Dart Master

Chapter 537

Chapter 537
Wen Kai followed me into the room, and when he entered the room, he fell to his knees and wept endlessly.

I quickly helped him up, "Brother, what happened?"

Wen Kai cried bitterly: "Zhang Shishi rebelled against the King of Qin and took refuge in Murong Yu. Now he is occupying Longxi Cave and making a fortune with Murong Yu. The last general cannot support himself. Zhang Shishi and Murong Yu, two thousand soldiers under him, fought against Murong Yu and were defeated. Being captured, if the King of Qin hadn't come to Xichuan with his old feelings in mind, his subordinates would definitely die."

I am a little confused, Zhang Shiyi and I are sworn brothers, strong men, it is unlikely that they will betray me.

On the contrary, Wen Kai might be sentenced to surrender. He is an old friend of Xi Chuan and has an incomparable love for Xi Chuan.At the beginning, I was also concerned about this, so I let him stay in Shizi Town instead of transferring him to Fengquan.

The reasons for this are certainly intriguing, but at present, because I cannot judge the situation and I am not absolutely sure, I believe that Wen Kai must have betrayed me.

Therefore, I can only follow their thoughts, step by step, and slowly determine what happened in Shizi Town.

"General Wen got up and said, Xichuan belonged to Murong's family. It is not easy for you to guard for half a year. As for Zhang Shixi, if he really betrayed me, I will never let him go lightly." I frowned in a deep voice.

Wen Kai burst into tears of gratitude, and cupped his hands in obeisance: "The last general escaped from danger this time, thank you King Qin."

I poured him wine and asked some questions about Nishikawa.

Wen Kai roughly told me about the situation in Xichuan. It turns out that Xichuan is not as stable as I imagined. In the barbarian area south of Xichuan, the barbarians from all over the country united with Tantric sects.

The Murong family ruled Xichuan, and most of the important Xuanmen towns had garrisons, except in the Manwu area, which has always been dominated by appeasement.

They live deep in the poor mountains and rivers full of miasma, they are unruly and savage, and they are proficient in various witchcraft, so they are very difficult to deal with.The Manwu area is mostly caves and primeval jungles. When Murong Bei was alive, he personally conquered some Manwu tribes, and in exchange for decades of peace.But recently, the Man Wu has started to move around again, so he also has a headache.

I suddenly realized why there are so few troops in Shizi Town, and Murong Yu has such a strong strength, and he has not come out of Sichuan for a long time.

For me, this is undoubtedly a good opportunity bestowed by the heavens. The barbarian clan has secretly helped me a huge favor and bought me a chance to breathe.

When Wen Kai mentioned this, he also roughly talked about the general situation and situation of Xichuan. Xichuan is indeed as Bai Chaoyang said, with at least [-] elite soldiers.

Moreover, with the influx of major powers, Xichuan's financial resources are becoming more and more abundant, and the pace of conscription will only become faster and faster. Generally speaking, under the creation of Murong Yu, the current Xichuan already has a strong cohesive force. Just wait for the time to come.

"King Qin, how do you plan to deal with the Xichuan matter this time?" Wen Kai asked me.

I looked at him and pondered in my heart, what Wen Kai said somewhat showed his loyalty to me, but it didn't mean that he didn't defect to Murong Yu.

"I have my own plan for the matter of Xichuan, how about you?" I asked.

Wen Kai said: "Of course I follow the King of Qin, and I will do whatever I can."

"Okay, you go back and rest first, and be prepared to leave Shizi Town at any time." I said.

Wen Kai readily accepted the order and left the inn.

Deng Long and Hui Yue walked around Shizi Town, and when they came back, Deng Long was still unsatisfied. What made me most helpless was that this kid went out for a trip, and even pulled out seven or eight money bags, making a small fortune .

"King Qin, I have searched around. The entire Shizi Town has less than [-] troops. Martial law has been imposed near Longxi Pit. It is impossible to enter the cave. It is difficult to find out the truth." Hui Yue reported the situation to me.

"Zhang Shiyi is in trouble, so you two find a way to drag these dogs in the inn, and I will go to the Longxikeng area to find out the truth." I was silent for a moment, and quickly came to a conclusion.

My current thought is to quickly fish out Zhang Shiyi, and then leave Xichuan.

I couldn't figure out Murong Yu's thoughts at all, staying for one more day would be more dangerous for me.

