Dart Master

Chapter 441 Death Valley

Chapter 441 Death Valley
Nanxu Cave is such a mysterious and important place, it is reasonable for Lie Hu not to know about it.

Following the smell, Liehu walked more and more anxiously. After walking for an unknowingly long time, the woods became denser and thicker, and a strong smell of blood came over.

"Ouch!" Deng Long walked ahead, staggered and nearly fell to the ground.

When he got up, he screamed and saw corpses all over the ground, "How could so many people die?"

I walked closer and saw dozens of corpses lying here and there in the woods. Most of these people were wounded by knives. There were obvious black wounds on the wounds, and the wounds exuded a stench.

They were injured by poisonous weapons. Judging from the cut of the blade, it looked a bit like a monster's knife.

The monster's sword is a bit like a samurai sword, extremely sharp, with a poison on it, and the throat is sealed with blood.

Lie Hu frowned, "I've been to this place before. Once Master Pojun went to Nanxu Mountain, and I went up the mountain with the king to pick him up and went here."

It seems that this place should not be far from Nanxu Cave. I checked the corpses carefully. These corpses are a bit like Xichuan people. Judging from their clothes, they look like disciples of Qingcheng School.

Liehu, lead the way ahead, this is not an easy matter, I frowned.

As soon as the news of Nanxu Mountain was released, I don't know how many sects went up the mountain. I always felt that something was wrong, but it was difficult for me to detect what went wrong.

Lie Hu continued to lead the way. Not long after, he rounded a mountain ridge, only to hear the sound of rushing water in his ears.

I saw that the blood-colored stream was rushing into the cave in front of me. If I expected it to be true, I would be able to find Nanxu Cave following the blood flow.

"There is a show! Liehu, hurry up!" Deng Long urged.

Passing through the mountain ridge, we are almost approaching the top of Nanxu Mountain. Under the moonlight, the clouds and mist are shrouded, exuding a dark yellow halo, which is really strange.

But at this moment, I am not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery. Nanxu Mountain is rather strange, surrounded by many small peaks, and between each peak is a cliff.

Where we are now is a lonely peak, and there is no clue to show that Nanxu Cave is here.

Liehu, are you leading the wrong way?Deng Long asked with a frown.

Liehu shook his head, it should be right, I have been to this place before, and I can ask about the smell of the demons, they should be not far from here.

Don't worry, let's look for it again, I patted the fierce tiger, the tiger people are inherently anxious, and it is easy to mess up when they are anxious.

Just when I was hesitating, the sound of running water in the blood stream made me seem to find a little inspiration.

But Xuexi is in this mountain peak, can hear the sound, it should be nearby.

I turned around the isolated peak, and sure enough, I found a small path on the edge of the cliff. The path was extremely steep and almost vertical. If I hadn't been sharp-eyed, I would have hardly noticed it.

"That's right, it should be here. I only go up this mountain every time I come, and the Tiger King sent me back." Lie Hu said happily.

After speaking, he climbed down first.

Sure enough, someone walked on this cliff, and there are vines all over the cliff, which is not difficult for people with cultivation.

Soon, we reached the bottom of the cliff.

At the bottom of the cliff is a valley with an extremely gloomy atmosphere, and the Blood Creek flows into the valley through the isolated peak.

I looked around the valley, it was between two peaks, and the blood stream was flowing with joy.

"I found it. Following the stream, we will find Nanxu Cave sooner or later." I said happily.

The further downstream, the wider the valley, but there are more and more corpses.

There are disciples from various sects. What worries me is that I actually saw the corpses of disciples from the Qinglong Gang and Baihuamen, as well as some Jiangdong beggars, the Black King family, and temple monks.

It seems that people from all major sects have gathered here, no, in a few days it will be the Lord Yan Conference, all major sects are gathered in Nanxu Mountain, could it be a conspiracy?

It's really crazy, why so many people died in the valley.

"King Qin, I don't think the matter at Nanxu Mountain is simple. We have traveled along the way, and there are no less than a hundred corpses alone. You can see that the sword marks on these corpses are roughly the same. Is there any weirdness in it?" Deng said. Long asked with a frown.

