Dart Master

Chapter 5 Zhao Heizi

Chapter 5 Zhao Heizi

Hey, people like Fang Youde are really hopeless. I don't know why, but when I look at him, I feel disgusted. I have never hated a person so much.

"You go back first, and wait for us at Sanlipo tomorrow night." Uncle Qi still understood me, and he waved Fang Youde to leave with some displeasure.

Fang Youde thanked him again, and then left.

"Little girl, it's getting late, I don't mind keeping you down. But let me tell you first, there are only two beds, so you can squeeze with my nephew." Uncle Qi raised the corners of his mouth and vomited badly A smoke ring, laughed.

To be honest, Seventh Uncle is really a very charming man. Under the light blue smoke ring, his lazy, casual and unrestrained demeanor has a bit of Tony Leung feeling.

Hey, it's really annoying to compare people to people. You said Uncle Qi is so handsome, but why am I so ordinary, with big eyes and a big nose, nothing distinctive at all.

"Nephew, don't piss off Miss Bai with your Hong Kong feet that haven't been washed in half a month." Uncle Qi continued to make up his knife, shamelessly using me, the bodyguard, as an order to expel guests.

Bai Ling gave me a blank look, "No wonder you have a sour smell on your body, which is as annoying as Grandpa Smelly, so I won't squeeze with you!"

The girl came in a hurry and left quickly, as soon as she finished speaking, she was already outside the door.

After closing the door, I asked Uncle Qi, what is hungry ghost gangrene, and why didn't Bai Ling finish talking.

Uncle Qi paused and said, Hungry ghost gangrene should not have appeared in the world. In the past, plagues were rampant among the people, people were destitute, and starvation was everywhere.People who died of starvation were mostly greedy ghosts after death. Because they refused to accept the grain, their resentment was even greater, and King Qin Guang was very annoyed.In this way, the resentment of the starved ghost became even greater, and finally the resentment condensed to form the hungry ghost gangrene. Once a mortal gets infected, the hungry ghost gangrene will be squeezed dry.

When it was at its peak, people among the people were driven by hungry ghosts, and even changed their minds to eat them, and they suddenly lost their compunction.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, the eminent monk Xuanzang witnessed the suffering among the people caused by Emperor Sui Yang's famine and chaos.

The holy monk is grateful for the sufferings of the people and the evils caused by the hungry ghosts, and he has the heart to overcome them. However, the limited Buddhist teachings cannot eliminate the resentment of the hungry ghosts.During the reign of Zhenguan, there was severe drought and famine in Longxi area, and hungry ghost gangrene was rampant again. The holy monk decided to go westward and went to the west to seek the scriptures.

In the end, he returned to the Eastern Land in Daci’en Temple, where thousands of eminent monks were summoned to recite the scriptures of the ancient Buddha’s Dharma. open.So far, the resentment of the starving ghost subsided.

Speaking of this, Uncle Qi was silent for a moment, and looked at me seriously, "Whether the ancient Buddha's apparition is true or not, there is no way to know, but the reappearance of hungry ghost gangrene is a true fact. Fang Youde's matter is not simple. , you have to be prepared."

I nodded, thinking of Hungry Ghost Gangrene, my scalp still felt numb, "Seventh Uncle, didn't you say that I'm an ordinary person, for the old Qin's family, no matter how difficult it is, I have to break through."

Uncle Qi smiled slightly, "A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but that's what our dart runners need."

"Uncle Qi, this time I have to hit Fang Youde hard and earn a lot of money." I joked.

"Hurry up and go to bed. Remember to go to the boy surnamed Zhao tomorrow and prepare all the gold ingots. If he is willing to go with us, let him prepare all the household items." Seventh Uncle ordered, biting a cigarette Go to the bedroom.

"Don't worry, I can definitely handle him." I said confidently, hehe, I haven't seen that guy for a long time.

Before walking into the bedroom, Uncle Qi muttered, "A starving ghost can bring hungry ghost gangrene to the underworld, it's too evil."

I felt a chill all over, and my heart suddenly became overcast. Damn it, don't be the first time I walk the darts, I smashed the old Qin's pot.

The next day, early in the morning, I drove Seventh Uncle's golden cup to the Xiling funeral market, and arrived at Lao Zhao's funeral shop with ease.

As far as Jiangdong is concerned, there are many people, and the funeral market is very busy, but Lao Ma's house is still deserted as usual.

