Dart Master

Chapter 541 Ecstasy Meter

Chapter 541 Ecstasy Meter

Looking at the vast river, everyone looked confused and distressed. If they wanted to cross the river, they had to use a bridge and a boat. The bridge must have been blocked by the Murong family. Right now, they could only strive to get a boat.

It's a pity that Qiuwen's wine gourd was not passed on to me, otherwise I would have been able to cross the river in a leisurely way swinging the wine gourd.

"King Qin, what shall we do now?" Wen Kai asked me.

I thought for a while and said, "Hui Yue, you are local tyrants. When Murong Zhan imposed taxes and suppressed the Qinglong Gang in the past, you must have other ways to deal with it."

Hui Yue nodded and said, "I do know a few people who run private boats, and they are good at handling boats, but right now the Murong family is hunting us everywhere, and notices are posted in the town offering huge rewards. I'm afraid these 'snakeheads' will turn against us." Water, they recognize money but not people."

It would be great if the money can be settled, Quan Datong handed back all the money collected by Chang Tianen, which was originally planned by Murong Xue to ask Chang Tianen for it after taking over the royal city.

But I never thought that this money would fall into my hands. Before I had time to "handover" to Bai Chaoyang, it was a total of 200 million taels.

This is not a small sum, even if you buy all the smugglers running private boats in Xichuan, it is more than enough.

"Money is not a problem, Hui Yue, you take me to see them." I said.

While speaking, there seemed to be the sound of chaotic footsteps outside the door. The secret whistle Deng Long had set up outside the door was broken. Everyone was shocked, and people who knew Xi Chuan came to search again.

"Quick, spread the tar."

Tar is a kind of oil made from animal corpses, mixed with burnt ashes. After smearing this kind of thing, it can cover up the human smell on the body, which is beneficial to avoid the pursuit of ghost dogs.

Everyone quickly smeared tar on their bodies, Hui Yue led everyone to hide in the abandoned tunnel of the Qinglong Gang, I leaned out, Deng Long grabbed me, King Qin, are you crazy?
It's okay, I'll be back soon, with a wave of my wrist, I messed up the footprints on the ground. At the same time, I asked Deng Long to hide first, and I stepped on the footprints to the outside of the main hall, leaving a messy mess quickly. Only then did they return to the secret passage.

When the Qinglong Gang was there, because of the extremely tense relationship with Murong Zhan, Xue Muze was worried that the main hall would be breached, so he dug a lot of criss-crossing tunnels under the Qinglong main hall.

Even if the pursuers come here, they may not be able to find us for a while.

With the sound of howling, Sima Fang led a group of pursuers into the Qinglong Hall.

As soon as he entered the Qinglong Hall, the ghost dog barked wildly and sniffed on the ground. The soldier said, "Master Sima, there is something wrong here."

The nose of the ghost dog is extremely sensitive, especially for dead objects.

Sima swept away the bonfire on the ground, then looked around the large area of ​​Qinglong Hall, and sneered: "Qin Wushang was hit by the king's sharp arrow, and he must not be far away. You search for me from room to room, and we will decide whether to kill him or not." Don't let any clues go by."

Immediately he laughed wildly again, "Qin Wushang, I know you are hiding below here, you are already hard to fly."

"King Qin, this grandson has already discovered us?" Zhang Shiyi was about to rush out to fight Sima Fang when he got angry.

I quickly grabbed him, raised my fingers and said cautiously: "Don't worry, he's just bluffing."

The ghost dog barked even more, and the soldiers began to dig in the house. However, when they dug more than a dozen holes and found several secret passages, they were filled with carrion of animals.

And the ghost dog who smelled the carrion was even more excited, and was about to drill into the tunnel.

The soldiers saw that there were carrion animals buried everywhere in the underground, and the ghost dog was almost going crazy with excitement, and completely lost its detection of popularity.

"No, this is Qin Wushang's trick to confuse." Sima Fang yelled secretly.

At first I thought that the ghost dog had really found a clue, but now it seems that I must have used the carrion to deliberately restrain him and the ghost dog here, and I am afraid that the person has already escaped.

