Dart Master

Chapter 455 The Truth About Seizing the King

Chapter 455 The Truth About Seizing the King
In other words, it seems that the Cai family's alliance with the Yan family is just perfunctory. It stands to reason that the Cai family should send at least one elder to such an important occasion.But Cai Dongsheng only sent Cai Wenlong, an unappreciated sidekick. On the other hand, the one from Xichuan was Murong Yu's own sister, and the one from Xichuan was Lan Songchuan, who was the commander-in-chief of the monsters from the Taoist sect of China.The Lu family also sent the second young master, Cao Yang from the Cao family, personally, Yan Donglou is not a fool, who is sincerely allied, you can see through it at a glance, can you not neglect Cai Wenlong?

"I will investigate the matter of Xichuan."

Xichuan is originally the territory of the Murong family, and Murong Yu and I have a covenant, but if he insists on breaking his oath and leaving Xichuan, there is nothing I can do, because unless I send troops in in the future to educate Xichuan, otherwise the land will be destroyed. It will only belong to the Murong family, which has been occupied for a long time and has formed a strong public opinion foundation.

I only hope that Zhang Shiyi and Wen Kai's two groups are not persecuted in Shizi Town. It seems that they can't stay in Xichuan for long. After the matter at hand is settled, it seems that I have to go to Xichuan myself.

"Can you tell me what the so-called kingship plan is?" I asked.

Cai Wenlong seemed a little embarrassed, but after thinking for a while, he decided to tell me.

It turns out that the plan to seize the king was a plan to compete for the position of Lord Yan initiated by Yandonglou. In a few days, the Lord Yan Conference in Longhushan will be held. Supporting him, there is no chance of winning in my heart.

He knew that his reputation in the Taoist sect was not good, especially when he abandoned the city and fled during the defense of Jiangdong.

In order to win the support of the various sects, Yan Donglou decided to take risks, so Master Hu formulated this plan for him to seize the king.

First, spread the news that there is a incense pit in Nanxu Mountain, especially some big families, great sects, and Taoist orthodox sects all know this information.

People in the Taoist sect are not old-fashioned in their hearts. With such a treasure, who would not covet it, so all the sects went up the mountain one after another, right in the middle of Yandonglou's plan.

In this way, all the big men in the Taoist sect were captured, some were the sons of the sect masters, and some were the disciples of the sect masters. With these people, Yan Donglou could coerce the sects to support him.

When I finished listening to Cai Wenlong's words, I was stunned and had to admire the perfection of Master Hu's plan, and with Yan Donglou's character, he was happy to do these things.

What's more, his father Yan Xiaotian is also spreading money widely on the other side, buying people's hearts, and doing both.The Lord Yan Conference was hosted by his master Longhushan Zhang Tianshi again, it seems that the position of Lord Yan must belong to him.

In fact, even if Yan Donglou didn't do this, he had a great chance of becoming Lord Yan just because of Penglai Pavilion and Longhu Mountain.

Today's Xuanmen is not the same as Qishu and Zhang Wang. When Qishu was elected Yanjun, there were both good and evil factions participating in the Yanjun Conference. Become Yan Jun.

Seventh Uncle fought against Zhang Wang's master, Yin Zhengyue, the head of the Yinshan School back then. At that time, there were many evil masters. In the end, Seventh Uncle was the best of all, and he deservedly became Yan Jun.

Because the Seventh Uncle Qin Jian raised Yan Jun's reputation to the peak, in the later period, as people's hearts faded, some sects with ulterior motives, such as Longhushan, used the Seventh Uncle to practice the Five Elements True Thunder Jue with the old celestial master Zhang Zhengyun. Therefore, it is announced that Yan Jun can only be elected from decent people.

Moreover, martial cultivation is not an absolute factor, what is more important is to convince people with virtue, the reason is that Uncle Qi is a man of great benevolence and wisdom, so he must go through complicated procedures such as voting by the major leaders present to become Lord Yan.

To put it bluntly, Longhushan wanted to control Yan Jun's assembly and elect the person they identified, and Yan Donglou, as Zhang Tianshi's favorite disciple and the young master of Penglai Pavilion, naturally had great hopes.

