Dart Master

Chapter 477

Chapter 477
"Congratulations to Master Liu, congratulations to Master Liu, with invincible supernatural powers, beheaded the thief, and saved Young Master Yan's bodyguard." I slowly walked out from the darkness, and made a cold voice, which was obviously congratulations, but was actually full of sarcasm. Anyone who is not a fool can hear it.

Liu Sandao looked at me, his copper-bell-like eyes were wide open, he knew very well that if I hadn't just shot secretly, he and his subordinates would have already become the dead souls under the claws of these Lingnan corpse soldiers.

"Who are you?" Liu Sandao took a deep breath, with a trace of fear mixed in his voice.

I sneered a few times, and said in a cold voice: "Who am I? If I hadn't realized it in time, I'm afraid you would have been cut off by the Lu family long ago. By then, Boss Xu and the Yan family will have to kill you."

"Fortunately, Mr. Yan has a subtle mind and asked me to respond here, otherwise this batch of goods will fall into your hands."

Liu Sandao was stunned by my icy scolding, his face was covered with beads of sweat the size of soybeans, he was shaking in his heart, knowing that I could kill him, but he didn't make a move, it seems that it might be Young Master Yan sent messengers.

I know that Liu Sandao is still suspicious of me. A blood-licking master like him has just been tricked by Wang Gong, and he still has lingering fears. Naturally, he will not believe me easily.

In order to dispel his worries, I curled my fingers and blew a horse whistle in my mouth. The white horse in solid armor heard my call and galloped into the yard.

Although Liu Sandao doesn't know me, he does know this horse. This horse is Yan Donglou's mount.

"See the envoy." Liu Sandao knelt down knowingly, and shouted respectfully.

"Why are you still standing there, hurry up and load the goods, there is not much time left before Yan Jun's meeting, if you delay the time, the young master will definitely not spare you." My complexion sank, and I shouted loudly.

Liu Sandao wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, responded again and again, waved his hands and shouted: "Hurry up and load the goods, get ready to go."

The goods were loaded into the escort cart, and several guards came out from the inn carrying a sedan chair. The people in the sedan chair didn't seem to move at all, and they didn't know who it was.

Judging from the response to my murderous intent, this person is definitely a master, but I don't know why Liu Sandao faced such a desperate situation just now, but he didn't make a move.

What is the background of this person, why has he been hiding in the sedan chair and not showing up?
I called myself careless, why did I miss this person, if he exposed me, wouldn't my wishful thinking be in vain.

But judging from the current situation, he doesn't seem to have much reaction to my appearance.

Right now, I can only watch his next move, and it won't be too late to make a move after I find out his reality.

Liu Sandao was extremely annoyed with Wanggong. Before leaving, a fire burned the entire inn to ashes. In the raging fire, the escort team set off and arrived at the ferry of Xujiaji.

Due to the desertion of the market, the ferry in Xujiaji has long lost its former prosperity. It is just a few brave boatmen who usually run boats here, occasionally robbing, plundering goods, and killing people along the way.

However, these people are all familiar to Liu Sandao. On the road of the green forest, Liu Sandao is still very famous, and most people will give him some face.

Liu Sandao walked to the edge of the ferry, blew a few horse whistles, and soon several black-clad boats slowly emerged from the mist on the opposite bank.

"Mazi, are you okay at home?" Liu Sandao asked.

In the middle of the boat was a strong man with a pockmarked face. This guy's eyes were cloudy, and his eyeballs rolled like wheels. He didn't look like a good person.

"The family is doing well, don't worry, Third Master." After speaking, he rolled the boat to the shore.

They spoke all the slang of the green forest, which meant that all was well on land and water.

With one move, Liu Sandao commanded his subordinates to load all the dart boxes onto the black-covered boat, and the sedan chair was the last one to get on board.

Originally, there were not enough boats, and everyone was crowded together to panic, but this guy actually occupied the largest boat by himself.

I pretended to be displeased and asked Liu Sandao: "What is the background of this man, he is so ostentatious, even bigger than this envoy."

Liu Sandao lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "I can't ask about this. When I was leaving, Boss Xu personally asked me to bet him, and he specifically explained that if there is a mistake, my whole family will be destroyed. Otherwise, I will give such an ancestor , which onion is he?"

