Dart Master

Chapter 438 The Stubborn Tiger King

Chapter 438 The Stubborn Tiger King

The reason why I dared to hold Lu Chenfeng hostage and made him the core of my plan was because I was sure he would help me.

Lu Chenfeng's cultivation and state of mind have improved a lot this time. I can feel that his previous persistence and snobbery have become much more indifferent. It must be that Xi Chuan has gained a lot of insights after his return.

"King Qin, you really did something." Lu Chenfeng smiled and touched the wound on his neck, then extended his hand and shook it with me.

"I haven't seen King Qin for several months since Xichuan parted. Last time I heard the rumor that you died in Yinshan Mountain. I never thought of coming to Nanxu Mountain. It's great to see you again."

Chenfeng Lu chatted happily with me like an old friend, which made me a little bit astonished, and I didn't understand what was going on in this world.

Sima Fang, whom I regard as my brother, wanted to put me to death, but Lu Chenfeng, who was once my sworn enemy and was driven out of Xichuan by me, regarded me as a confidant and saved my life at a critical moment.

This made me a little confused about the good and the bad of the human heart. Perhaps it is true as Yin Hou said, people are more difficult to distinguish than demons and demons. To distinguish demons and demons requires only the eye, but to distinguish people, you need to start with the human heart.

I took out the wine gourd from the Qiankun bag, took a sip and handed it to him, "Why did Mr. Lu come to Nanxu Mountain? Could it be because of the blood pill?"

Lu Chenfeng took the jug and took a sip boldly, "If you master the blood pill, you can control the five fierce clans and blood clans. Don't want to take it."

"It seems that Mr. Lu is planning to fight for world hegemony." I said with a smile.

Lu Chenfeng laughed a few times, "No, since brother Qin saved my life in Xichuan last time, I figured it out. There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. It means success for a while, and there will be a time of decline. I Being able to indulge in the mountains and rivers with his wife and children is already a blessing from the King of Qin, so how can he have the heart to fight for hegemony. It’s just that the position of elder brother and father is difficult, so I can only reluctantly come out as an envoy and run errands.”

He ranked his elder brother before his father. It seems that his legendary genius elder brother should actually take over the Lihuo Sect. At the same time, he also revealed to me an important information, the Lu family has the ambition to compete for the world.

"Thanks to Brother Lu this time, I owe you a huge sum of money, and I can only pay it back later." I said apologetically.

With so many Tiger Clan members, if Cao Yang knew that they were all let go because of Lu Chenfeng, he would definitely kill him severely.

Lu Chenfeng waved his hand, and said with a calm smile: "A little money is nothing, the key is that I have made you my friend."

I thanked him and said, "Mr. Lu found his way back when he lost his way. It is a great joy. Since you regard Wushang as a friend, I will definitely regard Mr. as a confidant in the future."

Lu Chenfeng took a sip, saw the light of the torch in the distance, and handed me the jug: "It's getting late, I should go back to the camp, otherwise they will be looking for me all over the mountain."

"I see that Cao's uncle and nephew are not a good person. You must be careful when dealing with jackals, sir." I reminded him.

Lu Chenfeng nodded, "Thank you King Qin for your concern. Cao's uncles and nephews are still afraid to touch me because they have asked for my Lu family, but for King Qin, Cao Yang will definitely search for you all over the mountains and plains. It seems that the Yandong Tower is also here. In Xushan, he and you are mortal enemies, so be careful."

"Well, sir, take care." I stood up and bid him farewell.

Lu Chenfeng walked a few steps, then stopped, turned around and said, "I have something to ask the King of Qin to agree to."

I smiled and raised my hand and said, "Brother, just speak the truth."

Lu Chenfeng looked at the sky and sighed, "King Qin, I hope that if the Lu family is defeated in the future, I also hope that you will spare my father, brother and clan members."

He is a very smart person, which may indicate that the Lu family will not be able to beat me in the future, so it is reasonable to make a request at this moment.

I have no way to refuse his request, he just saved my life, if I refuse directly, and whoever wins in the future, it can be seen that it is extremely disrespectful to him.

"Mr. Lu, don't worry, as long as you are here, we will meet on the battlefield in the future, regardless of the outcome, I will definitely not do anything to kill the grass." I said loudly.

Lu Chenfeng cupped his hands and said, "Thank you King Qin for that."

