Dart Master

Chapter 450 Lure the enemy to go deep

Chapter 450 Lure the enemy to go deep
With an idea, I made a detour to the jungle on the other side. Lie Hu and Deng Long were lying in the grass, waiting for my Zilei arrow.

"Deng Long entrusted you with a task, to lead the Leopard King out to me, preferably deep in the forest." I handed the longbow in my hand to Deng Long.

Deng Long was a little surprised, and immediately shook his head and said: "King Qin, it's not that you don't know my three-legged cat kung fu. If you ask me to steal things, then I won't say anything. You ask me to trouble King Leopard. Then Don't you want me to seek my own death?"

"I think it's better to go with this tiger, he's better than me." Speaking of this, he pointed at the fierce tiger and smiled at me.

"King Qin, let me go." Lie Hu hated Leopard King to the bone, and begged for his life.

I rejected the fierce tiger, the reason is very simple, I have already discussed with the black panther, the fusion of the five fierce clans is a matter of time, I don't want to add another blood debt to the leopard clan and the tiger clan, this will affect the fusion of the tiger and leopard clans in the future Extremely unfavorable.

It would be different if Deng Long was allowed to go, even if King Leopard was killed, they would not blame Lie Hu for this, at least they would not feel so aggrieved and hurt their self-esteem.

"No, this matter has to be handled by you, kid. If you dare to waste time by talking nonsense, you and I will never leave Nansu Mountain alive." My eyes narrowed, and I urged impatiently.

I am using Cao San's body now, Cao San's appearance is relatively cold, Deng Long shuddered when I was scared, and took my blood bow helplessly.

Although Liehu was a little dissatisfied, he didn't say much. He knew that the only way to rescue the tribe was by following me.

The two broke off a few branches and cut them into arrow branches.

No way, although Deng Long is good at treasure hunting, stealing, and tracking, and is more alert, but his vitality is very scarce, and his cultivation is limited, so he cannot rely on vitality to condense into arrow branches.

After it was done, I asked Deng Long to lure the Leopard King, while Liehu and I walked deep into the forest, waiting for Deng Long to lead the Leopard King in, and then killed it.

Holding the blood bow, Deng Long quickly touched the edge of the cage where the tiger man was held. This kid's arrow skills were also surprisingly bad. With trembling hands, he shot an arrow at the Leopard King.

Snapped!With a bang, the arrow landed beside the Leopard King who was enjoying the fruits of his victory. The Leopard King looked in the direction, and Deng Long was looking at him in fear.

"There's an assassin, catch it!" The Leopard King roared angrily, and immediately chased him down, followed immediately by a dozen bodyguards.

Seeing that the Leopard King was angry, Deng Long yelled, threw away the arrow branch, ran away into the depths of the forest holding the blood bow.

The reason why I sent him is another important reason is that his agility is fast, and agility is the foundation of a thief. Deng Long can become the hall master because he can run very fast besides his cleverness.

The Leopard King is like lightning, with all four limbs lying on the ground, he is the one who shuttles through the jungle. In terms of speed, he is almost the fastest in Nanxu Mountain.

Even if I bless the Blood River movement method, I guess it is equal to him. The Tiger King died in his hands because he was tricked by his magical speed.

Leopard King quickly got rid of the guards behind him, and followed Deng Long into the depths of the jungle.


Leopard, don't, don't chase, sir, I really can't run anymore. Seeing that there were no other guards chasing around, Deng Long stopped leaning against a big tree, raised his right hand, and gasped heavily.

The Leopard King sneered: "Boy, the speed is fine, but if you dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head, I think you are impatient."

I think you are the one who is impatient, the tiger slowly came out from behind the tree, the tiger claws of both hands came out with a clang, and looked at the Leopard King with a murderous look.

When Leopard King saw it, he immediately understood that he had fallen into an ambush.

He glanced around, but there was no one of his own to respond, so he suddenly felt timid, and he didn't want to fight, so he turned and left.

However, as soon as he turned around, he saw me standing behind him. He once sent elite leopard killers to assassinate me in the villa. I even suspected that he himself was among them, otherwise Yan Donglou would not have rescued me at that time.

"Qin Wushang!" His face was full of astonishment, and his face was earthy.

