Dart Master

Chapter 572 Yanshan Chapter Farewell

Chapter 572
As soon as Feng Er's formation was withdrawn, the pit gradually receded from the extreme cold, but the low temperature in winter could not melt in a short time. Gu Tianxiong and several leaders jumped down from the pit and stepped on the frozen ground. Han Bing, searching for the shadow of Wu Jin.

Wu Jin's entire lower body was frozen under the ice, his hands were swayed back and forth, his face was full of panic, obviously he was submerged by the water before he could escape in time.

As soon as the landlubbers in Mobei enter the water, they basically die. No matter how high their cultivation is, they can't take a step, let alone the ground is slippery and the sky is freezing.

Wu Jin's whole body was covered with ice slag, Gu Tianxiong lifted him out from under the ice, and several people carried him back to Tianji Mountain.

In the big tent, the young Taoists were rejoicing, chatting and laughing over wine and meat around the bonfire. The stone in everyone's heart finally fell to the ground. No one thought that the war would be so simple, and a flood would almost collapse them. Thousands of troops were buried.

Feng Er rarely drank a few sips of wine. He participated in many battles in his life. My appearance changed the overall situation and made him realize that he is indeed old and it is difficult to defend this land with his own blood and enthusiasm. , and can no longer compete with the younger generation in Taoism.

But he is not lost, because I did not let him down.I originally thought that after Qin Jian, it would be very difficult to find someone who can turn the tide, but now he has seen that I have been able to carry the banner of Lord Yan and create my own world.

"Mr. Feng!" I walked over with the wine and sat down beside him.

Feng Er looked up at me, sighed quietly: "Do you know why Jiangdong I drove you away?"

I nodded to express my understanding.Because the Jiangdong City at that time was impossible to defend, according to the evil king's intention, let all the ghosts kill all the people in Jiangdong, but the black king urged the evil king, and in the end all the old, weak and children stayed, and the number of casualties was limited of.

Feng Er had no choice, he and Zhao Heizi could only try their best to defend the city, but in the end they had to face the danger of the city being destroyed.

What I just don't understand is why Zhao Heizi and Feng Er listened to the orders of the Black King. The Black King is a very complicated person. On the one hand, he colludes with the evil king, but secretly does many contradictory things behind the evil king's back.

He has harmed me many times, but he has never driven me into a desperate situation, but until now I have not been able to know who he is.

But from the current point of view, the faction of Hei Wang and Zhao Heizi should have entered the Yin Division, and they rarely show up in Xuanmen.Right now, although some small wars have taken place in Xuanmen, compared with the Yin Division that has already been fought so hard, it can be regarded as a peaceful place.

A person like Hei Wang who is good at calculating will naturally not miss the current good situation in Yin Division and stir up troubles to seek his own interests.

"You want me to unify the evil sect, master the Baihua sect, Yang Feng's secret method, etc., because these are indispensable things on my way of cultivation." I thought for a while.

Thinking about it carefully, although I escaped death in Yinshan, what I got was enough to affect the general trend of the whole Taoist sect.And Yang Fengqiankun bag and Bahuang Ding made me even more powerful.

Feng Er nodded, "You are very smart, and even have more advantages than Qin Jian. I believe that the world in the future will definitely belong to you."

"Mr. Feng, there is something I don't know whether I should ask. Why do you have anything to do with the Black King? You are a Taoist master, and you have a clear distinction between good and evil. You shouldn't be like this." I took a sip of wine, hoping to hear from him. answer in his mouth.

Feng Er's eyes froze, his lips parted, he hesitated to speak, and after a while he sighed and said: "Some things cannot be said, one day you will understand that there are many people in this world who are silently helping you , you just need to take one step at a time and go down steadily.”

Speaking of this, he stood up and sighed: "This ten-thousand-year catastrophe is a thousand times more terrifying than when Zhang Wang and Yan Jun were alive. If you are a little careless, maybe the Xuanmen general will no longer exist."

After finishing speaking, he walked away proudly with his hands behind his back, and he didn't want to talk about these things with me again. Obviously he knew something, maybe it had something to do with Zhang Wang's disappearance, and the "Ksitigarbha" and Nie Yuan behind the evil king. It is related, but these secrets can only be explored by me a little bit.

Wu Jin died, and his body was framed on the edge of Tianji Mountain. Shaotian, Gu Tianxiong and others were drinking and listening to them telling interesting stories about the Mobei grassland.

