Dart Master

Chapter 582

Chapter 582

"Remember, if Qin Wushang really dares to take a step into Changbai Mountain, he must be killed. If you don't kill this person, great things will be impossible." Wu Mian warned in a cold voice.

"My lord, there is a sentence that my subordinates don't know whether to say or not." Nangong Ao frowned.

Faceless was obviously very dissatisfied with someone daring to question his words, so he asked in a cold voice, "Tell me!"

"I know Qin Wushang well. He is good friends with the young master of my Nangong family. Although he won the position of Lord Yan, his cultivation level is not as good as that of ordinary Yin gods. If you want to make a move, my lord, you can crush him to death with just one finger. A brat, why should we be so afraid of him." Nangong Ao frowned, his tone full of disdain.

Faceless let out a sneer, "Ignorance, Qin Wushang is the destiny of fate, can a brat make it this far? You must not be careless, but you don't know that those who underestimate him, even the evil king Dou I stumbled in Yinshan, are you more powerful than the evil king?"

When everyone heard that the evil king had stumbled, they didn't dare to make noise, so they immediately took orders.

"Let's all retreat, remember Qin Wushang, kill. Xiang's envoy, Lian. If you are not absolutely sure, don't act rashly." Wu Mian urged.

Everyone should have retreated from the White House.

I was not in a hurry to go back, but followed Nangong Ao into his residence in Taibai White House.

Tonight's exploration of the White House was very rewarding for me. I now know that the hidden forces of Xuanmen are not as simple as I imagined.

Shaodu Talisman, the head of the Five Plagues, is hiding in Nieyuan at this moment. I am more willing to believe that he went to Nieyuan on purpose, and there must be his secrets there.

Nieyuan is the place where the Buddha sealed the world's ghosts, fierce creatures, and monsters. It is a real purgatory.

As the war in the underworld intensified, many hidden forces began to fish in troubled waters. Fushen was the head of the five plague gods. The five plague gods were suppressed by the orthodox Taoism in the past. Most of them, such as Spring Plague, were sealed and had almost no cultivation base.

However, there are very few records about Shaodu Fu in Xuanmen. The chief of Zhongpu is mysterious, and his appearance at this moment is naturally out of ulterior motives.

What worries me a little is that masters like Lupao and Faceless are his right and left hands, and now he intends to stir up trouble in the Xuanmen, which is a terrible thing.

Obviously, he has an apprentice like Tuoba Chong, and with the help of the wolf god's disciples, Tuoba Chong can unify Mobei. If the wolf god didn't nod his head, he would not be able to unify Mobei openly.

In secret, he has a green robe, faceless, and even more special envoys among the underworld and the major forces. The combination of light and dark forces is enough to gain a foothold in the Taoist sect.

And the Xiang family will be their starting point. Once the Xiang family is controlled by them and they get the money empire, they can establish a new military and political power with the help of Shao Du Fu's many talents.

No, I will never let them grow up, I must find a way to kill them in the cradle, I thought to myself.

Nangong Ao returned to the mansion, entered the room and sat down, took a sip of the tea handed over by the servant, and was scalded so badly that he immediately threw the cup on the ground and cursed: "Slave dog, you are also deliberately angry I am right, the tea is so hot, how do you drink it?"

The servant hurriedly knelt on the ground in fright, "I'm sorry, master, I'll go soak again."

Holding the sword in my arms, I stood aside and said, "Master Ao, why should we suffer from his birdishness here? I don't believe that with the skills of the old man and the young master of Nangong, we can't solve the life-death talisman."

Nangong Ao waved his hand and said: "It can't be broken, if Yifeng can break it, would Qin Wushang take the risk of going north? Besides, I have been hit by a talisman myself, how can I tell the old man that I want him to know that I am with Wumian? There is something to do with the kind of person, so he can't kill his relatives righteously?"

From Nangong Ao's voice, I can judge that Nangong Ao should be controlled by the poison cursed by Wuface with the life and death talisman, so he had to be used by Wuface.

"Master Ao, isn't this poison cured?" I asked.

Nangong Ao frowned and said, "I've got some true teachings from the old man. Although I dare not claim to be a famous doctor, I still know a lot about medicine. If I didn't have a solution, I wouldn't be here with Xiao Xiao. The life and death talisman is the fame of Shaodu talisman As long as mortals are in the book of life and death and controlled by the cycle of life and death, they cannot escape the poison of this curse."

