Dart Master

Chapter 546 Tragic Old Luo

Chapter 546 Tragic Old Luo

From Sima Fang's point of view, this is a godsend opportunity for me. I will be able to get out of Xichuan by water under the cover of the fishermen. In this way, I will have nowhere to escape.

It's a pity that he didn't know that we were walking on Tianguan Bridge.

"You all go to rest early, and leave the boat early tomorrow morning. I will inform the fishermen in the village and find some old brothers who have good relations with me to go out and run the boat."

After Father Luo finished speaking, he put an undershirt on his shoulders and walked out the door.

Father Luo knew very well that tomorrow's boat trip might be a disaster, but he had no choice. If no one sailed, Sima Fang would become suspicious.Therefore, he can only take the money ticket I gave him to invite his old buddies who have known him for many years.

The atmosphere in the house was a little stuffy, everyone knew what would happen on the river tomorrow, after drinking some stuffy wine, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

The next day, early in the morning, Father Luo got up and opened the altar in the hut.

His paper figurine technique should be a kind of Maoshan ghost control technique, calling nearby lonely ghosts to stay on the paper figurine for a short time.

Father Luo asked for a talisman, bit his finger, killed a chicken and drained blood, and after making offerings to the wild ghosts, the six wild ghosts climbed onto the paper man's body, and the coir raincoat on the boat started to move.

The yin energy of these wild ghosts is very weak, and my aura is enough to disperse their souls, so I and everyone can only hold my own aura, for fear of shocking them.

After finishing the practice, several old buddies of Father Luo came to the door. These old people are already over 70 years old, and some of them even have bad legs and feet, but they still came for the sake of their old brothers.

"Brothers, today we are for the sake of the younger generation. I am afraid that we will not be able to come back after this trip. Come on, after drinking this wine, let's go on the road."

Father Luo knew very well that the chances of coming back after going today were very slim. Once Sima Fang found out that the person on the bed was a paper doll, he would definitely kill him.

The wine bowls had already been set on the table, and the old men didn't say much. They picked up the wine bowls, raised their heads, and drank it.

"Grandpa!" Luo Cheng knelt in front of Father Luo with tears in his eyes.

"Cheng'er, you will follow King Qin from now on. You must do a good job, honor your ancestors, understand?" the old man asked tremblingly, caressing Luo Cheng's head with rough palms.

"Grandpa, don't worry, my grandson will swear allegiance to the King of Qin to the death, make great achievements, and live up to your old man's high expectations." Luo Cheng gritted his teeth and said resolutely.

Father Luo nodded in satisfaction, took a look at us, and led the paper figurines out of the village to the small fishing port at the entrance of the village.

We brothers looked at the backs of the old men and bowed deeply.

"Brother, now is not the time to be sad, time is running out, we have to leave quickly." I pulled Luo Cheng up, leaned against the window and looked into the village carefully.

Luo Shun seems to be heading towards the harbor, and now is a good time to leave. The few of us headed towards the crow mountain from the back path.

Everyone boarded the boat, and Father Luo hid the six paper figurines in several old men's boats, and then took advantage of the fog to go down the river, and all the spies lurking near Luo Village were all attracted by the fishing boats up.

Sima Fang was pacing back and forth in the private room in Yuhua Building at the moment. After the general's mansion was burned, Yuhua Building became his temporary office.

He has been looking at the map of Shizi Town in front of him, racking his brains to figure out every possible way out of Sichuan.

"The plan is perfect, there should be no loopholes, Qin Wushang will definitely be intercepted on the river, definitely will." He kept murmuring.

Ever since he lost to me in Nine Dragon Cave in Yinshan Mountain, he has been brooding over it. He believes that as long as he kills me, he will still have a chance to get Dragon Qi and Zhuan Lingzhu.At the same time, as a descendant of the Sima royal family, he can't tolerate being defeated by me again and again, so this time, he must catch me to vent his anger.

"Report!" A soldier rushed in.

"Say!" Sima Fang asked hastily.

"The spies from Luo village reported that Qin Wushang and others have already boarded the fishing boat and are going down the river. They will fall into our encirclement in half an hour," the soldier reported.

