Dart Master

Chapter 548 Martyrdom of the God of War

Chapter 548 Martyrdom of the God of War
The blood arrow pierced through the sky, precisely piercing through a big eagle that was attacking Hui Yue.

The blood arrow that gathered thunder burst instantly, and the whole head of the big eagle was blasted, and even the man and the eagle fell into the abyss below.

The other five big eagles were threatened by my blood arrows, and they didn't dare to approach the iron chain rashly for a while. My vitality is naturally stronger than that of the six eagles, which makes them dare not appear in my range at will.

And beyond the height, through the fog, they couldn't do anything to Hui Yue and Deng Long.Deng and Long took this opportunity to finally climb to the opposite bank.

Liuying are all masters of blocking, although they dare not get close, but I can't deal with them for a while, so I can only stand in a stalemate on the cliff on the top of the mountain here.

"Wen Kai, we are the only ones left now, you go." I shouted.

At this time, Sima Fang led the other killers from Mobei and thousands of soldiers to the mountain. I knew that if I didn't leave, both of them would die here.

Wen Kai's eyes narrowed, and he shouted, "No, King Qin, you go first, I'll cover you."

I knew there was no point in arguing any longer, so I gave a loud shout and landed on the dangling iron chain in a flash.

The remaining five big eagles saw that I was on the iron chain and knew that the opportunity had come. They divided into two groups, one to attack me and the other to attack Wenkai.

The wind was blowing, and the rusty iron chains creaked, which made me fear that I would fall into the abyss at any time. Although I have a high level of cultivation, if I fall from such a height, there will definitely be no bones left.

"You guys underestimate me too much." I snorted coldly, Zhang Gong shot down a big eagle with an arrow.

But at this moment, the other two big eagles had already flew in front of me, baring their teeth and claws, attacking me.

The strong wind and natural power caused by the giant eagle are not easy to deal with. The killer sitting on the eagle's back keeps blowing a bamboo tube for close-range killing, and the tiny poisonous needles like cow hair are hard to guard against. .

"Double dragons go out to sea!" I slapped two palms suddenly, and the two blood dragons rolled towards the big eagle. After receiving two palms, the big eagle fell down, flapped its wings and flew upside down again.

"Qin Wushang, die." One of the killers on the eagle's back blows a poisoned arrow, and the other stabs me with a long spear.

This guy's cultivation level is not bad, the spear stabs at me with astonishing power, and with one spear point, a vicious wolf rolls towards me.

Standing on the slippery iron chain myself, my body shape was extremely uncomfortable, and I had to control my own balance. Immediately, there was no other way, and my right hand grabbed the spear abruptly.

I was hit by Murong Yu's poisonous arrow, and my body recovered only [-]% to [-]% of my body. I couldn't use my feet to take advantage of the strength. I can carry it down abruptly.

The sore on my shoulder suddenly burst due to the huge energy shock, and blood flowed out, but this aroused my madness.

I twisted hard, the blood in my whole body was concentrated in the right arm, and it spun like crazy. Suddenly, the big eagle was thrown by my huge force and lost its balance in the air.

I spat out the thunder in my hand, and the killer on the carving let go of his hand as if struck by lightning, and the man and the carving slammed heavily on the cliff under the huge inertia, and fell down the cliff.

When I came back to my senses, my chest felt itchy and numb, and I saw that at least dozens of poisonous needles like cow hair had been stuck on my body.

Under the stimulation of the severe pain and toxin, my eyes turned blood red, my face was ferocious, and my anger was burning to the extreme. The damn eagle kept provoking me, and screamed piercingly.

"Bastard! You are looking for death!" I uttered the six-tone Dharma from my mouth, and the shaking big eagle was a little dizzy, and the killer who held the carving couldn't control the big eagle, and panicked.

I threw the spear in my hand at him, and immediately passed the guy through his chest, screaming and falling down the cliff.

At this time, four of the six eagles had already died, and the remaining two did not expect me to be so brave. At this moment, the iron chain suddenly slammed and sank.

I saw that the chain tied to the edge of the cliff was no longer strong and might break at any time.

