Dart Master

Chapter 588

Chapter 588

"If you want to solve the life and death talisman, you can only start with Shaodu talisman or Wumian. There is no other way. Back then, Wumian entered Changbai, and he killed the Changbai immortal sect overnight. I fought desperately with Master Hu and rescued the young master, I am afraid that Changbai will have no heirs." Xiao Hua fell into painful memories.

"Sir, where is the spiritual eye?" I asked.

Xiao Hua shook his head and said: "Where is the spiritual eye, I don't know. It is the secret of Changbai Mountain. It is rumored that there is a longevity tree in it, which was left by Taibai Jinxing. If you find it, you may get a fairy fate."

I see that he doesn't seem to be concealing it intentionally, and it's really hard to find the spiritual eye, otherwise the treasure of Changbai would not be preserved until today.

As for whether it was left by the illusory Taibai Jinxing in the last three days, there is no evidence to test it. Perhaps only by entering the spiritual eye can the secret inside be found.

"Sir, I'm afraid you will have to suffer some hardships in the next few days. I will teach you a way, which may save your life."

I leaned into Xiao Hua's ear and quickly read a few words.

Xiao Hua was shocked when he heard this, and said, "Isn't it putting you in danger, it's not right."

"Sir, don't worry about me. They can't do anything to me. As long as you recover from your injuries, I will find a way to get you out." I said.

After finishing speaking, I left him two more pills, and then I put away the celestial card and exited the secret room.

Back at Nangong Mansion, Nangong Ao frowned, his expression was very depressed, his eyes fell on the tiny pill, he was very worried, as if he was thinking deeply about something.

Seeing me coming back, Nangong Ao stood up with his hands behind his back, and asked, "Ah Jia, what's wrong with Xiao Hua, can't he die?"

"Master Ao, don't worry, I've fed him the elixir, he should be fine, but I think he can't hold it anymore, it will be three or five days later, and he has to explain it anyway." I said.

Nangong Ao sighed and said, "I didn't expect that my Nangong Ao family of genius doctors would do such a dirty and harmful thing here. I really feel ashamed of the world."

I originally planned to take care of him when I left Changbai Mountain, but now it seems that he is not without conscience.

Nangong Ao looked at the pill with a worried expression, "Hey, when will I be able to grow up these days."

I stepped forward to pick up the pill and looked it over carefully. Nangong Ao was always very easy to deal with people most of the time, and he didn't stop me.

I put it near my nose and smelled it. The smell of the pill was very strange. I had never smelled this kind of smell before.

"Master Ao, can you tell me how you felt when you got sick?" I asked.

Nangong Ao was in a bad mood today, and wanted to talk to someone. Seeing that I asked about this, he sat down and slowly told me the symptoms of the disease.

Although I know that Little Seed has been poisoned by the life-death talisman, I have never seen her symptoms when she was ill. Maybe I can take this opportunity to understand something.

Nangong Ao told me that the life and death talisman in him is issued once a month, before the last seven days of each month, which is no different from ordinary people.

But in the last seven days, the condition will gradually become more serious.

At the beginning, I only felt weak in the whole body, and the next day, the bones and muscles began to shrink, and then vomiting blood, convulsions, and in the last three days, the soul was erratic, and there was a possibility that the soul would fly away at any time.

The whole process was excruciatingly painful, and the symptoms became worse and worse day by day, and fell into a coma on the seventh day, and the soul slowly began to disappear, and if there was no antidote, the soul would fly away and become a dead person from then on.

"This kind of curse and strange poison is not simply aimed at the body, soul, and meridians of a person. It is more like aging people to death within seven days. The life and death talisman is the unique secret method of Shaodu talisman. Everyone in the world calls him Little Yama, because he can control people's life and death with this method." Nangong Ao explained.

Seven days to urge people to die!
Of course, this is based on the level of the talisman. Like Nangong Ao and others, for the convenience of control, Wumian set the date for the talisman to occur for them to be one month. If there is no antidote, they will surely die.

The little seed is irregular, but I didn't expect her to attack so quickly.

In other words, the poison of this curse is caused by the caster controlling the onset date in a special way.

