Dart Master

Chapter 47

Chapter 47
Damn, I finally know why this is called a widow's village.It wasn't Widow Zhou Kefu, but she was the only woman in this village.Looking at this posture, it is more majestic than Wu Zetian, treating men like pets, so rampant, it is really annoying.

"Brother Hurt, how can someone as powerful as Uncle Xu be willing to be a bearer here?" Bai Ling asked me a little puzzled.

I saw that Uncle Xu's face was dull, most likely he followed the way of the widow of this week, although he is not from the same sect as me, but this man has always had a very good reputation in Taoism, so we must save him.However, this week's widow is full of supernatural powers, and it is definitely not possible to force her. She just copied her old background and killed her by surprise.

Thinking of this, I took two steps back, leaped high with all my strength, clung to the stone pillar, and climbed up step by step. Bai Ling followed me closely, and the two climbed up the stone building one after the other. .

Inside the stone building are burning red candles with dragons and phoenixes together. Widow Zhou seems to like red very much. The curtains, furniture, and wedding halls are all red inside.In the very center of the hall is a row, and under the row there are divine tables and incense altars. I smelled it to be a high-quality ambergris, but I don't know where it is sacred.However, with her sinister and evil cultivation, she must be a kind of ghost or evil god.

The wedding hall is very quiet, the red candles are swaying gently in the night wind, and there is a bit of joy, but thinking about whether the poor uncle will be squeezed dry by this woman, I can only express my deep concern .

I took Bai Ling's hand and walked into the hall carefully. The stone building is very large, and the furnishings inside are very luxurious, all of which are first-class antiques.Although I don't know much about antiques, I have seen them in Xiangjia Fengfenglou. The furnishings of Zhou Niangniang are no worse than Fengyulou.

The dressing table made of pear blossom wood, the ancient mirror inlaid with gold, the bronze wine cup, etc. all show that the empress of the widow village is not only a high-level cultivation, but also a woman who loves luxury and pursues extremes.

The right side is separated by a red blood agate curtain, and I can vaguely see a figure lying on the bed, and I approached it quietly.Opening the curtain, a big man was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. His coffin was placed on the edge of the bed, with one hand still on it.Even sleeping so vigilantly, I thought that what was inside was probably Zhang Yunhang's Tiansha Corpse.

What should I do if I hurt my brother?Bai Ling asked me, his big clear eyes were as moving as jewels under the candlelight.I avoided her charming gaze, raised my finger to signal her to be quiet, and glanced at the street.

The west side of the street was completely pitch black. It seemed that this flamboyant widow had quite a discerning eye. There were so many families, at least a hundred and ten men, and none of them caught her eye.Of course, I wish she would pick a little longer and buy me some time to steal the corpse.

I gestured to Bai Ling, indicating that I was going to steal the corpse, and asked her to find a way to hold the damn villain later.Bai Ling rolled his eyes, tilted his head and smiled at me, then turned and walked to the hall.When she came back, she was wearing a big red wedding gown, a phoenix crown on her head, and jade beads hanging down. If I hadn't been mentally prepared, I would have thought it was the widow who had returned.

I gave a thumbs up, turned my body, and sneaked into the inner room. The light in the inner room was very dim, and the bed was covered with flower petals, filled with a strong fragrance. The villain was sleeping on the side with his head sideways, reeking of alcohol. .

This guy must be very close to the widow's marriage bed because of his drunkenness. He is very drunk at this moment, which is a good time for me to strike.

Bai Ling lifted the beaded curtain and winked at me, signaling that she was ready.

I figured it out, the two of us together may not be able to beat this damn villain, put aside the idea of ​​killing him first, stealing the body is the top priority.I quietly walked to the side of the coffin, and supported the coffin lid with all my strength. The coffin was made of ordinary material, and I thought it was just an ordinary thing, but this damn villain put a hand on it, and it was pressed like a mountain. I can't open the coffin lid.

I greeted this grandson's ancestor fiercely in my heart, time was running out, and I even faintly heard the sound of joy coming from Dongtou, maybe the widow has recruited Mr. Ruyi, and may return home at any time, Have a good night together.