"Very good, then you go and send an order to the generals guarding along the river, don't startle them, let Qin Wushang run away, and strike in the Pingwan area." Sima Fang said.

Pingwan is a popular fishing spot. The water in this area is relatively gentle and calm, which is suitable for the army to encircle in all directions.

"Obey!" The soldier led the order and went out.

Sima Fang let out a long sigh of relief, "Qin Wushang, this time you won't be able to fly with your wings, I want to see how you can escape my snare."

On the surface of the river, the sun gradually rises, and the golden light shines on the surface of the river, so beautiful and charming.

The boat went down the river, and after an hour, it had arrived at Pingwan.

"Brothers, look how beautiful this is. We were born in Xichuan for generations, so let's take a closer look." Lao Luo held a bong on his head, squinting his eyes to appreciate the beautiful scenery in the calm water bay.

Flying birds skim the water, leaving a string of ripples, and flying fish in the river swim away. This is the land where they have grown up for generations.

Several old men approached the boat, gathered together, drank small wine, and spent their last time admiring the mountain and the water that they had grown up for generations.

Xichuan's ships appeared in Pingwan, surrounded by dozens of large ships and thousands of fully armed soldiers, and quickly blocked the old people in the middle of the water.

"Under the order of Lord Sima, arrest Qin Wushang!" The leading general shouted, and immediately threw iron chains from the ship, hooking the boat to the side of the warship.

"Old man Luo, you are harboring criminals, and you have not surrendered quickly." Luo Shun pointed at old man Luo and screamed, his hawk dog's face was fully exposed.

"Master Luo, are you kidding me? What kind of law did my brothers break when they went out to fish?" Old Luo sneered.

"Search for me!"

The barbaric soldiers jumped onto the fishing boat and dragged out several paper figurines sitting in the boat.

"General, we found it. There are six of them, one of them is quite a few."

The leading general was overjoyed: "Great, this general wants to see if the world-famous villain Qin Wushang has three heads and six arms."

Since I debuted, I have done a lot of great things, and I have a great reputation in Taoism, but not many people have actually met me.

Xuanmen people also have the habit of "chasing stars", so this general was very happy when he heard that he got me, which is a good thing for making great achievements.

Father Luo laughed loudly. After laughing, he let out a puff of smoke and said coldly: "It's just a dream for a thief like you to want to catch the King of Destiny."

While talking, Lao Luo moved his fingers, and the six paper figurines burned violently.

"What, what's going on?" The general yelled in disbelief.

"General, it's not Qin Wushang, this old dog has tricked us, and we've fallen for it." Luo Shun knew that the old Luo knew something heresy, and immediately yelled.

The general glanced around and saw that the rowers were all in their seventies and eighties, and he immediately understood that these were all sent to death on his own initiative, and he had already fallen into the trap.

"Come here, arrest Lao Luo." The general shouted.

"No need! Since my elder brothers dared to come here, they never thought of going back alive." Lao Luo said proudly with a resolute face.

After finishing speaking, the elder brothers took out the fire bag from their pockets and threw it into the boat.

The ship had already been filled with sulfur and gunpowder, several ships were close together, instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and violently exploded, immediately damaging the warships surrounding the river a lot.

All of a sudden, flames blazed across the river, and countless soldiers were burned to death and fell into the water.

Lao Luotou and his old brothers were buried in the most heroic way in the waters where their ancestors lived for generations, and solemnly told the Murong family with their blood and lives that they would not be crushed by oppression, as long as there are still people alive , will continue to fight.

As soon as the six of us went up to Wuya Mountain, we saw the flames in the direction of Pingwan, and our hearts sank. We knew that Luo Lao had probably chosen to be martyred.

"Grandpa!" Luo Cheng kowtowed a few times in the direction of Pingwan, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was in great pain.

We bowed respectfully, I pulled Luo Cheng up, and said sadly: "Brother, keep the grief in your heart, this will be the motivation for you and me to conquer the Murong family in the future. I swear to you, one day, We'll call back."

(End of this chapter)

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