Dart Master

Chapter 531

Chapter 531

I rolled my eyelids, pretending to be helpless and said: "I really owe her a favor this time, it's hard not to help her, why do you hate Miss Xu so much?"

Bai Chaoyang wanted to shake his head to veto it, but he felt it was inappropriate, and he was extremely embarrassed: "Brother, you also know that our great cause has not been accomplished, and Chaoyang dare not have such extravagant hopes."

Seeing his hesitation and embarrassment, I already knew that Bai Chaoyang might not hate Miss Xu, it's just that he had never had a relationship with a man and a woman, so he was at a loss for a while.

The last time I was at Longhu Mountain, I could see the complicated feeling in his heart. Xu Tiantian was like a stone thrown into his peaceful heart, causing ripples in his heart.

In fact, in the Taoist sect, there are countless families who want to marry the Bai family. Bai Chaoyang has a great reputation, handsome appearance, and lofty temperament. There are few men who are better than him in the entire Taoist sect.

It's just that he has been busy with Taoist affairs, and he has never considered these things. When he suddenly met a girl like Xu Tiantian who expressed his love nakedly, the spring rain turned into rain, and the scorching sun shone like ice, forming a sharp contrast, which made his heart a little confused. up.

"I'm just joking with you. For things like feelings, what matters is fate. My brother will definitely not force you." I smiled lightly.

Bai Chaoyang breathed a sigh of relief, and asked me cautiously: "Brother, how do you feel about Xu Tiantian...?"

"Miss Xu family, the eldest lady has a temper, but she is also a temperamental person. She dares to love and hate. She is extremely real. In Taoism, this kind of woman is rare. I have stayed in the secular world longer than you. I admire women who stick to their choices." I told the truth.

In fact, the atmosphere of Xuanmen is quite strange, especially the women of aristocratic families, most of them are used for marriage. Even Cai Xiaoqi cannot escape the fate of being used as a bargaining chip by Cai Dongsheng, let alone ordinary women.

Xu Tiantian was originally a bargaining chip that Boss Xu used to marry the son of Lingnan, but since she met Bai Chaoyang, she didn't take this marriage seriously at all, she got rid of Lu Shaoxun and ran back to Jiangdong.

Of course, this was Lu Shaoxun's big stumble in Longhu Mountain, so Boss Xu let Xu Tiantian mess around.

Just imagine if Lu Shaoxun wins the position of Lord Yan and wields his master Wangcheng, even if Boss Xu is tied, he may have to send this adopted daughter to Lingnan to win Lingnan's favor.

Seeing that I have a very high opinion of Xu Tiantian, Bai Chaoyang's face is also half happy. He is a bit like a junior high school student who just fell in love for the first time.

"Oh, by the way, this is from Xu Tiantian." I motioned him to take out my pocket, and Bai Chaoyang quickly took out a Wang Talisman from it.

"Take it, she gave it to you. I was still worrying about it before, but this girl thinks it all out." I said.

Bai Chaoyang coughed, and put it away carefully, "I see how disrespectful she is to her brother from time to time, don't you annoy her?"

I smiled happily and said: "It seems that you should go to the secular world for a while longer. Girls who are more ruthless in their mouths are softer in their hearts. There are quite a few girls who dare to speak and act. You can figure it out."

Bai Chaoyang smiled awkwardly, and changed the topic, "Brother, the time is almost here, we should go too."

I nodded, and tore off the iron chains on my body. I didn't have the air of a king, and Tiansuo was just a pile of scrap iron to me.

Since Chang Tianen and the others have already taken away the blood, the most important thing for them now is how to break the seal of the royal city.Therefore, in a short time, it is impossible for them to return home.

And the guards outside the door, because of strict orders, did not dare to get too close to the cell, which is beneficial to the two of us.

Bai Chaoyang and I left through the exit on the top, carefully left the secret room underground, and arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.

In the City Lord's Mansion, the atmosphere was extremely tense at the moment. Murongxue, Xu Tiantian, and Chang Tianen, the three groups of people, each had their own little plans.

When I was not caught before, I was still able to fight against the enemy, but now the city is about to be broken, and three waves of people are in the hall, starting to bargain.

"Miss Murong, Miss Xu, now that the city is about to fall, I would like to ask, will the money you promised me still count?" Chang Tianen clapped his hands, and the generals outside led the corpse soldiers to file in.

