Dart Master

Chapter 488

Chapter 488
He thought that his perfect plan had failed.What's even worse is that Boss Xu even gave his hostages to the Lu family after accepting a huge sum of money. This was a slap in the face to him.

But there is nothing to do, Yan Jun and Zhang Wang can't deal with Boss Xu, so what can he do.

"Lu Shaoxun, you bastard, dare to snatch food from my son's tiger's mouth, I will never let you leave Longhu Mountain alive." Yan Donglou roared.

"Master Yan, with your current state of mind, if you fight tomorrow, you will never be Lu Shaoxun's opponent. You need to calm down." I reminded him.

Yan Donglou's eyes turned cold, and then he sneered a few times, "Qin Wushang, why should I trust you?"

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyelids up, "Isn't this simple? You can send spies to Liu Sandao to see where your escort team is? If you don't know, I can tell you that it is in Longwang Bay , Lu family's five five-fang battleships, there are a total of [-] elite soldiers stationed there, they not only want to take your position of Lord Yan, maybe even your Longhu Mountain will be in danger."

Yan Donglou looked at me uncertainly, he was a little restless, beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

"Why are you telling me this?" he asked.

"The enemy of an enemy is a friend. The Lu family and the Cai family have formed an alliance and will soon leave Lingnan. I got information from Baihuamen that Lu Jiuyang has built an army of 15 troops in Lingnan. The Yan family is adjacent to the Lu family. I believe the flames of war will burn soon. When you arrive at your son’s Penglai Island, if you don’t stay vigilant, even the immortals on the island will not be able to save you.”

I deliberately exaggerated the strength of Lingnan and the strength of the Wuya warship by several times, in order to create a strong sense of oppression for Yandonglou and make him feel a stronger crisis, so that he can strike hard at the Lu family.

As long as Yandonglou can bring restraint to the Lu family, the situation will be greatly beneficial to me, and Jiangdong will also get a short respite.

When Yan Donglou heard it, he was even more shocked physically and mentally. He did have some intelligence, but because he hadn't suffered a little bit since he was a child, and he was loved by his father and teacher, this made him, when encountering setbacks and blows, Often a little blind, at a loss.

At this moment, he seemed a bit confused. He never dreamed that the Lu family would rise so quickly, and his Penglai Island had only less than 2 people, and there were only more than 20 real soldiers. How could he resist the Lu family's [-] soldiers? Wan Dajun.

"Come here!" Yan Donglou yelled out the door, and immediately a disciple from Longhushan came in, "Senior brother, what instructions do you have?"

"Immediately send someone to Longwang Bay to find out if there is the Lu Family's Five Fangs Fleet."

"Yes, brother."

After the disciple walked out of the door, Yan Donglou sat down, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at me with straight eyes, and said with a sneer, "Qin Wushang, you'd better ask for blessings, if Longwangwan doesn't Lu family's fleet, you just wait to die."

I walked to the window, smoked a cigarette silently, and calculated the situation. As long as I persuade the Yan family to contain the Lu family, I can spare no time to raise troops, occupy Jiangdong, and then go south to help the Xiang family defend against the Lu family and the Cai family.

Soon, the guardian disciple came in, "Senior brother, according to the investigation of the junior brothers, there are indeed five warships in Longwang Bay, do you think you want to report it to the Celestial Master?"

The battleship is not just a small fight, it is also a threat to Longhushan, there is nothing wrong with the Dharma protector disciples being cautious.

"This matter must not be made public. I will handle it. If Master finds out, I will take your head." Yan Donglou said with murderous eyes and a cold voice.

"Yes!" The Dharma protector didn't dare to make a sound, and quickly agreed.

I can see that Zhang Tianshi is not aware of Yandonglou's plan to seize the king, otherwise he would not have allowed him to commit such a stupid thing.Moreover, once Tianshi Zhang knows about this, the position of chief disciple of Yandonglou may not be able to be kept.

Yan Donglou is not without opponents in Longhu Mountain. His younger brother Dan Chenzi is not inferior to him in terms of cultivation and prestige, and he is also highly regarded by Zhang Tianshi, and his position in Longhu Mountain is also very important.

What's more important is that Dan Chenzi is a very ambitious person, and he has been eyeing the chief disciple of Yuqing Pavilion all the time.

