Dart Master

Chapter 517 Chang Tianen's Ambition

Chapter 517 Chang Tianen's Ambition
If he hadn't been worried about the safety of the royal city, he wouldn't have come to this dirty place.

"Come here, give the old general some high-quality ambergris!" Chang Tianen shouted.

Ambergris, isn’t this Xichuan Ambergris Pit?How could it appear here, I secretly wondered in my heart.

Ambergris is one of the three largest incense pits in the world. Since I let Zhang Shiyi and Wen Kai’s thousands of soldiers occupy the Ambergris Pit, it is impossible for those from the Yin Division to circulate here, and even more from the Qinglong Gang. Impossible, could it be that the person who cheated Wang Fu from Feng Qianchou was from Xichuan?
"No need, the old man's [-] soldiers have not been scented for three days. When will the food and grass promised by the city lord arrive?" Ruan Sucheng asked loudly.

Chang Tianen laughed, "The old general is still so impatient. I invited you here today to discuss important matters. The city owner has his own considerations regarding food and grass."

My heart moved, and I suddenly understood why each term of the city lord was held by a person. It turned out that the food and grass for the Yin soldiers were all in the hands of the previous city lords. Because they are ghosts and cannot leave the city, they naturally cannot buy food and grass. of.

"City Master, it's okay to say something." Ruan Sucheng asked.

Chang Tian'en said with a smile: "Recently, I received a report that the new Taoist Yan Jun Qin Wushang tried to attack my royal city and destroy Zhang Wang's foundation. I don't know what the old general thinks?"

Ruan Sucheng slapped the table and stood up, "Just such a shit, is it worth discussing? The king's city only belongs to those who deserve it. Anyone who tries to challenge King Zhang's authority will not be spared by this old man. Don't say he can't enter the king's city, just If he can enter the royal city, this old man will also fight bloody battle with him to the end."

Chang Tianen rejoiced and said: "The general is mighty, I heard that this Qin Wushang is the head of the evil sect, when all ghosts are walking at night, he is the one who led the ghosts into Jiangdong City and killed millions of Jiangdong people, and now he is stirring up trouble in the Xuanmen everywhere Making waves, trying to occupy the royal city in a vain attempt to conquer the world. The city lord thinks that such thieves should be killed."

Ruan Sucheng stood up and said coldly: "The old man just fights, and the city lord will deal with the rest. But there is one sentence, this general must remind you, if you still can't see the food and grass tonight, you, the city lord, will have a good day." It's over."

After finishing speaking, Ruan Sucheng snorted coldly, picked up the sword on the table and walked out of the house.

This upright old general, because of Chang Tianen's blockade of news about the ghost area, the old general had no idea that the King Zhang whom he admired and was loyal to was in trouble, and he didn't even know that I was King Zhang and the heir of Lord Yan.

He is still waiting for the person who can inherit King Zhang's will to appear, because only that person can enter this city and take over the battle of the king. This is the legacy that King Zhang left to his descendants.

Ruan Sucheng was one of the few people who knew the truth about King Zhang's construction of the city, so he couldn't even remember how long he had been waiting in this city.

Facing the rude Ruan Sucheng, Chang Tianen's eyes shone with a sinister light, Ruan Sucheng has become a tasteless piece of Wangcheng.

The five thousand Yin soldiers in his hands are all elite soldiers, who have been conducting the most rigorous drills, and it can be said that they are responsible for the defense of the entire city.

As for the [-] soldiers and horses of the City Lord's Mansion, [-] soldiers have been raised by him, and now it is too late to train them into elite soldiers.The remaining [-] corpse soldiers, although they only listened to him, were actually loyal to the city lord's orders.

Once the Yang Token is stolen and he loses control over the corpse soldiers, he will change hands, and Ruan Sucheng doesn't care who succeeds the city lord at all, he only wants one, incense, food and grass.

"Old thing, dare to be so rude to the city lord, my lord, according to the general, he should cut off his food and grass, and see what his five thousand ghost soldiers can do to me." Quan Datong's eyes flashed fiercely, and he said coldly.

Chang Tianen sneered and said: "Now is not the time to turn against him, but the old man will be finished soon, General Quan, you lead the troops of the headquarters, nailed the Yuntianmen for me, and no one is allowed to disclose information to the old man. "

"Your subordinates take orders." Quan Datong led his attendants out.

