Dart Master

Chapter 527 Sky Lock

Chapter 527 Sky Lock
Pei Zitong's brows sank, and he was immediately displeased.Before he could open his mouth, Mrs. Mei opened her cherry mouth and ordered the attendants below: "Come here, take the remaining ambergris out of the treasury and transport it to the Xicheng military camp to reward the soldiers."

Pei Zitong was overjoyed immediately, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you Madam."

Chang Tianen's face turned green. He originally wanted to resell the treasury to make more money when he sold the city, but he never expected his wife to give it away so readily.

How did he know that if Pei Zitong couldn't get food and grass again, the people under him would be dissatisfied with him, and if there was another incident, he might lose the chance to sell the city.

"Qin Wushang, you didn't expect it to fall into my hands." Chang Tianen laughed triumphantly.

"I didn't expect the three of you to sit together properly. It's really interesting." For some reason, seeing Chang Tianen, Lao Wu, and Mrs. Mei sitting in the same room, I felt an inexplicable sense of joy.

Old Wu said in a deep voice: "Qin Wushang, there are rumors in the Taoist sect that your eyesight reaches the sky, but now it seems that you are nothing more than that."

I proudly gave a long laugh: "What's the hurry, it's not time to decide the outcome."

Mrs. Mei looked me up and down with her enchanting beautiful eyes. After all, she had limited knowledge, knowing how powerful I was rumored to be, and seeing that I was extremely young, she couldn't help but look at me a few more times.

I have to say that Cao San is still slightly better-looking than me, which also makes me more popular and attractive in front of strange women.

Sometimes when I think about it, this is also a headache, because my original honest and responsible face is better.

"Come here, take Qin Wushang to the secret room!" Chang Tianen was taunted by me, his face was dull, and he immediately gave an order in displeasure.

Immediately, a guard escorted me down, and in the city lord's mansion, I continued winding down the steps, and after an unknown amount of time, I seemed to hear the sound of rushing water in my ears.

In a blink of an eye, a huge pool appeared in the large underground square. There were waves floating in the pool from time to time, and there were some jugs piled up around it. A few guards were standing aside solemnly, as if they were waiting for something important.


I woke up like a dream, and the city lord's mansion was originally connected with the outside world through this pool and dark river.

I have been paying attention to the food and grass in the city, but I have neglected an important issue, water!

Soldiers in the Eastern District all need to drink water. Where does a large amount of water come from every day? It is from this huge pool.

When King Zhang built the city, he considered almost all possible situations comprehensively.The water in the pool should be brought in from the outside through the dark river, which shows that this place is connected to the outside.

It's just that because the depth of the underground river is unknown, people with extremely poor water quality dare not take this risk and go out from the pool.

One of the important reasons why the city lord's mansion can hold down the soldiers is that they control the water source of the whole city. Once the food, grass and water source are cut off, it is difficult for the generals in the city to rebel. This is why the Chang family can sit in this position. The reason for such a long time.

And Chang Tianen got in touch with the outside world through the jug, exchanging information from the outside, and I don't know who is so smart that he thought of this method.

However, the water flows downstream, and if the opponent's information can be transmitted from the outside, there must be a master with very good water skills.

I thought of the monsters of the East China Sea, they can ride the waves in the wind and waves of the sea, and they are born kings of land and water.Could it be that Xichuan and the demon are also getting involved? This is a very troublesome matter for me.

In fact, at the beginning, I also wanted to completely solve Xichuan, but because there were not enough troops, it was impossible for the generals in Xichuan to obey me.

In terms of cultivation, I might not be able to deal with Murong Yu at that time, so it was not a compromise, but a kind of helplessness.

It's just that I didn't expect that Xichuan would develop so quickly, and Murong Xue could return to Murong's house and be reused.

Now the development of the matter is a bit beyond my expectation. The Murong family, the green robe family, and the demons, the three major forces join forces, it is really not easy to deal with, and Bai Chaoyang is still nowhere to be seen, and his life and death are unknown.

"What are you looking at, let's go!"

The guard scolded me and brought me into the stone room.

There is a stone platform in the stone room, on which there are solemn punishment pillars.The dragon and tiger patterns are engraved on the stone pillars, which seems to be a bit tricky.