"My lord, I have searched all the houses outside, but I didn't find them."

"My lord, there are traces of footsteps outside, go to the back mountain, should we..."

Before the guard had finished his suggestion, Sima Fang gave him a hard look: "Does my commander still need you to teach me?"

"Damn it, the bonfire is quite lively, Qin Wushang will definitely not be able to escape far, come and search the mountain immediately." Sima Fangfang shouted.

The guards retreated immediately, but Sima Fang didn't leave, his blue eyes shone with cunning, he was waiting for me to come out and throw myself into the net.

This is his usual strategy. It is also the safest way to do something when he is good at fascination. No matter whether I leave here or not, he will wait for a while.

But at this time, Deng Long, who was underground, couldn't hold back anymore, and wanted to poke his head out to see what happened.

I dragged him back and gave him a hard look, scaring Deng Long to be honest.

I know Sima Fang very well, he is good at tricks, he must be standing in the hall right now, this is my intuition.

Sima Fang has a certain level of cultivation, if I rashly use vitality and murderous aura to test it, he will definitely sense it, and then I will be in trouble.

Right now, the only thing I can trust is my own feelings, to judge the danger and the aura emanating from him.

I believe he won't waste time with me here, he can't wait to catch me, drink my blood, and eat my flesh. It is this hasty attitude that will make him even more impatient.

Most importantly, he is not sure if I am still hiding here. If this is really a ecstasy array I put up, then I may have already run away by this time.

Finally, I heard very slight footsteps, and soon the sense of crisis pressing on my heart dissipated.

I still didn't dare to be careless, I quietly raised my head and took a careful look, Sima Fang had already left.

It's still King Qin, you are wise, otherwise we will definitely suffer bad luck today, Deng Long crawled out of the hole, and laughed.

Deng Long, you hang my clothes in the forest to the east, Hui Yue, you also go to places two miles away in each direction, and bury your clothes, etc., I said.

I understand, Qin Wang, you want to play a trick with them, so that they can't tell where we are at all, and then make a mess, Wen Kai praised.

I was about to laugh, but I couldn't hold back the poisonous gas, and with a wow, I opened my mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The poison on Murong Yu's arrow is too domineering, but I still use Cao San's body, which is extremely disadvantageous against the poison, unless I abandon this body right now.

But when I think about it carefully, I have been using it from Yinshan to now, isn't it just to save Cao San's life?It would be too heartless and unjust to throw it away at this time.

Furthermore, Cao San has great strategic significance to me. I killed both Cao Tianci and Cao Yang. The Cao family is leaderless now. If Cao San can go back and revive the Assassin’s Union, it will be beneficial to me at that time.

This is an intangible investment, and I will not give it up unless it is absolutely necessary.

Everyone went to do things according to my instructions, and I took this opportunity to use my kung fu to cure the poison. Fortunately, Yang Feng made a lot of elixir privately in order to prevent others from harming him, and it happened to come in handy right now.

After taking the elixir, I was quite annoyed thinking about it. I have been busy all the time, and until now I haven't had a chance to practice the alchemy that the Juggernaut drools so much.

I think I have a lot of treasures on me, but none of them have been able to play a real role. It seems that I have time and I have to tidy them up.

Relying on my deep blood energy, before Deng Long and the others came back, I had already forced out six to seven points of the poisonous gas. Although my back was still a little numb and sore, generally speaking, it did not affect my actions too much.

"King Qin, it's all done. Now the entire Qinglong Pavilion area is filled with the voices of ghost dogs. They must be busy." Deng Long said with a grin.

I snapped my fingers and signaled everyone to follow me.

Along the way, because of the cover of tar, we carefully avoided a small group of pursuers. I led everyone to the cabin where Qiuwen lived in the past, and made a short supply.

The place where Qiu Wen lived was originally hidden, and there were many underground secret passages. For safety and convenience, I lurked under the meditation room of Ci'en Temple with everyone.

The Ci'en Temple has now been rebuilt, and there are more monks in it. The meditation room that originally belonged to the abbot is still the place where the new abbot lives.

(End of this chapter)

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