What should I do? It's definitely not good to move him alive. If he wakes up, he can't kill me with his palm.Worried, Bai Ling took a hairpin from the phoenix crown, and lightly pricked it on the back of the big man's hand.But the villain didn't respond at all. Seeing that it didn't work, the girl Bai Ling bit her lip, then stepped up and poked it fiercely.

Seeing whether this girl is serious or not, my heart is in my throat. If I don't poke it well, it will be suicide.

Speaking of drunk people, the sensory acuity will be twice as low as usual. I was terrified when I saw the stabbing. The villain only reacted a little bit. left the coffin.

Call!I secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Bai Ling stuck out his tongue triumphantly, made a face at me, and continued to sit cross-legged on the bed.

I gently opened the lid of the coffin from the side. The coffin is not big, and it vaguely looks like a jar inside.That's right, it's the strange jar I saw in the old Gu Po's side room.Could it be that they hid Zhang Yunhang's body here?
Gulong, Gulong, there seems to be something in the jar, a bit like a soft-shelled turtle bubbling, the black lid of the altar slowly arches upwards with the rumbling sound.

I'm also not sure what's in it, but it's possible to say that there is a corpse hidden in it. Just imagine that a hunchback can condense corpse oil into a hump. This evil school has all kinds of evil methods, and everything is possible.

"Woooo..." With the arching of the altar cover, there was a faint whimpering sound from the jar. I tried to put my ear on the altar to listen, but I couldn't hear it clearly at all, as if someone was pouring cold water. .

The lid of the jar had already opened half of its body at this time, and two blood-red pupils stared blankly at me from the gap. I have seen such complicated eyes, terrifying, gloomy and somewhat cunning and weird, for a moment I looked a little stupid and couldn't make any reaction at all.

At this time, the joyful sounds of suona and gongs and drums were getting closer and closer. Seeing that I was still in a daze, Bai Ling straightened her teeth and itched anxiously, but she didn't dare to move, so she could only blow hard at me.

I trembled, woke up, let him open the lid of the altar to see what happened, and put my hand on the lid of the altar, and lifted the lid of the altar like an electric shock, and something came out of the jar with a whoosh.

This almost didn't scare me and Bai Ling to death, it turned out to be a wet human head, hair like weeds fluttered down on the forehead, the face was soaked like white paper, although the light was dim, but I could vaguely see it. I can tell that he is the person I'm looking for, Zhang Yunhang.

Hang Zi's blood-red eyes stared at me firmly, and his two black-purple lips opened and closed with difficulty. While whimpering, he spit out a foul-smelling liquid, and he didn't know if it was bile or stinky water.

"help me……"

I finally understood what he was talking about. Although I was mentally prepared, I was still quite frightened.

This guy was actually a dead person whose soul was taken away long ago, but was used by the villain on the bed, that is, the person who designed to harm me in the Ye family, used magic to use a substitute and fake soul, so he still has a certain degree of consciousness.

Son of a bitch!I'll deal with you later!I cursed secretly, put my hands around his neck, and was about to take him out of the jar.Unexpectedly, his head was firmly stuck in the jar, and I didn't dare to use too much force, let alone break the jar.

I was just thinking about stealing it without someone taking the jar with me, when suddenly Hangzi's head laughed ferociously, opened his mouth and bit my wrist.The pain was so painful that my heart was piercing, and the blood spurted out. I trembled all over and gritted my teeth to endure the pain. I pinched the exorcism formula with my backhand and imprinted it on his forehead.

I don't know if it's true that my blood has a natural restraint effect on evil things as Uncle Qi said, or my handprints have an effect, Zhang Yunhang snorted and opened his mouth.

But then, the thing I didn't want happened, the grandson started screaming wildly like a toad.

Damn guy, he's still trying to trick me until he dies, it's really cruel.Of course, he can't be blamed for this, the souls of Hangzi and Jiang Ziyang have long been taken away to cast evil souls, and what is stored in him is just the fake soul used by the old king.

(End of this chapter)

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