Dart Master

Chapter 453

Chapter 453
Deng Long was overjoyed when he heard this: "You are talking about the god-walking beggar. I have heard that if I had his legs, I could steal the whole Xuanmen from east to west, and from south to north in one day. Even the Leopard King can never catch up with me."

Speaking of this, he laughed, patted his chest, blinked and said with a smile: "King Qin, it's not me who brags, there is nothing in the world that I can't steal from a thousand-handed dragon. Ranked top number.

I smiled and said: "That's good, you can join me in the future, and I will let you be the most powerful thief in the world and build the biggest thief door."

Deng Long stared, "King Qin, you, is what you said true?"

"Of course, I, Qin Wushang, have always kept my promises. No one in the world knows that." I said.

Deng Long pondered over it, and didn't know what he was muttering about. After doing some calculations, he suggested: "King Qin, I think you have to set up a sect or a team for yourself, so that everyone will wait and see."

When he thought about it, I really realized that this was a problem.

For a long time, I have subdued many forces, and many people want to join me, but whether it is Baihuamen, Tianxiezong, or Zhang Shiyi, Qinglong Gang, they are all single and have no specific subordinates.

It's because I lack a signboard, like Uncle Seven's Jiangdong Army back then.

And I don't have a unified organization. The evil sect is actually a little bit, but there is still a certain difference between the Taoist sect and the army. Few of the people who charge into the battle are members of the Taoist sect. If we want to fight, we still have to be an army.

Whether it is to unify evil sects or seize the position of Yan Jun, it is nothing more than to gain prestige and get their support in various hidden aspects, such as talisman paper, food, money, and the support of some special talents. Evil spirits and demons disturb.

But whether it is the Lihuo Sect or the Yan Clan, once they want to rule the roost, most of the disciples under their sect will be responsible for managing and coordinating the army. Otherwise, with the small number of people in their sect, it is really not enough to fight.

The advantage of having all the sects and unifying the Taoism is that it brings them great prestige, and prestige cannot be bought with money.

With prestige, some aspiring and passionate men, even those with virtue in the deep mountains will come out to help you, just like Zhuge Liang would never help the notorious Dong Zhuo, but chose the benevolent and righteous Uncle Liu Huang.

"This matter is postponed, and I will make a decision after I return to Jiangdong to discuss with the Bai family." I thought for a while.

The tiger and leopard clans have already surrendered to me, and when we leave Nanxu Mountain this time, it's time to raise the banner of righteousness and call for soldiers from all over the world.

Although I still have a lot of things to do, they must be done at the same time, otherwise, when I go to Lihuozong, Qixing Cave, and Huaguo Mountain again, my heart will be cold.

Deng Long thought for a while and said, "If you form an army, I will be responsible for robbing your tomb and stealing enemy intelligence, so that we, the thieves, can shine forever."

"You do your best, don't worry, as long as you are loyal to me, you will be my brother, and there will always be a time for you to show your strength." I said.

Deng Long was very happy, he didn't expect that a thief could also make meritorious deeds. He who originally only wanted to play a small role in fooling around seemed to see the light in my eyes. It was a dream that every man had in his heart. , will last forever.

During the day, he and I have been looking for the Nanxu Cave, but unfortunately the Tiger King is dead, and there are very few people who really know the cave.

I didn't meet anyone from Yandonglou along the way. There are many people in this deep mountain, and they are stronger than the two big clans.

The Cao family has more than 3000 elite killers, Donghai monsters, and the fine cavalry brought by himself, as well as the family soldiers brought by Murong Xue, Cai Wenlong and others. They are mixed together, and there are more than [-] people. It is five times as many as the tiger and leopard races.

This is very abnormal. If Yan Donglou did not find the Nanxu Cave, he would definitely try to find it. The mountains and plains should be his people, but judging from the current situation, he has already found the Nanxu Cave.

"King Qin, what should we do next?" Deng Long couldn't help asking when he saw that I was wandering around the mountain for a long time without speaking.

"Deng Long, go check out Cao Yang's camp, I'll go find Lu Chenfeng, and we'll gather here in an hour," I said.

