated each other in unison, which was quite lively.

I know that Xiemen is only superficially united, but the biggest sects of Xueyimen, Toutuo Temple, Yinshan School, and Tianxiezong have already surrendered to Feng Qianshang. At least she is not a puppet like Yang Feng. Play a real unity.

With Feng Qianshang's means, she will definitely find a way to stir up troubles in those sects that secretly have different intentions, and support the forces that submit to her to take power.

In these respects, she is actually better than me. Back then in Hundred Flowers, I was terrified by her.

However, in today's evil sect, only a person like her who has a strategy and is like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves can give a strong dose of medicine and gather them together.

Until the evening, Feng Qianshang accompanied the people from all factions to share a dinner in the Fenghou Hall, where the fireworks were celebrated. The Fenghou Hall was renamed from the original Yinhou Hall.

I didn't stay in Fenghou Palace for too long, Feng Qianshang didn't really want to see me.

I silently walked to the already empty martial arts arena, biting a cigarette and looking at the bright star river boredly, Yinshan has always been very gloomy, the stars and the moon are hazy, but tonight is an exception, it is really refreshing.

With a sip of wine and a puff of cigarettes, there is an indescribable loneliness in my heart.

I don't know how long I can wander, where is my real home.

But I know that Yinshan Mountain will never be my final destination. What I yearn for is a place with warm spring flowers, colorful rainbows, and warm sunshine. Maybe Zhongzhou, maybe a certain beach, but it must be a place far away. A place where Xuanmen is disturbed.

I don't know why, but I have a feeling that I will never return to Yinshan in this life.

"King Qin, why are you sighing?" Xiao Yizui asked with a smile as he walked over slowly holding the jug in his hand.

I shook my head, "Brother Xiao, why did you come out?"

"Come out to get some air and deal with these people, I feel tired." Xiao Yizui said.

"Brother Xiao, I owe you too much. From now on, the safety of Yinshan and Xiaozhi will be entrusted to you. Only with you can I have no worries." I patted him on the shoulder.

He was originally an indifferent person, and it was really embarrassing for him to stay in the evil imperial capital.

Xiao Yizui smacked his lips and said: "Your Majesty is being polite, Xiao owes you a life, not to mention staying in the Yinshan General Altar, even a mountain of swords and seas of fire. I said I am tired, and I am speaking for you."

I nodded and said: "Yes, people are in the Taoist sect, they can't help themselves, and they don't know when they can really stay out of it and return to the field."

"I believe this day will come soon. When I heard that you forced the evil king back, I knew that this day was not far away." Xiao Yizui sighed.

"It's getting late, and the matter in the Yinshan Mountain has settled down, so I should go too." I bitterly forgot to glance at the Phoenix Queen's Hall.

Xiao Yizui said: "Queen Feng is a very powerful woman, King Qin, you can rest assured."

I don't worry, with her personality, she will definitely keep the evil door in order, but it will be very tiring, not what I want.

Perhaps this is because I was deeply influenced by Uncle Qi in my bones, and my heart is indifferent, so although I can't help but struggle in Taoism, I instinctively yearn for innocence, beauty, and simplicity, instead of intrigue and conspiracy.

Xiao Yizui seemed to see something, he patted me on the shoulder, "King Qin, some things can only be left to time, to be honest, I used to look down on Feng Qianshang, but now I admire her very much. She is a very brave She has all the qualities of a hero, she does things cleanly, and has a firm will. Maybe you gave her all this now, and it is true to her. Everyone has their own way and their own choices. "

I felt relieved when I heard him say that, it seems that he doesn't have much opinion on staying to protect Feng Qianshang.

"Everything is up to Brother Lao Xiao. Let me go. Maybe we will meet again soon." I stubbed out the cigarette, looked in the direction of the Phoenix Empress Hall, exhaled the smoke, felt relieved, and turned around to leave.

"Goodbye!" Xiao Yizui bid farewell to me.

Shaotian and Xiaomao had already packed their luggage, and stood at the door, playing and laughing, waiting for me to return. When I saw them, I felt warmth in my heart.

Fortunately, wherever I go, I, a fool brother, will accompany me, so I won't be alone.

"Shaotian, let's go." I shouted at them.

Zhang Xiaomao was a little surprised and asked: "King Qin, are you not saying goodbye to Queen Feng?"

I smiled and said, "No, saying goodbye will only add to the sadness. Let's go."

Zhang Xiaomao stuck out his tongue, "King Qin, you are so heartless, you left without even saying a word, it's better for Shaotian."

Shaotian was giggling at the side, Zhang Xiaomao let out a meow, turned into a kitten again and jumped into Shaotian's arms.

I shook my head, how did they know, this time they don't know when they will come back, and whether they can meet each other alive.I'm afraid of meeting Feng Qianshang, so I can't promise her anything, it's just to make her sad.

I quietly walked down the mountain along the Yinshan path. When I got to the bottom of the mountain, I heard a burst of sobbing and desolate sound of bagpipes.

Xiao Zhi was standing on a bluestone, her long hair was fluttering, and her red cloak embroidered with real dragons was fluttering in the night wind, giving her a strange and poignant beauty.

"Husband really intends to leave without saying goodbye?" Seeing me, she jumped down lightly and looked at me with reddish eyes.

I nodded and said, "I didn't intend to tell you, but I didn't expect you to come anyway."

"You and I are connected, how can I not understand your thoughts. I don't know when I will meet you again. I will take care of you for 18 years. After 18 years, no matter where you are, I will I'm going to find you." Xiao Zhi said with a firm face.

"18 years! It should be enough!" I sighed to the sky. In 18 years, I should be able to lay down the underworld.

At that time, I will be a pile of loess, or I will become the master of Yin and Yang, or I will be in the immortal class for three days.

I don't know why she agreed with me for 18 years, but from her eyes, I can feel her determination.

Just like when she decided to stay in Yinshan, I don't know what motivated her to have such courage, but as Xiao Yizui said, she is a brave woman.

(End of this chapter)

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