"General He, send someone to prepare a month's supply of food immediately, and send it to him, so as not to make the old man suspicious." Chang Tianen said again.

After the arrangements were made, Chang Tianen retreated surrounded by dancers.

The banquet was over, and the attendants were clearing up the leftovers in the hall. Taking advantage of the relaxation of my guard, I groped in the hall for a while without finding any secret passages.

Back at the camp, for fear of arousing suspicion from others, I dared not meditate, so I just lay down on the ground and slept all night.

During the day, the scene in the royal city is extremely strange, the east is still bright, while the ghost area in the west is gray. Through the eyes, it can be clearly seen that the entire camp is empty, and the ghost soldiers are hiding in the big black tent. .

Strange runes are engraved on the tent, which should be used to protect against the sun.

The guards on the east side of Yuntian Gate have been strengthened a lot. Compared with other generals who have a few hundred soldiers, Quan Datong has several hundred soldiers, which are relatively elite. This is also the reason why he is valued by Chang Tianen.

Most of the soldiers also used the guise of defending the city on the generous city wall during the day, drinking and sleeping late. Since they have been stocked like this for many years, no one cares about them.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I carefully searched for a gap to communicate with the outside world around the eastern city wall.

Because I have too much news to convey to the outside world, I always feel that Chang Tianen is plotting some big conspiracy. Chang Tianen is a snobbish person with no brains. If he fails, the entire Wangcheng may be sold by him.

But this is just an intuition. I haven't found any evidence or clues yet, and this is probably related to the secret channel through which he can communicate with the outside world.

Coincidentally, I found an excellent gap in the northeast corner.

The northeast corner is backed by the mountains behind Jiangdong. This side was originally a cliff, and outsiders couldn't climb it at all. If they approached the ten-foot-high city wall, they would basically die if they jumped directly.

Moreover, the wind in this corner is extremely strong. Perhaps it is for this reason that this corner relies on natural dangers, and the sloppy soldiers simply go around to the north to patrol lazily.

This just gave me an opportunity, I sucked my wrist, pulled a handful of ancient vines from the opposite cliff, held it in my hand and tried it, the strength was not bad.

This is simply God helping me. I was still worrying about the ropes, but now I am fine. With Guteng, it is easy to get out of the city.

When it was dark, I called Lao Wu, Rao Feng and a few brothers from the Loyalty Society together, and told them to spy on the City Lord's Mansion secretly, and report to me immediately if they found anything.

At night, I touched the northeast city wall, swung down along the cliff with the help of ancient vines, and avoided the sight of the city defenders with the bunker on the east side.

At night, the city guards became even more lax. Almost no one guarded the city seriously, because everyone in the king's city knew very well that outsiders couldn't get in at all. With the enchantment left by King Zhang, it was impossible to break through the city.

When I got to the riverside, a figure bumped towards me from the front. Didn't I see it was my brother-in-law?
"Qianqiu, why are you here?" I asked.

Feng Qianchou said: "Grandma's legs, Xiao Wu's girl really has a problem, I found her, but this girl has many people protecting her, I can't do anything, so I can only turn back and look for you."

I wondered, "How did you know I would be here?"

A trace of uneasiness flashed across Feng Qianchou's expression, and he laughed again: "I figured you must have explored the city pretty much, and you always have to come out to get some air, so I've been waiting here for you."

I saw him look strange and realized he was lying, this guy is weird.

He must have known in advance that I ran out from here, that is to say, in the royal city, there is a pair of eyes staring at me from behind. This person is probably hiding in the city lord's mansion, or hiding among the soldiers.

But there is no doubt that he is definitely not my friend.

The current situation is a bit bad for me. I haven't figured out who the opponent is yet, and my whereabouts are being watched again. The enemy is in the dark, but I am in the open.

It may be one force, or it may be multiple forces, but they are definitely not good.

My brother-in-law was originally a playboy, and he was probably used or blackmailed by someone. Maybe through him, I can find the big fish behind me.

"You mean you want me to catch your girlfriend with you?" I asked with a smile.

Feng Qianchou laughed and said: "You also know that my cultivation level is not as good as that of you and my little sister. This group of people has a lot of background. I have no other choice but to find you, my brother-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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