Dart Master

Chapter 591

Chapter 591
"Good strength, toughness with softness, strength with ingenuity, Boss Bai is really a god." I laughed loudly and praised him loudly.

When Boss Bai saw it was me, he frowned and was extremely displeased, and threw the ax on the ground with a look of disgust on his face.

An old servant next to him quickly handed over a towel, Boss Bai simply wiped off his sweat, put on his long gown, picked up a few pieces of dry firewood and walked into the house.

I saw that he did not issue an order to evict me, so I knew he was willing to meet me, so I followed him into the hall with a smile.

Walking into the hall, there is an old copper pot in the hall, and the charcoal fire is burning in the brazier underneath. Although the room is simple and not as luxurious as Hu Erye, it exudes warmth.

Boss Bai added some dry firewood to the brazier, sat down on a chair beside him, and didn't speak. When the wine in it was almost hot, he poured me a glass.

I was not polite, picked up the wine glass and blew gently on my mouth, and drank it immediately, but felt that the wine was like Boss Bai's personality, as strong as fire, after drinking it, my body immediately became warm.

Boss Bai sneered and said, "I've finished the wine too. If Xiang Shi has nothing else to do, please go back. The humble house is simple, and I'm afraid I'll insult you big families in the south of the Yangtze River."

I raised my brows and asked with a calm smile: "Bai Boss, there is something I can't get out of my mouth all the time. You seem to be very hostile to me. Could it be that you are dissatisfied with our cooperation plan?"

Boss Bai sneered and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in your plans to steal people's wealth. An unfaithful person like you is simply a scum, please go ahead, Xiang Shi."

After Boss Bai finished speaking, he patted the table and made a gesture of invitation.

I was a little happy in my heart, it seems that there are not all hypocrites who love fame and fortune in Changbai Mountain, Boss Bai may be of use to me.

"Boss Bai, in the lobby at night, you seemed very unhappy when you saw that I was not Qin Wushang. Could it be that you sympathized with Qin Wushang, or had a heart for him?" I turned the wine glass in my hand with great interest, and smiled. asked.

Boss Bai said grimly: "That's right, if you were Qin Wushang, I respect you as a man, but I really despise you as a narrow-minded thief trying to steal other people's property."

"I don't want to make money, and I don't want to make a profit. Naturally, I won't curry favor with you like other people. So, if there is nothing wrong, please go ahead."

I laughed, "Boss Bai is really a man, I know it well. However, your wine is really good, and I will come here often in the future."

After finishing speaking, he put down his wine glass, stood up, and walked out quickly.

This is exactly what I want to see. In Changbai Mountain, although there are many forces who secretly admire me, but because of the faceless government, many people dare not speak out when they are angry. Boss Bai is undoubtedly trustworthy.

In the Snow Palace, there are not many people I can trust right now, including Hu Erye. I always feel that he seems to have ulterior motives. If Zi Yan hadn't let Zi Yan mess up such a situation, I wouldn't have had too much interaction with him .

After returning from Boss Bai, I went back to the bedroom, opened the life and death talisman that Judge Cui had left for me, and pondered carefully.

The book of life and death is a very complicated thing, it is like a supreme book that can control people's life and death, and it is also like a cheat book that contains the mysteries of heaven and earth.

I haven't had time to comprehend it since I got it, maybe it will come in handy now.

The Shaodu talisman is precisely the number of people's fate, which is why the life and death talisman came into being. If I can find a way to break it, all the faceless plots will become bubble phantoms.

I opened it and saw that it was densely packed with underworld scripts like tadpoles. The characters inside were very complicated, but when I saw a word, a phantom of a person’s name would appear. These words were intricately intertwined, and there was no order. Word.

After just looking at it for a while, I felt dizzy and dizzy, so I had no choice but to put it away.

You must know that King Zhang became King Qin Guang and ruled for such a long time before he developed a little bit of knowledge. If I can realize something just by looking at it, that would be amazing.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed until dawn, the next few days will undoubtedly be very busy for me.