It turned out that they were not sent by the Yan family. Why did Boss Xu let Liu Sandao put such a sedan chair on top of him? Is it a person or a ghost in the sedan chair?

"Did Boss Xu tell you who you handed him over to?" I asked.

Liu Sandao shook his head, and asked with a look of embarrassment: "Master Special Envoy, it's not that I didn't tell you, but that I didn't dare to ask more questions. Who would dare to ask more questions about what Boss Xu explained?"

Thinking about it, Liu Sandao was just a dog, how could he know what Boss Xu was thinking.

I smiled and said, "Since Boss Xu has explained, I won't ask, let the ship go."

I thought to myself, when Du's army sets up an ambush, I'm afraid they won't be able to deal with it?

The boats sailed like arrows on the river, but Liu Sandao was also a cautious person. He was afraid of attracting attention during the day, so he hid the boat among the reeds, and only set sail in the dead of night.

This is exactly what I wanted, the more time he delays, the more time is left for Xue Muze and the others to prepare.

"Special envoy, go down a hundred miles to Yujiazui. Once you arrive at Yujiazui, you will enter the Jiangbei area. It only takes an hour to reach Jiangdong Dadu, and our mission will be completed." Liu Sandao Guitou Dao pointed at the land and water in the distance, suddenly full of pride.

This guy really treats me as his own, completely unaware that this water area is his end.

At this moment, several large five-toothed boats sailed quickly on the river, riding the wind and waves, rushing straight against the current.

When I saw that the flags hanging on those big boats belonged to the Lu family, I suddenly cried out in my heart that something was wrong, and these boats were decorated with lights and festoons, making it very lively.

Something was wrong, so I immediately reminded Liu Sandao.

Liu Sandao is not a fool either, he just killed Chen Shigong of the Lu family, if the Lu family catches him right away, he will be doomed.

"Damn it, why did the Lu family's boat come to Jiangbei?" Liu Sandao cursed, his face full of fear.

Judging from these ships, it should be a newly built five-toothed warship. Judging from the draft, thickness, and crossbows on board, they are all top-notch.

How could the Lu family have such an elite navy, and what worries me the most is how the Lu family’s fleet can use Lingnan. You must know that the Yan family and the Cai family have blocked all the exits from Lingnan to Jiangdong, and they suddenly appeared Here, there is only one possibility, the Yan family or the Cai family united with them.

At this time, it was a troubled time. I originally wanted to make plans after occupying Jiangdong with Bai Chaoyang, but I didn't expect that the Lu family suddenly appeared at this time. This is not a good signal.

"Turn around, turn around! Idiot!" Liu Sandao stood at the bow and shouted.

"Boom!" The five-tooth battleship suddenly accelerated, locking the water surface horizontally.

The five big ships surrounded the little sheep like fierce tigers. At this moment, Liu Sandao stamped his feet anxiously and shouted, "Special envoy, what should we do now?"

I said in a low voice: "You have been sold, no good, where is the sedan chair?"

I saw that the boat carrying the sedan chair had spontaneously approached the five-tooth warship, and at the same time, an old woman on board holding a dragon snake crutch shouted loudly: "Liu Sandao, are you going to die or live?" .”

"Third Master, let's fight with him." The bodyguard on the adjacent awning boat held a simple knife and shouted.

As soon as the words fell, a powerful crossbow more than one meter long was shot from the five-tooth warship, piercing through the talking bodyguard. Layers of spray.

"Special envoy, what should we do now, what should we do?" Liu Sandao was completely flustered and asked me anxiously.

I'm in a panic right now, unless I grow a pair of wings, I won't be able to escape at all. The opponent's battleship hasn't used flint yet, and this little black-covered boat may be smashed to pieces at any time.

It seems that there must be some big problem among the various forces in the Taoist sect.

The other party looked like he was here to greet the relatives, there must be something weird about it, but right now, survival is the most important thing.

"Voted!" I said.

Of course Liu Sandao wanted to live. He put down the ghost knife in his hand and knelt on the bow of the boat. With his throw, the other soldiers and guards also surrendered.

Of course I can't surrender. If this falls into the hands of the Lu family, I will lose my skin if I don't die. They have never dealt with Jiangdong forces.

(End of this chapter)

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