Dart Master

Chapter 558

Chapter 558
When I walked through the light, I found myself standing in front of an underground treasury.

The gate of the treasury is made of fine steel, extremely hard and thick, with a majestic dragon picture engraved on it. Although it has been through for many years, it is still lifelike without the slightest rust.

I just reached out to touch the door of the basement, unexpectedly, the two dragons on the door came alive, and opened their mouths to shoot arrows at me.

"Brother, be careful." Bai Chaoyang and I cast spells at the same time to resist the rain of arrows.

Once it was blocked, although we were both unscathed, we were still in a state of embarrassment, our bodies ached from the shock.

"It's so strong, it's thanks to you and me. People with weaker skills may have been pierced by random arrows long ago." I sighed with a flick of my sleeves.

"King Qin, please stand back! It's not that easy to open this double-dragon lock." The leading craftsman bowed to me with a dignified expression, giving off a solid and reliable feeling.

I smiled, and stood three feet away from the door with Bai Chaoyang.

I saw five craftsmen, with their own unique tools and talisman papers, carefully tinkering with the door, sometimes pouring self-made liquid into the dragon's mouth, and sometimes adjusting it with a mechanical bracket.

I have to say that the skilled craftsmen used by King Zhang are very powerful. I am afraid that this mechanism alone will take a lot of thought, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Kang Dang!" A few craftsmen seemed to have opened something, followed by the rumbling sound of the mechanism, and it seemed to be sandwiched with the sound of some kind of water.

I have always been ignorant of mechanism techniques, and I can't figure out why.

"King Qin, now please take nine drops of blood and put them in the slot to open the last lock." The craftsman said in a deep voice.

I bit my fingertips and dripped nine drops of blood in the slot. Immediately, I only heard the roar of the two dragons, and the whole body glowed with golden light, and they swam to both sides on the gate.


The door is wide open!What came into view was a huge basement. In the basement, Ujin was neatly placed. Ujin was divided into two sizes and specifications. There were two kinds of gold ingots, 50 taels and [-] taels, neatly placed on the shelves.

Going further inside, there are large boxes stacked up. Bai Chaoyang and I opened a box randomly, and it was full of pearls, jade, and other valuables.

"My God, Brother Wang, King Zhang probably moved most of the treasury here." Bai Chaoyang sighed in rare surprise.

The entire basement is glittering with golden light, and that kind of brilliant golden light makes us feel like we are in a dream.

At the same time, I can deeply feel Zhang Wang's deep concern for future generations when he built the city, just like a father who was afraid that his children would not have enough money to spend, and wished to give all he had to give to his children.

With this money, it is enough for me to recruit troops and expand the city.

Originally, I had no advantages in terms of financial and material resources, but because of the opening of the basement, I became the richest person in the world in an instant. I believe that neither the Yan family nor the Lu family could give out so much real gold silver.

Maybe they have a bank in Lingnan as a pillar, but in fact the bank also uses Wujin as its reserve fund. Once they leave Lingnan, many people may not recognize Lingnan's banknotes.

A few craftsmen didn't come in, they stood outside the door indifferently, as if nothing in this world could impress them.

Bai Chaoyang and I clapped our hands hard, the two of them took a deep breath and walked out slowly.

"King Qin, Shuanglong has recognized its master. Every time you enter the treasure house in the future, you only need a drop of blood to open the door. Apart from you, no one else in the world can open this lock." The leading craftsman said.

What Zhang Wang left for me is naturally the best thing. At this point, I can be sure that Wangcheng is what he deliberately left for me, and everything needs my blood to open it.

"Thank you. May I ask Mr. Gao's name." I had a good impression of this calm locksmith, so I couldn't help asking.

"My name is Tianxin, King Qin, you are welcome." Tianxin said as usual.

Bai Chaoyang and I walked through the Nether Stone and returned to the Emperor Temple, where Qing Meng was waiting eagerly.

After we came out, she smiled softly: "It seems that you must have found what you want, well, I should leave here and go back to Kunlun."