After speaking, he followed the light of the fire and slowly disappeared into the jungle.

As soon as Lu Chenfeng left, Deng Long poked his head out from behind the tree, with a clear look, "Oh, I understand, it turns out that Mr. Lu and the King of Qin are not only enemies, but also old friends. Cao Yang is in the pit this time. gone."

I touched the bridge of my nose and said with a light smile, "He is not my old friend, but he is willing to treat me as a friend. Friends and enemies are just a thought."

"I know that those who have light in their hearts must be the friends of the King of Qin, and the villains are the enemies of the King of Qin. Fortunately, I am your friend." Shuttle away, said with a smile.

I saw that his Adam's apple was throbbing, and I knew he must be an alcoholic. Because he was hunted down by the Tiger Man, he had lost his package a long time ago. Now that he smelled the aroma of wine, the wine worm in his stomach exploded immediately.

I handed him the jug, "How did you find this?"

He smiled and said: "We are thieves, if we can't even find a single person, how can we track thousands of miles."

"Did you know? Sometimes we focus on a treasure, and we at Leopard Gate pursue it for thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles, until we find an opportunity to make a move."

He led the way in front, and I followed him to listen to his chatter. This guy is a talker, and he speaks more casually. Due to his rich experience in the world, he told a lot of interesting things that I have never heard before.

Not long after, he led me into a valley, where there was a small mountain village, and the Tigers were stepping up their patrols.

I followed Deng Long into the villa, which is another gathering point for tiger people.

Before I got to the hall, I heard Tiger King's roar from afar.

Deng Long and I walked into the hall, and Lie Hu was shrugging his face, full of helplessness, seeing me coming in, he quickly got up and said: "King Qin, it's just in time for you to come, King Tiger is determined to go to Cao Yang to fight for his life. I can't even stop him, why don't you try to persuade him."

I nodded to signal his reassurance, and walked over to the sulking Tiger King.

"Tiger King, have all the brothers' poisons been cured?" I asked.

Tiger King said: "It's not easy to detoxify, just go to Xuexi and drink a few sips of blood water. Damn, the main reason is that I can't swallow this breath. My tiger clan is one of the five fierce clans in ancient times. Today, I was killed by a group of toads from the East China Sea. The blame has been humiliated, and if I don’t avenge this revenge, I will not be able to get rid of the anger in my heart.”

The monsters of the East China Sea have a very bad reputation in Taoism. Although this race is very united and has strong combat effectiveness, due to their notoriety, they are regarded as ugly and inferior races in Taoism.

I pondered for a while, this time in Nanxu Mountain, without the help of the Tiger King, it would be difficult to move an inch.

Jin, without him, it would be very difficult for me to find the blood pill in the Nanxuxiang Pit, so this trip would be in vain.Retreat, without his help, Cao Yang is blocked at the foot of the mountain, and I can't get out either.

It's getting closer and closer to the Lord Yan Conference, I can't just spend it on this mountain forever.

"It's not easy to get revenge. You just need to give me fifty tiger elites, and I will definitely be able to take down the Cao family." I said loudly.

"With 50 people, you can take down the Cao family?" Tiger King looked at me in disbelief, and immediately laughed, "Qin Wushang, I know you are very famous in Xuanmen, but it's unavoidable for you to talk like that. A little too arrogant."

I laughed loudly, "People who have no ability are arrogant. For me, 50 people are enough."

"Okay, my Majesty wants to see how you can lead fifty clansmen to defeat the Cao Clan." Tiger King looked at me suspiciously, slapped the table and said loudly.

"However, I do have a condition, and I hope the king can agree to it." I said.

The Tiger King's eyes froze, "If you want my Tiger Clan to take refuge in you, it is absolutely impossible. Although you have saved the lives of hundreds of warriors in my clan, we will never recognize the second master except for breaking the army."

What he said was like pouring cold water on my heart, Lie Hu lowered his head and looked at me, but didn't speak.

"Naturally, Qin didn't dare to embarrass the king. I just thought that if the Cao family was taken down, the king would take me to the Nanxu cave. How about this little request?" I asked with a smile.

Tiger King seemed a little hesitant, but he finally agreed, "Well, I think it's getting late today, after a whole night of tossing, King Qin must be tired too, I think we can act tomorrow night."

(End of this chapter)

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