It's like knowing the fate of a person, pinching one of the nodes, forcibly blocking the fate, and taking this antidote can eliminate that node.

Such a cycle will forcibly change the number of people's lives.

This involves numerology and secrets. If it is not because medicine can work, it is also puzzling why Nangong Ao's medical skills are so high.

I told Nangong Ao the theory of numerology, he was dumbfounded, he didn't reject my opinion, but he couldn't believe it.

Because people's numerology and fate have always been determined by heaven, even the king of hell, there are no special circumstances, and he will not suddenly change people's fate for no reason.

And death is only a part of fate, that is to say, what Lord Yan can control is death.

In a person's life, there are various fortunes of fortune, calamity, and constant fortune, which are also part of destiny.

But fate is the subject after all, and Shaodufu must have mastered some kind of secret, or he himself knows the supernatural power to control people's lives. There is also a possibility that he has some kind of inseparable relationship with King Yama of the Underworld.

All in all, Shao Du Fu is by no means simple.

I suddenly remembered that when I was in the Underworld in Wucheng, Judge Cui changed my fate, Shaotian had no fate, and Ziyi was a descendant of the female snail, so the fate of the three of us may not be normal. It is not restricted by the life and death book and life and death talisman, which is the method of manipulating human life.

This is also the real reason why Faceless wanted to kill me wholeheartedly, because Shaodu Talisman can restrict people in the world, except me, Shaotian and Ziyi.

As for why Shaotian didn't have a fate, I'm afraid even Jin Taibao and his wife couldn't explain clearly.

"Ah Jia, where did you know about this kind of fortunetelling?" Nangong Ao asked me with a frown, his eyes were full of surprise.

I hurriedly made a haha, "I heard someone mention it occasionally before, but now I suddenly remembered it, so I'll tell you, Master Ao."

Nangong Ao stroked his beard and said: "Well, what you said is very meaningful. I have been unable to solve the poison of this curse from the aspect of medicine. It is just that people who are proficient in fate in the world, except for the two generations of old Yan Jun in the past, I am afraid that people who know how to do it are very difficult. few."

When he said that, I remembered someone, Bai Chaoyang!

Bai Chaoyang has the ability to calculate with ingenuity. If he starts with numerology, he may be able to break the strange poison of the small seed. Of course, this is just a hypothesis. After all, we have never discussed how much Bai Chaoyang knows in this regard.

"Master Ao, if you can remove the life and death talisman on your body, will you still use it for Faceless?" I asked curiously.

Nangong Ao's face darkened, and he stared at me and said, "Do you think it's possible? I'm really in a hurry. Master Ao, I'm going to die. Don't talk about such stupid questions in the future."

I smiled and withdrew respectfully without saying a word.

At this moment, a small golden bell tied around my waist rang. This is a magic weapon I made with a charm, once someone comes to me, Shaotian can ring the bell on the other side, so that , I knew there was something important to discuss.

I hurried to the old abandoned warehouse and let Ye Mo continue to guard Ajia's body for me. When Ye Mo heard this, he almost went crazy with anger.

"Next time Axiu comes looking for you, you should stay away. Isn't it easy for you to hide from such a big Snow Palace?" I told Ye Mo, and the dragon spirit quickly returned to the mansion.

Through the window from the secluded place at the back, I entered the bedroom and returned to the main body.

When I got back to the house, Shaotian was walking back and forth anxiously in the bedroom, his mouth was full of suffocation, he couldn't speak without my order, and he was really aggrieved.

I trembled all over, opened my eyes, walked up to Shaotian, and made an expression of tearing the tape around his mouth.

Shaotian was overjoyed, and he let out a long breath, "Brother, you are back, and the woman came to the door again. I, I dare not stop her."

I smiled, "Could it be Dark Phoenix again, why are you still afraid that she won't succeed?"

Shaotian shook his head, "No, sister Ziyi is here, how dare I stop her?"

I opened the door and saw that Zi Yan was sitting in the hall, chatting with Xiang Chun.

"It's so strange, didn't my brother say that sister Ziyi went to the underworld? Why did you come here again suddenly?" Shaotian asked doubtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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