Dart Master

Chapter 480 The Betrayal of Wuyang Dragon

Chapter 480 The Betrayal of Wuyang Dragon
This ship was not the main ship where the hostages were held. Most of the soldiers on board went ashore to carry the supplies all the way south, and only a few soldiers were left on it.

I touched the boat, took the opportunity to release a soldier who capsized, took off his armor and replaced it, and threw the body into the river. I was not in a hurry to put on the armor, but hid the armor aside.

If I put on the armor now, and I am going to be dragged by the leader to become a strong man, wouldn't that be causing trouble for myself?

And now that I'm going to see Wuyang Dragon, it's better to be on the safe side. Thinking of this, I dried my clothes with my vitality and walked slowly into the ghost market.

After entering the ghost market, there are many changes inside than before. In addition to the more stringent military patrols, there are also a lot of shops and hawkers in various places, especially the business of Hualou is more prosperous.

This is a common phenomenon. Whenever there is a war or a chaotic world, the order will become more chaotic, and the forces of various factions are wandering on various occasions.

Of course, there are almost no ghost merchants from the Yin Division here now, presumably because the war in the Yin Division is tight, the gate of ghosts is closed, and the restrictions on ghost merchants coming and going are stricter.

On the contrary, the status of the monsters in the ghost market is getting higher and higher, and they are all arrogant and arrogant.Thinking about it, the demon is the king of water and land, with strong fighting power, whether it is used to mine ore or march and fight, it is the kind that the princes of all parties need most.

Therefore, in this troubled world, the status of monsters has risen, and they are extremely popular.

"Sifang Restaurant!"

I stopped in front of a restaurant. There are many restaurants in the ghost market. It would be very troublesome to search for each family. But seeing that there are many soldiers guarding the entrance of this restaurant, I guess Wu Yanglong should be here to entertain Mrs. Jinhua and his party.

"Stop, the restaurant is under martial law, no one else is allowed to enter." The soldier guarding the gate stopped me.

"Brother, please go and inform President Wu that a friend from Jiangdong wants to see him." I said to the soldier.

The soldier waved his hand impatiently, "Get out, get out, if everyone can see the Wu Guild Leader, wouldn't the Wu Guild Leader be busy to death, hurry up and get out of here."

I didn't expect this guy to be so manic, and immediately the fire came up. With a flick of his fingers, a burst of vitality hit his throat. The soldier immediately covered his throat, his mouth was wide open but he couldn't make a sound.

Seeing this, the soldiers at the side quickly gathered around. This was exactly the effect I wanted. Due to the commotion, Wu Yanglong, who was accompanying the drink upstairs, was quickly alarmed, and led two personal guards down the stairs.

"What's going on?" Wu Yanglong asked with his hands behind his back, frowning.

Long time no see, Wu Yanglong has become more handsome than before. Since I helped him get rid of Chen Biao, he has become the top leader of Yujiazui, and he is even more highly regarded by Boss Xu, and his prestige has also increased.

"President, this man said he wanted to see you, and even injured our brother." The soldier on the side replied.

Wuyang Long's thick eyebrows darkened, and he looked at me. Since I was using Cao San's body, it was difficult for him to recognize me for a while, but seeing that I was full of murderous aura, he knew that I was very human, so he cupped his hands and asked with a smile: " I don't know who you are, what do you want to see Wu?"

I smiled lightly and said, "I am an old friend of President Wu from Jiangdong. I wonder if President Wu still remembers it?"

Wu Yanglong was shocked when he saw that there seemed to be something in my words, and that my eyes were familiar.

But soon he came back to his senses, and smiled happily: "You all step back, he is indeed my old friend of Jiangdong."

"Old friend, please wait a moment, Yang Long goes up to say hello to the honored guests, and he will come down immediately." Wu Yanglong cupped his hands to me, then turned and walked upstairs.

I always felt that there was something wrong with him, but I couldn't tell for a moment. While I was waiting, a man in a hurry bumped into my arms.

He smelled of alcohol all over his body, he looked drunk, his long hair was loose in front of his face, it was difficult to see his face clearly.

The moment I was about to push him away, the drunk man parted his hair and muttered softly against my shoulder: "Go, Wuyang Dragon is going to kill you."

After finishing speaking, he stumbled and ran over to the other side. I pretended to be looking for a settlement with him, and quickly chased him out of the ghost market union.