"Qin Wushang, where is he going to escape? The generals quickly cut off the iron chains to prevent Qin Wushang from crossing the bridge." Sima Fang finally rushed to the edge of suspense, and his densely packed guards rushed over like a tide.

"Wen Kai, get on the bridge quickly." I yelled, and at the same time kept shooting arrows towards the shore to restrain Erying.

Wen Kai tried to get on the bridge several times but was stopped by two big eagles. His cultivation level is not as good as mine, and even one-on-one, he may not be able to beat any of the thirteen eagles.

He knew very well that this might be his last battle today, and the kilometer-long iron chain was like an insurmountable mountain, blocking him on the verge of life and death.

"If you kill Qin Wushang, there will be a reward of ten thousand taels." Seeing that I was already in the middle of the iron chain, Sima Fang lost an inch in a hurry, and yelled loudly.

He will never tolerate the cooked duck flying away. When he came to Tianguan Bridge, he had already ordered the navy to cross the river and go to Huangshan to stop me.

Wen Kai's eyes were blood red, and he held his two pumpkin sledgehammers in both hands. He stood majestically on the edge of the cliff, looked at me resolutely, and said, "King Qin, Wen Kai is not leaving. I can't fight with you in this life. When I come, I will be your general."

"Brother Wen, get on the bridge!" My heart was about to go back, but at this moment, because of the excessive use of strength, the poison of the Mobei poisonous needle spread in my body with my excitement.

Wow!In my panic, I opened my mouth and spit out blood again.

"King Qin, cross the bridge soon, it's too late." Zhang Shishi and the others here stomped their feet anxiously, tears streaming down their cheeks. Everyone knew that Wen Kai was no longer alive.

"No, I will never give up on any brother." I gritted my teeth and was about to walk back.

Wen Kai raised the pumpkin hammer and pointed it at his head, "King Qin, if you take another step, I will smash my head. Wen Kai has no ambitions in his life, but King Qin treats me like a brother and brother. No one in life will die , but I hope that the liver and gallbladder will shine in the universe, so that I can die for my king, and die without regret."

"Wen Kai!" I closed my eyes tightly, my heart was so painful that it was about to bleed.

At this time, Sima Fang's men and horses had already rushed to the shore. Wen Kai, alone with two hammers, stood by the iron chain majesticly, fighting the group of thieves alone, without the slightest fear.

"Let's go!" Wen Kai roared to the sky.

I know that Wen Kai has decided to kill for righteousness, I can only live with his hope and leave Xichuan.

I moved along the iron chain to the other end, because I was poisoned, my vision became a little blurred, and the voices in my ears seemed to become a little distant, and I moved on the iron chain by instinct.

Cao San's body is too uncomfortable for me, and I don't usually feel it, but when it comes to critical life and death, this disadvantage is fully exposed.

"Behead him, break the iron chain, and don't let the Qin thief escape." Sima Fang rushed to kill Wen Kai himself.

Wen Kai was covered in blood at this moment. He had already suffered countless wounds from poisonous needles and swords, but he was already numb. He just swung the sledgehammer with the last bit of strength to protect the body with the blood in his body. That insurmountable iron chain.

Sima Fang was about to go crazy, he didn't expect that a mere lunatic would block him by hundreds of soldiers.

Sima Fang had suffered numerous mortal wounds all over his body, but he was still roaring and resisting like a lion.This kind of momentum, this kind of power made Sima Fang and all the soldiers feel terrified. They couldn't believe that there were such ruthless and ruthless people in this world.

He is no longer a man, but a god.The killers and soldiers in Mobei all stopped attacking. For such a warrior, everyone was shocked, but also full of respect.

"Why are you standing still, kill him!" Sima Fang quickly woke up from the shock, and took the lead, stabbing Wen Kai's chest with the long knife.

All of a sudden, all the soldiers rushed towards Wen Kai again...


Two feathered arrows pierced his chest, Wen Kai was already covered in blood, and dozens of arrows had been shot on his chest and back, like a living target.

He had no strength left, the double hammers seemed to weigh tens of thousands of catties, his eyelids were so heavy that he could no longer lift them up, he exhausted his last bit of strength and looked back, I was almost on the shore.

A triumphant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the boulder hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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