I opened the curtain at the door, and as soon as I walked in, I saw Bai Ling pouting and bargaining with Zhao Heizi.

"I said why are you so stingy? Isn't it just 50 yuan? Can't you be flexible and give me a discount?" Bai Ling said angrily holding a stack of thick treasure bills in his hand.

"I don't sell anything less." Zhao Heizi turned his back, didn't even look at Bai Ling, just lowered his head and cut the gold paper.

"Brother, I'm really in a hurry. Why don't you give me a call and I'll give it back to you next time. I really don't have enough on me today." If the money is free, it will be free.It's a pity that Bai Ling met Zhao Heizi, who is just a piece of wood that doesn't understand the style.

"Have you ever heard of debts for buying things from dead people? It's a good thing you're in this business." I smiled and took out 50 yuan from my pocket and threw it into the box next to me, paying for Bai Ling.

"Hong Kong foot, why are you here?" Bai Ling said happily when he saw me, but this name made my head full of black lines and I almost collapsed.

I shook my head, too lazy to talk to him, sat down beside Heizi, and was about to pick up a paper figurine.

Just as he was about to speak, Zhao Heizi turned around and grabbed my hand, "Don't touch it if you don't buy it. If you get popular, it's yours."

"Damn, we've been buddies for so many years, aren't we just a paper doll, we're friends who wear crotch pants, and I'm your brother too." I laughed.

"Get lost!" Zhao Heizi sent me three words quickly.

The descendants of the old Zhao family are the most famous craftsmen in Jiangdong. They are one of the few strange people in the yang world who can make the things of the underworld and circulate them in the underworld.

Because of the strangeness, the price is quite high, and it is rarely sold to ordinary people.

Imagine that in the eyes of ordinary people, ten yuan can buy hundreds of millions of treasures, but here they can only buy a paper gold ingot, of course they cannot accept it.

Anyone from Qimen who came to Jiangdong to do business must come to Zhao's Burial Shop, and it depends on luck whether they can buy things.

In fact, Zhao Heizi is a very eccentric person, and he does everything according to his mood. Once he is in a bad mood, even if Zhang Tianshi from Longhushan comes, he will never take a piece of paper money from the store.

It is very difficult for a person like this to have friends. Fortunately, I am one of his few friends.

Zhao Heizi, in fact, is not black, and very interesting.

He has a resolute face, with sharp contours, not handsome, but very manly.

He is over 1.7 meters tall, neither fat nor thin, a typical southerner.Under the bronze-colored skin are steel and iron bones, like a cheetah, exuding a chilling fighting spirit all the time.

Coupled with his knife-like cold eyes and callused hands, everyone knows that this is definitely not a problem to provoke.

In fact, he is really good at fighting. Until now, I have seen him fight countless people, and he has never lost.

The reason why me and the eccentric Zhao Heizi can become friends is not only that we are family friends, but also because we have the same birthday, but what makes Zhao Heizi unhappy is that I was born half an hour earlier than him.

When my grandfather was alive, he and the old man of the Zhao family were sworn brothers.

When I was a child, every Chinese New Year, Mr. Zhao would bring him to my house for a visit, and he would always ask him to call me brother with a tigerish face.

Although he was stubborn, he didn't dare to disobey the old man of the Zhao family. Every time he called me brother with tears in his eyes, and then I happily patted him on the head and gave him candy from my pocket.

When I was in junior high school and high school, I was more rebellious, and I often caused troubles in school, but it was not because I had a beard and a vicious look that could scare people, but because Zhao Heizi was covering me.

He doesn't mix in society, and he doesn't like to fight or talk, but as long as I tell him to beat someone, he won't even blink his brows, and he won't ask why, and the students in the Jiangdong area will tremble when they see him. .

After graduating from high school, I went to college, and Zhao Heizi took over Mrs. Zhao's class. Since then, we have lost contact.

After I returned to Jiangdong, because I was busy delivering couriers, I seldom met him, and the relationship was very sparse. To be honest, I was not fully sure that he would join the Huangquan Escort.

"Three thousand gold and silver ingots, put them in a box." I said.

Zhao Heizi didn't say much, and quickly walked to the back room, quickly took two large boxes, and threw them in the middle of the room, "The old price, ten gold ingots, five silver ingots, half price discount, no credit."

(End of this chapter)

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