"Qing Meng, don't you want to stay for a while? You and I haven't seen each other for a long time. It's a pity that we finally meet again today. It's so hasty."

Qing Meng shook her head gently and said: "Wu Shang, I want to go back to Kunlun Master's School, there are still many important things to deal with, but I believe we will meet again."

Speaking of this, she said to Tian Xin: "Tian Xin, the King of Qin lacks craftsmen the most, so you guys should stay with him as servants."

Tianxin didn't have any dissatisfaction, but just nodded, expressing that he had no objection.

Although Qing Meng is gentle, she is always like a cloud that cannot be held in her hands. She comes and leaves as soon as she says, and no one can keep her.

"No injury, just send it here, take good care of yourself, tell Shaotian when you have a chance, I miss him very much."

The sun sets on the long river, and the golden blue waves are filled with a touch of sadness. Qing Meng boards the boat.

When the boat was about to leave, she seemed to have thought of something, and told me: "By the way, Uncle Seven is fine, don't worry about it."

After speaking, she left by boat, and her figure slowly disappeared on the long river.

Suddenly, there was an inexplicable sadness in my heart. The reunion with old people is always so short. Fortunately, Uncle Seven is still alive. He and Qing Meng are both in Kunlun Mountains. Maybe Uncle Seven has found the way to seek immortality.

Back in the city, Tianxin was discussing with Bai Chaoyang about the construction of the capital. I didn't bother them, and went back to the inner room to meditate and heal the poison.

At night, Bai Chaoyang walked into my room with a smile on his face.

"Brother, in this world, there are people beyond human beings, and there is a sky beyond the sky. I originally thought that I knew a little trick art, and it was extremely difficult, but after seeing Tian Xin, I knew what a real master of tricks is. With this person here, I I believe that the future and even wars will be rewritten." Bai Chaoyang was full of praise for Tianxin.

He has always spoken calmly, and I have never seen him praise someone so much.

"Oh, is it that powerful?" I opened my eyes and asked with a calm smile.

Bai Chaoyang said: "Even if Lu Ban is reborn, that's all. I believe that once we go to war, he will design more siege equipment to improve our army."

"People all over the world say that Kunlun Mountain is a fairyland, the holy land of Taoism. It is a place where talented people come forth in large numbers. Now it seems that it is true." I sighed, and at the same time, I felt more grateful to Qingmeng .

How can a person as powerful as Tianxin be used by me? If it weren't for her, how could I have such a good talent.

Relatively speaking, the following days will be relatively calm, and all forces are lurking in the dark to accumulate strength. Since the defeat of Longhu Mountain in Lingnan, it has also stopped. The Xichuan and Yan families are training their own troops, while I am busy. Build cities and recruit troops.

From autumn to winter, thanks to the hard work of Bai Chaoyang, Tianxin and all the people and soldiers, the capital is finally considered small-scale. Although the shops and restaurants on the main streets are extremely deserted, the skeleton and soul of the city Already complete, it only needs the sculpting and fullness of time.

I stood on the railing of the pavilion on the top of the palace, wearing a black cloak, with my hands behind my back, watching the white snow quietly sprinkled in every corner of the palace.

This year's snow fell heavily, but the soldiers were still practicing, and the people finally took advantage of the completion of the work to have a short rest and have a lively New Year's Eve.

Over the past few months, Wangcheng has changed, and I have also undergone great changes.

After several months of cleansing, the beard has covered the corners of my mouth and cheeks. Time has changed me from a mediocre young man to a majestic king.

Every time I see the thick bearded face in the mirror, I always think of Zhang Wang unconsciously.This should be an innate reaction in my blood, because I use Cao San's body, but Cao San has no beard. It can only be said that my dragon spirit body has subtly affected him.

I can't avoid the fact that I look more and more like Zhang Wang.

"It's snowing so much. It hasn't snowed so much in Jiangdong for many years." Bai Chaoyang walked up to me and rubbed his hands together.

"Yes, auspicious snow heralds a good year, Chaoyang, buy more wine and meat, so that the soldiers and civilians can have a good and lively New Year in our royal city." I laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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