"Yandonglou, you are shooting yourself in the foot this time! I will definitely ruin your reputation." I sneered secretly in my heart.

Yan Donglou's plan to seize the king is completely unnecessary. The current Xuanmen, relying on his father to throw money and his master Zhang Tianshi to rectify his name, can completely buy people's hearts.

Seizing the king's plan to take hostages and kill the disciples of the various sects is not good for him. Such atrocities will only anger the sects, and once it is announced, even Zhang Tianshi will not be able to hold him back.

"King Qin, why are you laughing?" Seeing me laughing, Cai Wenlong asked puzzledly.

I didn't tell him that this plan was made by Mr. Hu. On the surface, the two-pronged approach is indeed seamless, but in fact it is extremely detrimental to the Yan family.

It seems that Mr. Hu really made a plan for the elixir in name, otherwise with his wisdom, such a suicidal plan would never have been made.

"Wenlong, what are your plans next?" I asked, avoiding the topic.

Cai Wenlong sighed and said, "Since I belong to the Cai family, I naturally want to go back to the Cai family. Right now, I can only be a monk hitting the clock for a day, just working hard."

I know what he meant, that he hopes that someone can help Xiaoqi regain the position of the master and revive the collateral forces.

But I can't give him the most direct promise, I have no time to spare now, sooner or later I will subdue the Cai family, but not now.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." I glanced at him, had a drink with him, and prepared to leave.

Cai Wenlong stopped me from behind, "King Qin, although Yandonglou didn't reveal the secrets of Nanxu Cave to me, I vaguely guessed that they were not only trying to get the blood pill, but they might also plot against you. Be more careful."

"Thanks, brother Wenlong, farewell." I bowed to him and walked to the place agreed with Deng Long.

Since Cai Wenlong didn't have much meaning to stay in Nanxu Mountain, and he didn't want to be bullied by Yandong Tower, he led his followers down the mountain shortly after I left.

When I returned to the appointed place, Deng Long was lying in the grass and sleeping soundly. This guy is really heartless. Now that Nanxu Mountain is in danger, he can still sleep soundly, which is really a talent.

I reminded him, "Have you found Cao Yang's camp?"

He opened his eyes in a daze, and wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth, "Look, most of Cao Yang's people are under the command of Cao Tianci, but all the elite men have been transferred away. I'm thinking about going to Nanxu Cave."

I touched the bridge of my nose and thought about it carefully. Most of Cao Yang's elite subordinates are from the Suicide Guild. These people are good at assassination, so they should be transferred to deal with me.

Yan Donglou still trusts Cao Yang, because although Cao Yang is insidious, he is a villain and has no ambition to fight for the world.

"Cao Yang's strength has plummeted right now. You should immediately order Liehu to launch a sneak attack on Cao Yang's remnants at night. Cao Tianci is an idiot. Liehu will definitely take his head and win this battle." I said.

Deng Long took the order and went to Liehu's camp quickly, and I took this opportunity to investigate Lu Chenfeng again. Lu Chenfeng is a smart man, he knew that there must be a battle between me and Yandonglou.

As for the blood pill, he knew that he had no hope of taking it, so he led the people down the mountain early in the morning.

What's more, Yandonglou was also extremely dissatisfied with him, so he didn't stay with him. Murongxue was even more treacherous. She asked for a "ticket" for the alliance for Xi Chuan in Yandonglou, and went down the mountain last night. .

She only brought less than fifty guards with her this time, and she knew that I knew her very well, so she didn't want to stay and tangle with me.

This woman has a strong view of the overall situation, and she is a female military adviser. Logically speaking, I made her life worse than death, so she should use this opportunity to cooperate with Yan Donglou to kill me.

But obviously she saw through me, and she didn't trust Yan Donglou very much, so she simply put the overall situation first, ignored my grievances, and returned to Xichuan overnight.

It looks like a simple thing, but thinking about it makes me shudder. Murongxue can disregard personal grudges and put Xichuan's overall interests first. In addition to her perseverance, I admire her. On the other hand, she must believe that only Xichuan can truly destroy me. Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

On this point, the so-called wise man Sima Fang still couldn't let it go, he was brooding on me, and his evil heart was not dead, as if he had been bewitched by a demon.

(End of this chapter)

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