After leaving the ghost market and arriving at a secluded place at the ferry, I asked in surprise, "Hui Yue, why are you here?"

It was Hui Yue who reminded me of pretending to be drunk, Hui Yue looked more mature than before, and her expression was much more serious.

"King Qin, I received a message from Mr. Xiao from Baihuamen, so I know what you look like now. After we received the password from the bearded man, we immediately mobilized our troops to set up an ambush in the river. Unexpectedly, people from the Lu family appeared Yes, Du Wen knew that something was wrong, and specially asked me to wait for you at Yujiazui, this matter can only be concluded." Hui Yue said.

"You just said that Wuyang Dragon wanted to kill me, what happened?" I asked.

"King Qin, judging from the feedback from Baihuamen and various parties, Wuyanglong should have completely attached himself to Boss Xu, and Boss Xu has personally promised him a marriage. And we, the Qinglong Gang, originally wanted to marry him last month. I opened a shop in the ghost market as an intelligence and detective point. Not only did the person surnamed Wu refuse, but he also arrested several of us who have been active in the ghost market for a long time. So, I guess if the person surnamed Wu knows your true identity, he He will definitely do something wrong to King Qin." Hui Yue analyzed.

I lit a cigarette. The cheapest thing in Taoism is the human heart. Wu Yanglong was suppressed by Chen Biao at the beginning, he hesitated, so he could only surrender to me, and use my hand to kill Chen Biao.

But it's not easy now, Boss Xu thinks highly of him, and even personally proposes marriage to him, Wu Yanglong's status in the ghost market is also rising.

You must know that Yujiazui's status in the entire Ghost City trade union is extremely high. Boss Xu's ability to hand over such a large trade union to him shows his trust in him.

With his old treachery and cunning, if Wu Yanglong hadn't been capable and loyal to him, how could he be used so much?
Wuyang Dragon has betrayed me!
I took a deep breath of smoke, frowned and asked, "Where is Commander Du Wen?"

"Boss Xue and Commander Du originally set up an ambush by the river, but because the Lu family's five-toothed battleship was too powerful, they couldn't make an ambush at all. Commander Du meant that they would make a decision after seeing the King of Qin." Hui Yue said.

"Okay, you go back and let Du Wen and others wait for me in Duzhai. I'll come to you as soon as I've settled the matter here," I said.

Hui Yue was a little surprised and said, "King Qin, aren't you leaving now?"

"Wu Yanglong, I personally accomplished him, if he really betrayed me, I absolutely can't stay in his world." I said coldly with a gloomy expression on my face.

"Okay, King Qin, I'll take a step now." After Hui Yue finished speaking, she walked away quickly.

The appearance of the Lu family completely disrupted my plan, and now Wuyanglong's betrayal makes me even more annoyed.

Thinking of how he swore to support me back then, and now that Boss Xu gave him a little favor, he turned his back on the master again. This kind of villainous heart that betrays the master and seeks glory is really hateful.

After thinking about it, I went back to the ghost city again, and I want to see what tricks this guy can play.

When I returned to Sifang Restaurant, Wu Yanglong was pacing anxiously with his hands behind his back. When he saw me appearing, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, "My old friend came to see me, please forgive Yanglong for his slow treatment."

I smiled, "It's okay, long time no see, brother seems to be getting better and better."

Wu Yanglong smiled slightly, his bold face remained the same, but with a bit more philistine and wealthy air, "Let's talk in another place, there are too many people here."

I raised my hand to signal for him to lead the way. The Yujiazui Ghost City trade union is now completely in his hands. Wu Yanglong walked straight into the union's clubhouse and received me in an office with antiques, calligraphy and paintings.

"What a magnificent office, it's a hundred times more expensive than when Elder Chen was here." I smiled proudly with my hands behind my back.

Wu Yanglong was a little embarrassed and said: "In the past six months, the ghost market has indeed earned a little money, and these are all randomly decorated by the people below."

I sat down on the main seat, "Yang Long, should I call you brother now, or president?"

Wu Yanglong was shocked, he knelt down on one knee and said: "King Qin is a villain, if it wasn't for your protection, how could Yanglong be where he is today."

I played with a pair of Qiankun beads on the table, and said with a sneer, "I heard that you are now married and have children, can you attract me, let me see."

(End of this chapter)

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