If Yan Donglou had not had a huge family background and was blessed by the gods of Penglai Pavilion, his position as a big brother might not be guaranteed.

In fact, I can also guess with my toes. With Yan Donglou's arrogance, he must be unpopular in Longhu Mountain, and he doesn't have any scheming, so he can easily fall into other traps.

Still the same sentence, if it weren't for his strong family background and strong background, he would have been eliminated by Taoism long ago.

"Mr. Yan, what's the matter? Qin didn't lie to you, right? You know the truth. You have to think clearly about whether you will lose your reputation or continue to be your senior brother."

My words are threatening, and the meaning is very simple. If he still wants to compete for the position of Lord Yan, I will cooperate with Lu Shaoxun, or announce the plan to seize the king, and ruin his reputation.On the contrary, if he is sensible and cooperates with me, I can help him defeat Lu Shaoxun and avenge this great revenge, but he can't think about the position of Lord Yan.

Yan Donglou slumped down on the chair, his whole body in a white brocade robe was completely drenched with sweat.

He has already realized that because of the plan to seize the king, he is completely in a passive position, as if being strangled by someone, unable to move.

But he knew very well that it would be good for the position of Lord Yan to fall into anyone's hands, and it must not fall into the hands of the Lu family. Once it falls into the hands of the Lu family, the gate of Penglai Island will be opened.

At that time, Lu Shaoxun ordered him to switch on in the name of Yan Jun. If he opened it, he would die.

"Qin Wushang, what do you want to do?" Yan Donglou asked in a deep voice.

"Mr. Yan, at this moment, Jiangdong, Yan's family, and even you are at the point of life and death. I think you already know it very well in your heart." I looked at him deeply and asked.

Yan Donglou nodded, with a fierce look in his eyes, he said, "Yan made a bad move, which made me angry, but the Lu family bullied people too much, and even dared to ride on my head and shit. I can't bear this tone."

"Okay, Mr. Yan is so determined. I will give you a chance to shake hands and make peace in Jiangdong City. Now I still want to give you another chance. You and I will defeat the Lu family together." I stretched out my hand to him. .

Yan Donglou was stunned for a while, and finally stretched out his hand helplessly, shook hands with me and said, "What should we do now?"

I said: "No matter what the result is, you must bite to death. The matter of taking hostages has nothing to do with you. Moreover, when the alliance was formed, the uncle and nephew of the Cao family were already dead, Murong Xue had returned to Xichuan, and the Dongyin monster had already fled. , although the Lu family knew about it, but it was his family's opinion, so he couldn't prove anything."

Yan Donglou agreed that Lu Shaoxun and him were originally competitors, and it was impossible to control them with one mouth.

Also, you must immediately send people to deal with the Lu family's fleet, otherwise they can go down the river at any time and pose a threat to you.The most important thing is that you have to admit my status in Longhushan, so that I can justifiably join forces with you to deal with Lu Shaoxun, I said.

Yan Donglou thought for a while and said, "Most Yan has no hope for the position of Lord Yan. In that case, I'll let you go. As long as Lu Shaoxun can be stepped down, Yan will go all out."

Lu Shaoxun and Boss Xu completely annoyed Yan Donglou. I have to say that Yan Donglou is a very energetic person. If he can really help me, at least one major disaster will be avoided.

"Okay, Mr. Yan, I hope you won't stab me in the back this time. Although I, Qin Wushang, am based on benevolence, I don't want anyone to challenge my bottom line again and again." I looked at the sweaty Yan Dong Lou, Zheng Ran said.

Yan Donglou nodded, "Don't worry, our alliance will not be broken until the Lu family is finished."

Speaking of this, Yan Donglou said a little tiredly: "It's getting late, I have to go back to Yuqing Pavilion, you'd better settle the hostage matter before tomorrow. As for the Lu family fleet, leave it to me, they Don't even think about leaving Xinjiang."

"I'll give you a ride." I said.

When we got to the door, Yan Donglou almost tripped over the threshold, I hurriedly supported him, but I didn't expect to hear a sneer as soon as I went out.

"Senior brother Yan, are you okay, I see that you don't look very well."

(End of this chapter)

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