Dart Master

Chapter 494

Chapter 494
"Chaoyang, find a way!" I yelled, but the strength in my hand was loosened a bit. The stronger I am, the stronger this old nun will be, and he will continue to consume his own yuan to suppress me. Seeing a little internal injury, let her succeed.

If I really forced her to death because of taking a drop of blood, I would be guilty of a serious crime.

Combining the two, resolving it is also a huge difficulty. Bai Chaoyang is not watching the fun, but looking for the most suitable time.

But time waits for no one, he can only take the risk to make a move.

"Blue Dragon Wall!"

Bai Chaoyang blessed himself with the green dragon to protect himself, and he used luck with both hands to perform martial arts. The green dragon walked left and right from the palm of his hand, and the dragon chant endlessly.

"Long Fei Nine Heavens!"

When the vitality was stimulated to the extreme, Bai Chaoyang suddenly jumped into the air, swooped down, and drew his hands in Tai Chi. The two green dragons rhythmically coiled into a gossip shape, and slammed into me and the heartless teacher. .

Master Unfeeling and I were separated too suddenly, and the two blue dragons led the left and right two huge forces to go underground.Click!Both Master Rueqing and I are rare masters in Taoism, two huge forces penetrated into the ground at the same time, tearing apart a big hole about two feet wide on the surface of the ground.

Almost at the same time, the three of them flew out as if they were hit by shells.

I smashed seven or eight old bamboos in a row, and then I stopped. I couldn't breathe from the pressure of the huge counter-shock, my throat was sweet, and I opened my mouth to vomit blood.

Mrs. Unfeeling also didn't take advantage of anything, she fell to the ground, rolled on the ground for a dozen times before getting up, and immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, adjusting her breath and blood.

The worst was Bai Chaoyang. His Azure Dragon Wall had been broken, and half of his body was buried in the soil. His originally handsome face was also covered with mud and branches and leaves. His bun was broken and his hair was messy, making him look in a mess.

"Brother Wang, why are you still standing there, hurry up and pull me out, ahem!" Bai Chaoyang spat blood and yelled helplessly at me.

I quickly pulled him out of the pit, he patted the dirt on his body, and spit out a few more dirt, "Brother Wang, you are playing too much, my little life almost broke It's in your hands."

After finishing speaking, he took out the silver needle from his pocket and checked that it was still there, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: "Go, let's act quickly before it arrives, you are fine."

I saw that although he was injured a little bit, he still spoke as usual. It seems that this kid has also greatly increased his skill and cultivation base during the few months I have been away. A huge vitality was shocked to death.

I took two deep breaths, and there were bursts of pain in my lungs, and the blockage was severe. I knew I had suffered a slight injury, so I tried to transport my blood, and it was still smooth. Fortunately, I didn't hurt too much, otherwise tomorrow Yan Jun I can only be a spectator at the conference.

Mrs. Unfeeling was also gasping for breath. Bai Chaoyang and I supported each other and walked to her side, but she no longer had the strength to stand up and fight with us again.

At this time, she already knew very well that we didn't want to kill her, otherwise Bai Chaoyang would slap her in the back casually, and she would be finished.Not to mention that I deliberately suppressed my vitality to let her have a point.

"Master, you are too fussy. After I save Master Juechen, you will know that I, Qin Wushang, am not the kind of Taoist thief you imagined." I glanced at her and sighed angrily. , and then left with Bai Chaoyang's support.

Back at the inn, Deng Long and Bai Ling had already prepared copper basins, mirrors, incense sticks, talisman paper, etc.

Seeing the two of us in such a mess, Bai Ling felt distressed and almost burst into tears, "Brother Hurt, Second Brother, what's wrong with you?"

I waved my hand, "Don't mention it, that teacher is like a tigress, she almost killed both of us."

"Take the basin to the patio, I'm going to prepare for the mirror." Bai Chaoyang changed into a clean dress, combed his hair, and washed his face before he ordered.

In the courtyard, the moonlight was bright and clear. Bai Chaoyang first washed his hands, lit incense sticks, burned talisman papers, and kowtowed to the Taoist ancestor of the Sanqing. After soaking the mirror in the copper basin, he took out the silver needle and stood it on the mirror.