Both Hui Yue and Deng Long were quick-witted ghosts, and soon they started yelling, which attracted the attention of the inn's eyeliner.

I took the opportunity to flip down from the window, and took advantage of the darkness to go straight to the Longsaliva Pit.

As expected, Longxikeng was under martial law. I could only take a detour along the small road. The moon was sparse. I had just turned the small road when I saw a stern figure standing at the intersection in front of me. Obviously, this person was waiting for me here.

"King Qin, it's been a long night, it's good to come out to get some air." Murong Yu's clear voice came over, he turned around and put his arms around his chest, as if he had expected that I would appear here.

"Could Young Master Yu also have something on his mind?" I whispered that I had miscalculated, I underestimated Murong Yu too much, since he wanted to cover up the secrets in the Dragon Saliva Pit, he would not let me find out.

"That's right. Recently, King Zhao of the Yin Division is about to urge the goods. I have sent people to make incense in the Dragon Saliva Pit overnight. I'm afraid I still can't catch up with the progress." Murong Yu sighed.

"You can ask Zhang Shishi's department to help. If I remember correctly, Ambergris Pit should be managed by Zhang Shixi." I asked with a smile.

Murong Yu was taken aback for a moment, then he understood in an instant, a smile flashed across his knife-sharpened silhouette: "Yeah, Brother Zhang is from Xichuan after all, and he knows Longxikeng very well. It's wasted."

"Young Master Yu, Zhang Shiyi is in the pit right now? That's great. I haven't seen my old friend for a long time, so I just went to visit him." I said.

As soon as I took a step, Murong Yu stretched out his hand to stop me, "Brother Qin, Longxi Pit is an important place after all, and it's not very interesting. Why don't we go to the flower house in the town to drink some flower wine, wouldn't it be easier to pass the long night."

I smiled and said: "It's all here, it's not good to see too many."

After finishing speaking, I pushed away his hand and took a step forward, but Murong Yu didn't give in at all, and forced me towards me with his arms.

I knew that he was determined to stop me from entering the Dragon Saliva Pit, neither of them used their vitality, and they used more than a dozen moves in the blink of an eye.

Murong Yu is as quick as a wolf or a fox, and his hand skills are not weak at all. I have tried more than ten strokes with him, but the outcome is still undecided.

Knowing that it doesn't make much sense to continue the competition, some things are difficult to deal with if the face is torn.

"King Qin, Shizi Town has all kinds of fun, let's not waste our time in this wilderness, what do you think?" Murong Yu's eyes turned cold. He called me King Qin, which means he regarded me as an enemy. It's clear, if the stalemate continues, it will tear the face apart.

Because I was worried about Zhang Shiyi's safety, I didn't dare to offend him too much, and I would tear my face openly, so I could only stop and smile and say: "Okay, chatting with Young Master Yu, I feel more bored and feel more at ease. The mountain is cool, and Yu Less is better than being careful, let’s rest earlier.”

"Thank you King Qin for caring!" Murong Yu cupped his hands to me.

I returned in vain, and Murong Yu personally stood guard outside the Longsaliva Pit, there must be an important reason for it.

Back at the inn, I took a rest. Due to being under surveillance, it was difficult for me to find any useful information. Murong Yu almost kept staring at me. As long as I was close to the Longsaliva Pit, he would definitely appear.

Our cultivation bases are almost the same, and I can't kill him for a while.

And because he didn't have enough manpower, he didn't dare to kill me.

My best choice at this time is to leave Xichuan, Murong Yu will definitely not keep me, but since Zhang Shiyi's life and death are unknown, I naturally can't leave, and I can't enter the Dragon's Saliva Pit, which really upsets me.

Just when I was at a loss, Deng Long seemed to smell a message of crisis. He spotted a flying eagle in the desert above Xichuan.

This is extremely unusual. Although Murong's family is from Beimo, eagles are rare in Xichuan, but because Deng Long was a thief, he had dealt with people from Beimo, and he knew that Feiying was from Mobei. A special thing for conveying signals.

"King Qin, things have changed. I'm afraid someone from Mobei is coming to Shizi Town, or this is Murong Yu's signal to increase troops." Deng Long said.

"Hui Yue, you are quite familiar in Shizi Town, see if you can find a way to find out if there are troops rushing to Yixi in Shizi Town. Deng Long, you go and watch, and if you find Mobei people, tell me immediately." I said.

Murong Yu suddenly summoned the Mobei people at this time, what is the reason?

(End of this chapter)

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