The chains I'm using now are premeditated by Chang Tianen and others, specially designed for people in the Taoist sect. Since Murong Xue is well aware of my cultivation, the chains are also specially made.

I tried to move a few times, but I couldn't shake the chain.

Not long after I entered the secret room, Chang Tianen, Lao Wu, and Mrs. Mei walked in.

Seeing my smile, Chang Tianen was unafraid, thought that I was mocking him for being cuckolded, and immediately became furious, "Qin Wushang, you are dying, you can still laugh .”

"Not necessarily!" I smiled lightly, and Chang Tian Ensen nodded coldly, "I know you are very powerful, but once you get here, even Immortal Da Luo can't even think about escaping."

After finishing speaking, Chang Tianen lifted his cloak and shouted awe-inspiringly: "Please Tiansuo!"

A dozen or so corpse soldiers walked onto a large stone platform wheel, holding on to the horizontal bar of the wheel, shouted in unison, and slowly pushed it forward.

As the wheel continued to move, an iron cable slowly fell from the top of the secret room.

Immediately, the secret room was filled with golden light, and the corpse soldiers lowered their heads one after another, and kept looking up at each other.

But seeing the dense runes on the iron chain exudes an unparalleled righteousness, it makes people feel chills.

Chang Tianen asked someone to set up an incense table, and the Nine Pillars of Incense were held up, and immediately bowed loudly: "Disciple Chang Tianen, as the lord of the royal city, today specially invites me, Wang Tiansuo, to suppress evil spirits, and may my king protect you."

After speaking, Chang Tianen took out his city lord seal from his sleeve, bit his middle finger and dripped blood on it, walked to the stone platform behind me, and buckled it into the notch.

Suddenly, Tiansuo fell from the sky, as if it had eyes, and wrapped around me densely.

Immediately, I felt a huge breath sealing off the blood vessels in my whole body. My wrists, ankles, and vital points all over my body were all caught by the sharp cones on the iron lock. I exerted a little force, These sharp cones go deeper into the key points.

I realized that this thing was far from simple, and I didn't dare to resist at the moment, so I could only let the iron lock seal it.

"Qin Wushang, don't blame the city lord for not reminding you that this iron lock weighs a thousand catties, and it was specially made by King Zhang to seal off evil spirits and suppress the city. You are the first person to enjoy the sky lock, don't you feel uncomfortable? , remember never to use your vitality, otherwise you will be riddled with holes and become a cripple." Chang Tianen laughed loudly.

I have a feeling of dumbfounding, I am Zhang Wang's successor, Tiansuo did not suppress the evil spirits, but used it to suppress his own people, it is sad enough to think about it.

"My Madam doesn't think Qin Wushang is too powerful, Husband, when will we start breaking down the city?" Madam Mei looked at me with a smile, her eyes full of contempt.

She originally thought that I would be a strong man, who would scream excitedly under the torture, which would bring her a feeling of heart pounding.

But obviously, I let her down. Facing Tiansuo, I chose to remain silent and did not resist.She couldn't let her see the scene of blood dripping and screaming.

Just as Chang Tian'en was about to answer, Old Wu preempted him: "Madam, don't worry, young Lord Murong will enter the city tomorrow and hold the ceremony of breaking the city in person."

"That's great, I can't wait to leave here right away, everything depends on Mr. Lai." Mrs. Mei gave Old Wu a sweet wink, and said coquettishly.

Chang Tianen was on the side, his face turned green, he gave the two of them a hard look, raised his cloak, and walked out.

"Let's go, ma'am, the night has been long, and now that the big problem in my heart has been captured, you and I should relax." Old Wu squeezed Madam Mei's buttocks, and said with a smirk.

Mrs. Mei took a look at me, and walked out with Lao Wu hugging each other. At this time, Chang Tianen was basically eliminated. What he didn't know was that when he betrayed his royal city, he became penniless. worthless waste.

Therefore, Mrs. Mei and Old Wu didn't even bother to act, and showed their affection directly in front of him.

I was trapped by the sky lock, but there was no danger to my life. I knew very well that I must be indispensable for this ceremony. As for how they want to deal with me, I still can't figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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