"The city lord is too thoughtful, isn't it true that my lady promises you, can you go wrong?" Xu Tiantian was polite, and casually took out a money note from her sleeve and threw it at Chang Tianen, "Open you My dog's eyes can see it clearly, 100 million taels, a lot of money, is the ticket number of Datong Bank."

Chang Tianen was overjoyed, immediately collected the money ticket, and smiled dryly: "The eldest lady is still generous, thank you Chang."

"Miss Murong, what about you?" Chang Tianen asked again.

Xichuan’s money and food are not comparable to the ghost market trade union, which is incomparably rich. In terms of money in the world, except for Zhang Wang’s treasury, I’m afraid that even if the money of Lingnan and Xiang’s family is piled together, it can’t compare to the profiteering Xuan of the ghost market trade union. door black market.

Murong Xue didn't want to give money, but the matter was not yet successful, and she didn't want to offend Chang Tianen, so she had no choice but to give Sima Fang a look.

"City Lord, look carefully." Sima Fang snorted coldly, and put the money note in front of Chang Tianen.

Chang Tianen glanced at it, and after verifying that it was correct, he laughed loudly: "Very well, everyone is indeed a cheerful person. Once the city is broken, the Lord of the city will immediately take people out of the royal city, and this city will belong to you."

"City Master, you seem to have something to do before breaking the city." Murong Xue sneered.

When Chang Tianen thought about it, he laughed loudly: "Yes, there is still one thing that hasn't been finished. Someone is here, order soldiers and horses, and kill them in the ghost area, leaving no one behind."

Bai Chaoyang and I glanced at each other, knowing that Pei Zitong's end is coming.

It was almost noon now, when the yang qi reached its peak, and it had great restraint on the Yin ghosts. At the same time, the Yin ghosts could only hide in their barracks, without the slightest fighting power at all.

Unless there is a bloody day volleying in the sky, blocking the yang energy like when ghosts travel, otherwise the ghosts are basically useless during the day.

This is because since ancient times, the Yangjian Taoist army entered the Yin Division to judge, but the Yin Division was unable to launch a large-scale battle against Yangjian. After all, Yangjian still has certain advantages.

Immediately, all the generals led their own troops and corpse soldiers, rushed out, held torches, lit rockets, and went to the ghost area to kill.

"Pei Zitong is harming others and himself. If he hadn't been lucky and didn't know the vicious heart of tigers and wolves, and forced the old general to death, he wouldn't have the disaster he has today." I thought to myself.

Bai Chaoyang also shook his head and sighed. With the strength of the two of us, we can't save Pei Zitong and the fate of the five thousand Yin soldiers.

These 5000 people did not die at the hands of the enemy, but died at the hands of their own people. They could never return to the homeland of the Yin Division, and could only be scattered in the king's city.

The soldiers were slaughtering the ghosts. As rockets shot into the camp, the tents engraved with runes were burned by fire. The western district was completely in flames. They all screamed and turned into smoke.

In the middle of the square, desks, instruments, incense sticks, paper money, etc. have already been set up, and there are a few grand master chairs in the middle.

"Report to the city lord, it's noon, and Pei Zitong and other troops have been wiped out." In less than an hour, a general returned to the hall, leaving Pei Zitong's saber on the ground, and said loudly.

"Very good, everyone, please enter the square and hold the breaking ceremony." Chang Tianen said.

Chang Tianen and others went to the square outside, and after taking their seats, the soldiers around applauded loudly and praised.

Most of the soldiers were already tired of this dark life, Chang Tianen's breaking the city was undoubtedly a relief for the soldiers.

After Chang Tianen spoke a high-sounding speech, amidst the cheers of the soldiers, Old Wu walked to the stone sculptures of King Zhang and Yan Jun with the blood that had been fused that night.

In order to show prudence and solemnity, Old Wu pretended to open the altar, and then poured the blood into a groove under the statue.

Immediately, the entire royal city trembled, and there were continuous roars of tigers, which was King Zhang's aura of the tiger.

I saw a golden gas-shaped tiger, half the size of a city, soaring out of the statue, soaring into the sky, roaring and galloping.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud bang, and the layer of gray mist that would never disperse over the royal city, was swallowed by Wang Hu, and quickly turned into nothingness, and the sun shone straight down, and the golden light was scattered.

(End of this chapter)

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