The stragglers had already been driven back to their respective sects. After this incident, Feng Er also realized that the major sects in the Taoist sect were no longer reliable, and if they didn't hold back, they would already be in high spirits.

"Brother Wushang, come and listen to their stories, it's very interesting." Seeing me approaching, Shaotian waved to me.

After I sat down and had a round of drinking with everyone, I asked loudly, "Why did Brother Gu dig up Wu Jin's body?"

Gu Tianxiong said with a smile: "This thief Wujin has been entrenched in this area all year round. He is Tuoba Chong's number one running dog. He has killed my brothers a lot these years. How can he be taken advantage of now?"

I know that there must be a way to deal with enemies in the Mobei area, so I don't ask any more, "Brothers, when the weather is warmer next year, I'm afraid that Tuoba Chong will go south, what are your plans?"

Gu Tianxiong snorted coldly: "If Tuoba Chong dares to go south, we will burn his tail and disturb his peace. Everyone in the world is afraid of Mobei cavalry, but even if there is only one person left in our Kuangsha Gang, I will fight them to the end.”

What I want is exactly what they said, because Tuoba Chong's southern expedition is inevitable, and the north of Youcheng will fall sooner or later, but if the Kuangsha gang is behind them to make trouble, it will undoubtedly be a great thing for Jiangdong.

"Brother Gu, war is all about strategy. I hope our brothers can deal with Tuoba one by one, and we must not act out of loyalty." I looked around at everyone and said honestly.

Although the Kuangsha gang have been horse bandits in Mobei all year round, they are also very shrewd, but they have a violent temper, and Tuoba Chong is as cunning as a wolf. If they don't use their brains, 2000 people can easily be wiped out.

"King Qin, don't worry, I saw you flooding Wujin today, and my eyes were wide open. Damn, I have lived in vain in this life. I have never seen such a war. Thousands of people were flooded like this. .”

After this battle, Gu Tianxiong and all the leaders also admired me, and they didn't speak with disdain like before.

"Okay, heroes, after drinking this wine, we should say goodbye." I straightened my clothes, and the little seed was still hanging by a thread. Time is extremely precious to me now.

After bidding farewell to the Kuangsha gang, Shaotian and I bid farewell to Mr. Feng.

When he heard that we were going to Changbai Mountain, he was slightly surprised. From his eyes, I could vaguely feel that he didn't want me and Shaotian to go.

But he didn't say anything, he just told us to be more careful. Although the wild immortals are not real immortals, there are many people with advanced cultivation, and there are many sinister people, we must guard against them.

I asked him if Shaodu Talisman really existed. After being silent for a moment, Feng Er shook his head and said, "Shaodu Talisman is the weirdest of the evil gods and the head of the God of Plague. No one has ever really understood him, but there is one thing It is very clear that the reason why the evil king has never dared to take the idea of ​​​​Shaodufu, and the five meridians have not been fully refined, is enough to prove the power of this god."

"Farewell, sir, you'd better hurry up and go south to Youcheng in case something happens." I understood, and said goodbye to Feng Er.

Shaotian and I headed for Changbai Mountain overnight in the dark.

The farther you go to the northeast, the colder it gets. This is the first time I have been in the Northeast, and most of the Northeast Taoism is concentrated in the Changbai Mountain area.

Perhaps because of the outstanding people, Changbai Mountain has a strong sense of immortality, and this place has become a gathering place for all wild immortals, the most famous of which is the Changbai Immortal School.

The Changbai Immortal School only exists in legends, and they have never been seen to enter the Taoist sect. Some people say that the so-called masters of the Immortal School are all illusions of wild immortals.

The Northern Xuanmen had already withered, so no one investigated whether the Changbai Immortal Sect really existed.

Shaotian and I arrived at Changbai Mountain, looking at the majestic mountain covered in silver makeup, the spirit of Zhong Ling rushed to our face, and we felt fresh and pleasant, and our hearts were at ease.

Along the way, there are thousands of snow scenes, occasional birds passing by in the mountains, icicles and cliffs, and peaks like fairies in white skirts, which are so beautiful.

"It's such an aura, it's no wonder that wild immortals gather here. It's really not comparable to the mountains in the east of the Yangtze River." Stepping on the soft snow, I felt a sense of pride in my heart, and sighed to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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