Apart from using Ah Jia's body to follow Nangong Ao to torture Xiao Hua every day, it is to deal with the entanglement of Hei Fenghuang and others, and it is a headache to stop playing.

According to the plan I agreed with Xiao Hua, he should confess soon because he couldn't bear the pain.

I knew it was time to stick to the plan.

I'm going to set off a bloodbath in the Snow Palace and disrupt the order of the Snow Palace. Only in this way can I have a chance to rescue Xiao Hua.

My first target was Tusuo, the emissary of Mobei. Tusuo is a man of the wolf god and also serves as an envoy in Tuoba Chong's army, which is a suitable target for me.

I used the dragon spirit body to walk into the abandoned warehouse, and the night demon was controlling Ah Jia to sleep late.

"Wake up, wake up!" I reminded Ye Mo, and this guy woke up in a daze. Don't think about it, he must have been squeezed by Axiu again last night.

"What's the matter?" Night Demon muttered with some dissatisfaction.

I asked him to withdraw from Ajia first, and after I attached Ajia, I put on the snow ape skin I brought. The height of this snow ape is almost the same as Ajia.

After I put it on, it fit me perfectly. Seeing my outfit, Ye Mo couldn't help asking curiously, "King Qin, why are you dressed like this?"

I smiled and said: "You know that Xiao Hua has a skill, that is, he can control the snow apes and wild monsters in the mountains. I plan to rescue him, but I need to build some momentum first. But I need your help to do this." Row."

"What do you want me to do?" Nightmare asked.

I said: "Go and control Cao San's body."

Night Demon shook his head, "This is too embarrassing for me. That's your body. Cao San's consciousness and body are almost recovered now. I'm afraid it will be difficult to control him."

His reminder gave me a headache too. I have been using Cao San’s body until now, but in fact, after my whole winter of alchemy and cultivation in Wangcheng, Cao San has almost recovered. It will be a matter of time before I wake up. .

It seems that I have to prepare to find a new host, or find a shell that can protect the dragon spirit.

"He still can't wake up now, try it, try your best to control his body, don't do anything else, just sit in the bedroom, if you encounter Black Phoenix interrogation, just say a few simple words." I said.

Night Demon immediately understood what I meant. Once I caused a bloody case in the Snow Palace, Black Phoenix and the others must have suspected me immediately.And the Daredevil was there to prove my presence and absence, nothing more.

"Let me try, but you'd better come back quickly, I'm afraid something will go wrong."

After the night demon finished speaking, it turned into a cloud of black air and floated towards my mansion.

I changed the snow ape skin, only showing a pair of eyes, took out the simple map drawn in the past few days, and after looking at the retreat route, I walked over to Tusuo's mansion.

Tu Suo lives in the long White House of Black Phoenix. Black Phoenix is ​​a crow refined into a human form. From her subordinate Axiu, she knows that she is not a good bird.

Tu Suo is a famous hunk and warrior in Beimo, so she naturally won't miss this happy opportunity.

I quickly touched the long white house.

Since the Changbai Palace is the residence of the Immortal Headmaster, it occupies the entire eastern district, and the rolling palaces are connected together, which is extremely magnificent.

The skin of the snow ape is as white as snow, which is extremely beneficial for my hiding in the icy and snowy Snow Palace.

Immediately, I quickly hid my body and touched it in the direction of Changle Palace.

Changle Palace is the place where Tusuo lives. According to the news that Yemo got from Axiu, Black Phoenix and Tusuo often get along well in this palace.

I walked into the Changle Palace, the main hall was empty, but there was a woman's laughter faintly behind.

When we arrived at the apse, there was a hot spring pool inside. Tu Suo was soaking in the hot spring, flirting with the little flower demon who was serving him, and the female musicians around him were playing tunes, looking extravagant.

Tusso is just like an emperor, leaning against the hot spring pool, hugging left and right, kissing me and me, and enjoying the wine, fruits and vegetables fed to him by the maid, so comfortable.

"My lord, if the Changbai Immortal School is really over, can you take us out of Changbai Mountain together? We'll be suffocated to death here." The little flower demons, sticking to Tu Suo, asked coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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