The method he uses is slightly different from that used by Uncle Qi. I have seen Uncle Qi use this method before, and it seems that it is not that simple, probably because of the bloodstains of the unfeeling teacher.

"Sanqing is above, the moon enters the entrance, and the secret of heaven is revealed immediately, as urgently as a law!" With his loud shout, the water surface of the copper basin began to shake.

The moonlight condensed into a beam of light and shone into the copper basin. It was so bright that one's eyes could not see clearly what was inside.

After about ten seconds, the water surface gradually returned to calm, and the light gradually became softer. At this time, clear characters began to appear on the mirror.

Damn, this is too amazing, Deng Long poked his head and screamed.

Bai Ling also clapped his hands excitedly, "Brother Hurt, look, there is someone."

I leaned over to take a look, and saw a nun in a Taoist robe was tied up and sitting against the wall. There were many hostages around her. Judging from the picture, they were all alive.

But soon a person I don't want to see appears in the mirror, Mrs. Jin Hua.

Lu Shaoxun attached great importance to the hostage this time, because it was related to whether he could capture Longhu Mountain, and even had a large amount of gambling money.

If he lost, it would be a mess. No wonder he would send Mrs. Jinhua to Jiangdong in person, not only to greet his relatives, but more importantly, to guard the hostages.

Now that the masters are all on Longhu Mountain, Mrs. Jinhua has almost no opponents, and it can be said that she is foolproof.

Chaoyang, can you tell where this place is?I asked.

Bai Chaoyang was also carefully looking at the scene in the mirror. From the picture, it looked like he was in a temple, but it seemed that the incense was not very good, and there were spider threads in the corners. It should be an abandoned temple.

"It looks like an abandoned temple, but I can't see the specific place, but at least the hostages are still alive." Bai Chaoyang frowned.

"Let's analyze, from Longwang Bay to Longhu Mountain and Juyunya, where are there abandoned temples?" I asked.

Deng Long thought for a while and said: "King Qin, I don't think it's above Juyunya. You think Longhu Mountain is very important to Taoist temples, and it doesn't seem like there are deserted temples in this area. However, in Longwangwan Leading to Laojunxi, that is, in the area of ​​Hushan, there seems to be such an abandoned temple."

"Well, Longhu Mountain has undergone a lot of transformation and reconstruction in recent years. The Taoist temples around Hushan have to be abandoned because they are close to the secular world. Maybe they are hiding in the place where the secular world and Taoism meet. Because no one would have thought that they hid people so close to the secular world." Bai Chaoyang agreed with Deng Long.

"Deng Long and I went to search the temple, Chaoyang, you hurry up to meditate and practice your skills, and you have to participate in the Yanjun Conference tomorrow." I said.

Bai Chaoyang nodded and said: "Well, Brother Wang, no matter what, you must come to the Yanjun meeting tomorrow, regardless of whether the hostages can be rescued or not."

"Brother Hurt, can you let me go with you?" Bai Ling looked at me pitifully.

I immediately rejected her mercilessly, "Girl, you must stay here, if you leave, others will be suspicious, and I am just a guard that no one knows, even if I am not here, no one will doubt it. "

Bai Ling curled his lips helplessly, "Alright then, then you must come back tomorrow."

Without further ado, Deng Long and I went down the mountain and headed towards Laojunxi at the junction of Longshan and Hushan.

Laojunxi is three kilometers down to the secular river, and Hushan is also visible from a distance. I can even see the bright modern lights and fireworks in the Taoist temple on Hushan. Lu Shaoxun is really bold enough.

If this is discovered by a careful layman, it will definitely hit the headlines. Feng Er is busy resisting Tuoba Chong in Yanshan now, and I'm afraid his lungs will explode when he sees such news.

The junction of Hushan and Longshan is not completely connected, as if someone cut the two mountains with a knife, forming a long and narrow valley in the middle.

Of course, this valley is on the side of Hushan Mountain, and it is an abyss. Looking up, the thousand-meter-high cliffs on both sides make people tremble with fear.

"That's it, let's go!"

I snapped my fingers, brushed aside the weeds at the entrance of the canyon, and burrowed in. Because the cliffs on both sides of the dragon and tiger were too high, the surrounding moonlight could not shine in at all. The canyon was pitch black, and the wind from both sides poured into my ears , whirring.

(End of this chapter)

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