If he can call my name, it means that he was among the killers that night.Therefore, he knows that today he is likely to fall here, and he will definitely not be able to beat me.

The five fierce clans are the most ferocious soldiers on the battlefield. Because of their natural power, speed or ferocity, they are the "special soldiers" on the battlefield that make the enemy creepy.

But in terms of one-on-one, my current cultivation level can be ranked among the top ten masters of the evil sect. Even if I look at the Yin and Yang worlds, there are not many people who can match me.

The Leopard King is naturally not my opponent.

"Qin Wushang, do you think I will be afraid of you because of the large number of people? Master Yandonglou is in this mountain, even if you kill me, you will never escape from his grasp." Leopard King said a little vainly.

"It seems that you are determined to be Yan Donglou's running dog. Hey, if the leopard clan falls into the hands of people like you, it will die sooner or later." I shook my head and sighed.

"Qin Wushang, I know you have a good tongue, and you have the guts to fight me one-on-one. Let me show you what Yan Jun has taught you." Leopard King narrowed his eyes and roared angrily.

I knew that he was deliberately provoking me, and at the same time, he wanted to find a way out.

However, he is dead anyway, just as I was about to agree, Lie Hu raised his hand coldly,

"King Qin, Lie Hu has a request!"

"Huh?" I was a little surprised.

"I want to fight a bloody battle with the Leopard King, to the death!" Lie Hu said proudly.

"Tiger, are you crazy? Even the Tiger King can't beat him. If you fight him bloody, isn't that going to die?" Deng Long interrupted, not understanding Lie Hu's actions.

Liehu is nothing more than a leader in the Tiger Clan, no matter in terms of stature, speed, or strength, there is a huge gap with the original Tiger King.

"My tiger clan is the cruelest among the five clans if I want to break through and grow. Only through the trials of life and death can I break through my limit in a desperate situation. King Qin, Liehu wants to give it a try. Today I will definitely fight the Leopard King, if I win, I will avenge the Tiger King, if I lose, I, Lie Hu, are incompetent, and please ask the King of Qin to let him live." The Lie Hu threw the ground loudly, and looked at me resolutely.

Deng Long patted his forehead, "Hey, silly tiger, what's the point of doing this, let the king of Qin slap this beast to death."

I didn't object to Lie Hu's request, and gave him a trusting look with a slight smile, "Okay, I believe I will be able to break through my limit and become the new Tiger King."

Liehu walked slowly into the arena, raised his head to the sky and roared, his hands snapped together with iron claws, and made a sharp and piercing voice, "Leopard King, come on."

The Leopard King gritted his teeth and said with a sinister smile: "I will step on your corpse and walk out of this forest."

After finishing speaking, he bent his legs and erupted with a powerful explosive force instantly. The two knives bounced out of his sleeves and stabbed at the fierce tiger.
He looked down on Liehu a little bit. If he was facing Tiger King, he would never dare to fight head-on like this.

Liehu is also a bloody man, and the two of them didn't have the slightest tricks. They came and went, and finally got entangled together, rolling on the ground, all of which was a comparison of strength.

But it is obvious that the Leopard King is stronger than the Fierce Tiger in terms of size, strength, and speed. In the Tiger Clan, no one can be stronger than the Leopard King except for the mighty figure of the Tiger King Zhang Gao.

The fierce tiger is already big enough, but it is still one size smaller than the Leopard King.

The two separated quickly. Lie Hu had more than a dozen bloody cuts on his body. The most shocking thing was that it stretched from his left shoulder to his lower abdomen, half of his intestines were exposed.

"It's over, the tiger has been disemboweled, and it's dead this time, King Qin, hurry up and help him." Seeing that the battle was going badly, Deng Long hurriedly urged.

I suddenly thought of the duel between me and Murong Bei, Murong Zhan, and Cao San. Every time I was weak, but between life and death, I was the last one to survive. The breakthrough is the cultivation base of today.

I believe that Liehu is the true Tiger King of the Tiger Clan. If he can't survive today and becomes timid, even if I save him, he will never be able to hold his head up when he sees the Leopard King in the future, and will be trampled under his feet.

"Don't worry, I believe that the fierce tiger will definitely turn defeat into victory and become the real tiger king." I took out a cigarette from my pocket, lit it and smoked it slowly, watching in awe.

(End of this chapter)

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