"It's quite weird. All I saw were disciples, but I didn't see any head seat, sect master. Where did they go?" Lie Hu also echoed.

I touched the bridge of my nose, there must be fraud in it.

I asked Deng Long, who told him that there was a blood incense pit in Nanxu Mountain?

Deng Long thought for a while and said: "The door master just asked me to order a few elite brothers to go to Nanxu Mountain to search for Xiangkeng. As for who gave the information, I don't know, but most of them are from the Killer Guild. They are the information Center, we do most of our business with them.”

"Assassins Guild?"

I thought about it, maybe Cao San knew about it, and immediately searched Cao San's memory with my spiritual sense.

After this search, I really got a little clue.

In Cao San's memory, he once mentioned the plan of the Yan Family and the Assassin's Guild to seize the king, and promised Cao San to take action with 30 high-grade black iron weapons and [-] taels of Wujin.

But Cao San seemed to have not had time to contact the Yan family, so he followed the Juggernaut's decree and went up the mountain to find alchemy.

Could it be that Nanxu Mountain this time is related to the Yan family's plan to seize the king?

What does the plan to seize the king mean?
I thought about it carefully, and although I had thousands of speculations in my mind, I still couldn't figure it out.

Walking along the stream, I checked, and among these corpses, apart from Baihuamen, there were almost no other evil sects.

Most of them are sects of Taoism, and there are corpses of all sects. There are at least more than 30 sects, ranging from Tianlong Temple to Qingcheng and Kongtong sects.

What makes me feel strange is that the black king's person is also being calculated. It seems that the opponent's game of chess is very big.

Without thinking about it, the three of us explored down the valley.

The Blood Creek reached the downstream and flowed into a deep pool. This pool looked like boiling waste water from a distance. It was constantly churning, and the water waves were more than two meters high.

Liehu has a rather impatient temper. Just as he was about to step forward, I grabbed him.

"Something's wrong, wait!" I shouted to him.

There is a dense forest on the bank of the deep pool. From the outside, it is difficult to detect whether there are people in it, but as I released my murderous aura, I clearly felt that the inside is definitely not calm.

"Wait here, I'll go in and check." I gestured to the two of them to wait.

Soon I walked along the side of the cliff, under the cover of vegetation, and walked slowly into the dense forest.

After about half a cup of tea, I saw the guards in the dark. Some guards indicated that there must be people in this place. Could it be Cao Yang's base camp?
As I checked around and determined the number of guards around, I drew my bow and set an arrow, aiming at a man in black lurking in a tree guarding the entrance.

This guy's lurking is very subtle, if my murderous aura is not strong enough, it would be difficult to find his existence.

If you are a little careless and rush in, you may be discovered by him.

At the point of setting up secret whistles, the Killer Guild is relatively experienced.

I quickly groped towards the place where the killer was lurking. This guy had some cultivation, vaguely seemed to have heard my footsteps, and poked his head out of the dense forest suspiciously.

Obviously he didn't expect someone to break into such a hidden place.

The moment he raised his head, I shot an arrow, which just pierced his throat and nailed him to the ground. Before I could even shout, I went to see Lord Hades.

I checked it out, and this assassin should undoubtedly belong to the Assassin's Guild. It seems that Cao Yang really played a big game this time.

After killing the guards, I put on the guards' clothes and continued to poke inside. Of course the guards, can I try not to kill them? The fewer dead guards, the less vigilant people will be.

From my current position, my line of sight is relatively open. I am lurking in the grass, slowly observing.

There are quite a few tents in the jungle, and the smell of meat and the laughter of women can be faintly heard.

"Is this their secret base? Interesting."

I knew that I was close to the truth and the answer of the matter, so I went from the bushes to the back of the barracks. The guards in the barracks were extremely strict.

In addition to the monsters, leopards, and killers, to my surprise, I also saw a black armored knight riding a ghost horse in the camp.

"Black Armored Rider! That kid Yandonglou is indeed here."

(End of this chapter)

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