Deng Long said with some reluctance: "Don't intervene, if you let me go to Caoyang and get caught, they will have to skin me."

I said angrily, "Get out, if they would skin you, would you still be alive?"

Deng Long mumbled a few words helplessly, and reluctantly got into the woods.

Yandonglou's base camp is in a hidden valley, of course his large army must have entered the valley from another way.But Murong's family and Lu's family will definitely camp in the surrounding area. These people are an alliance on the surface, but in fact they have their own ghosts in their hearts.

I quickly found a camp in a corner of the valley. The camp was not big, with only a hundred or so people. From my point of view, it was difficult to determine which family it belonged to.

However, it should not belong to the Cao family. The Cao family generally likes to use black.

No matter so much, let's go in and check it out first.

I picked up a pebble and flicked it towards the nearest guard, landing right at his feet.The guard woke up, looked around, and carefully touched my hiding place.

I'm quite familiar with spying now, and when he got close, I threw him to the ground, and after looking at this guy's clothes, I realized that I had broken into the Cai family's camp.

I wanted to kill him with one blow, but when I thought of Cai Xiaoqi, forget it, I immediately knocked him unconscious, hid him in the thick grass, took off his clothes and changed them, and walked to the camp.

The Cai family sent Cai Wenlong this time. When Cai Wenlong was guarding Jiangdong, I even drank with him, so he is someone Cai Xiaoqi trusts more.

But for some reason, they got involved with Yan Donglou, which was impossible with Cai Xiaoqi's character.

When Xiao Qi left Jiangdong, she had already hinted to me that her position as Patriarch would not be guaranteed. Now it seems that the Patriarch may indeed have changed hands.

Cai Wenlong's main tent is easy to find. When I reached the edge of the main tent, I heard an angry roar from inside the tent.

Then there was the sound of the wine bottle breaking, and I knew the opportunity had come.

I opened the tent and walked in. There was a strong smell of alcohol inside, and Cai Wenlong, who looked depressed, was drinking by himself boredly, dropping a pot every time he finished drinking.

When he picked up the jug, he realized that the jug was empty again. Just as I walked in, he yelled at me displeasedly: "Come on, hurry up and get me the wine."

I smiled and sat down opposite him, ignoring him at all.

When he saw me, a little guard, dare to be so presumptuous, he couldn't help being furious.

"What a guts, why don't you get out and get me some wine?"

I smiled, "Mr. Cai, you drank a little too much, and you can't recognize your old friend when he comes?"

He came back to his senses when he heard it, looked at me in surprise, but seeing that I looked very strange, he couldn't help asking: "You, are you..."

I smiled lightly: "Didn't Yan Donglou tell you who I am?"

He stood up abruptly, pointed at me and said in surprise, "You, you are Qin Wushang? No, why did you become like this?"

It seems that Yandonglou really didn't tell him about his eyes. From the last time I sat in the big tent, I can see that the Cai family has no status in Yandonglou's eyes.

I didn't explain to him what happened on Yinshan Mountain, I just told him that it was hard to explain, and then I waited for Cai Wenlong's answer.

I wonder if he sees me as an enemy or as a friend, and if he sees me as an enemy, I might kill him right away.If he still sees me as a friend, I can get the answers I want to know.

Cai Wenlong didn't continue to ask, obviously he knew what I was thinking, his eyes were a little hesitant, he seemed very embarrassed, but finally he raised his hand and shouted to the door: "Come here, bring the wine."

Soon the guards of the Cai family brought drinks, and after the guards retreated, Cai Wenlong sighed, poured me a glass, and said bitterly: "Farewell to Jiangdong, things are different, King Qin may want to ask Why did I conspire with Yan Donglou here."

"Yes." I nodded.

Cai Wenlong told me that after the First World War in Jiangdong, when Cai Xiaoqi returned home, her family uncle Cai Dongsheng and several powerful elders in the family jointly opposed her and deprived her of the position of Patriarch through the Patriarch Conference.

(End of this chapter)

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