"Let's put it this way, if it is said that the King of Hades makes people die in the third watch, Shaodu Fu is another Lord Yan Luo. It's just that he hasn't made trouble for many years, but now he appears. The world is in chaos, and all monsters and ghosts are on the top."

It seems that Shaodufu is even more terrifying than I imagined, "However, I feel that Qin Wushang may have a way to deal with him. I heard Wumian's tone, and it seems that Shaodufu is extremely afraid of Qin Wushang. There must be something in it. The reason. Hey, I really hope that the envoy of the Xiang family is Qin Wushang, and if he makes a fuss, maybe I also have some hope. Otherwise, when will this endless torture come to an end. "

"Master Ao, I don't think it's too early, you should rest quickly, as long as there is any news in the Snow Palace, I will definitely report it to you." I said.

"Ah Jia, the only person I can trust right now is you. This palace is full of dangers, so you must be more careful." Nangong Ao entrusted.

I smiled, turned and left Nangong Ao's mansion.

I walked out of the mansion and took this opportunity to take a rough look at the Taibai White House. The guards of the Taibai White House are all faceless personal guards, and they are all experts with good cultivation.

Now the situation is clear, Hei Fenghuang and Chang Sangu are faceless people, Hu Erye and Bai Boss should not be faceless confidantes, so these two people were not seen at today's party.

Right now, there are still two questions that confuse me. First, how did Ziyan get Ziyi's bell.Second, what secret is hidden in the fairy card.Third, where is Heisha God?

Changbaizi is the man of Heisha God, logically speaking, Heisha God is the master of wild immortals, Changbai Immortal Sect is undoubtedly the best place to control wild immortals, it is impossible for him to hand over Changbai Immortal Sect to others .

But his confidant Changbaizi was killed, and the reverse also proved that the Heisha God should also be in trouble, maybe he was killed by Wuface, maybe he was controlled by Wuface.

I was walking in the heavy snow, thinking about countermeasures, and while I was talking, a woman Yingying came over, and I saw that it was the maid next to Hei Fenghuang, named Axiu.

"Xiao Jia!"

I screamed inwardly, judging from my soul memory, this woman named Axiu was Ajia's concubine in Snow Palace.

There are monsters all the year round in the Snow Palace, and it is rare for people to come. Ajia is tall and strong, young and strong, and has a good knife, so he can naturally attract the likes of these little monsters.

Axiu pulled me aside to be quiet, and pressed her passionately, her plump breasts pressed tightly against my body, just like a kiss.

I'm a little dazed, even though I'm controlling Ajia's body now, the feeling is still obvious.

I immediately pushed her away, "Axiu, this is not a place for intimacy, if Master Ao or Hei Fenghuang find out, our life will be difficult."

Axiu is extremely pungent, judging from the traces of peach blossoms on her chest, she should be a fledgling flower demon.

"What are you afraid of? The head teacher has men he likes, so why can't I have them?" Axiu curled her lips and said.

"Who does Dark Phoenix like?" I asked.

"Do you need to ask? There are not many men in the Snow Palace, except for Xiao Hua, who is Xiangshi. If Xiangshi is really the emissary of the Xiang family, it would be a great achievement for the head teacher to climb up to him. And I think that Mr. Xiang has a big body, a loud voice, and excellent skills, he is a talent." Axiu posted it again, and said with a smile.

I screamed inwardly that I had a headache, the situation in the Snow Palace was originally complicated, and now these women are all so hungry, what I am most afraid of is dealing with women.

"Where is Dark Phoenix now?" I asked.

Axiu said: "I don't even need to ask, I'm afraid I'm getting on good terms with the envoy Xiang right now. You're in the White House, and you haven't gotten along with him for several days. Let's go to the old place first..."

I have the illusion of being a dumb person eating coptis in my heart. I feel unspeakably bitter. No, I have to go back immediately. Once the black phoenix finds out that my soul is out of my body, it will be troublesome.

"Axiu, what is the purpose of your coming to see me this time?" I let the anxious Axiu pull me into a remote alley.

(End of this chapter)

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