Dart Master

Chapter 605

Chapter 605

"Get rid of Hu Erye first, and then come talk to me about the fairy card. It can be seen that you enjoy this mansion very much. Since you like it, you can stay here. I won't hinder your eyes."

I sneered, and left the mansion with Shaotian.

Cao San didn't expect me to be so resolute, and immediately launched a murderous plan, but he is not [-]% sure that he can kill me now, so he dare not take it by force.

In fact, he has a chance on the mountain, but because he has to deal with Wumian, and with Shaotian sitting on the sidelines, Cao San can only hide his murderous thoughts in his heart.

He knows very well that if I team up with Shaotian, he has no chance at all, so he will try other ways to deal with me.

"Qin Wushang, the good show has just started, let's wait and see." Cao San smiled coldly at my back.

Great changes took place in the Snow Palace, and the power soon began to change.

Faceless disappeared, Boss Bai ran away, Black Phoenix died tragically, and now the Snow Palace is completely in the hands of Hu Erye.

Hu Erye quickly cleaned the people of Faceless and Black Phoenix, and a large number of fox clan wild fairies entered the Snow Palace. The Snow Palace, which was originally peaceful and quiet for a while, now became a paradise for foxes.

Hu Erye and Cao San did not force Shaotian and me to stay. Everyone knew that before we found our spiritual eyes, we could still use each other, so there was no need to make the relationship completely deadlocked.

Shaotian and I returned to the vicinity of Jinxing Ridge. According to my agreement with Nangong Ao, he should not go too far, and Boss Bai also lives in seclusion near here. I decided to go to see Xiao Hua and Boss Bai first to discuss. The next big plan.

When I arrived, there were a few crisp ape cries, and soon a few snow apes appeared in the mountains. After recognizing Shaotian and me, the snow apes ran like flying in the mountains, and appeared within a moment in front of me.

"Baiyun has met the King of Qin." The leading snow ape vaguely had a human appearance, but he did not break away from the snow ape's physical characteristics.

It seems that he should be the Snow Ape King on Changbai Mountain. The Snow Ape is a very strange creature with a whole body of snow that lurks in the mountains, and is difficult for humans to detect.Compared with ordinary apes, they are twice the size, with infinite strength, and they are not afraid of ice and snow, walking on flat ground.

Due to absorbing the aura of Changbai Mountain all the year round, the snow ape is extremely human and possesses high wisdom.But it makes me more willing to turn them into half-human, half-beast monsters rather than demons, because the snow apes have almost never cultivated human bodies, or they have completely transformed into human beings like Black Phoenix and Hu Erye.

Perhaps the snow apes think that they are not inferior to humans, so they prefer ape bodies, but this does not mean that their cultivation is inferior to other wild immortals who can transform into humans.

It can only be said that they maintain a relatively pure and primitive way of life, and are unwilling to accept the intriguing life of human beings.

"Don't be too polite, just lead the way." I raised my hand and smiled.

Baiyun patted his chest, waved his hand at me, let out a roar, and quickly ran across the ice and snow.

I knew in my heart that he wanted to see my body skills and cultivation on purpose, so I smiled happily and turned into a river of blood to chase after me.Shaotian's speed was even faster. The somersaults passed on to him by Qiu Wen was originally an extremely light body technique. It is rumored that Dou defeated the Buddha with this technique, but because he is a god, he called it a somersault cloud.

Maybe when Shaotian can become the gods and Buddhas of the upper three days, he can turn over hundreds of thousands of miles in a somersault. Of course, this is a hypothesis. Whether there are gods and Buddhas of the upper three days, it is a legend.

Although Baiyun is an ape, he is born with supernatural power and is extremely dexterous. He can often reach more than ten meters in a single leap, just like flying, but Shaotian has no problem at all.

I did suffer a big loss, one is that it is difficult for me to use Xiangchun's main body to develop my cultivation base.There is also a world of ice and snow, which is extremely slippery, which makes me less energetic when borrowing strength.

Originally, I thought that my current cultivation was a sure way to beat them, but after the comparison, I ended up at the bottom.This also proves how important a good physical body is.

After about a stick of incense, Baiyun brought us to a cliff.

There are densely packed, honeycomb-like caves on the cliff. At the mouth of each cave, there are one or two snow apes squatting. Seeing Baiyun leading us in, they squeaked and screamed.

Bai Yun led us into a huge cave in the middle. At the entrance of the cave, there was a docile female ape holding a baby in her arms and sucking milk.

"Back, I'm back." The mother ape spoke with great difficulty, and was overjoyed to see us back.

Bai Yun hurriedly introduced to us: "This is my wife and child, Xiao Lingzi. Madam will soon meet King Qin and Brother Shaotian. They are both benefactor's saviors and great men."

The mother ape hurriedly embraced the little snow ape and saluted me. With a squeak, Xiao Lingzi jumped out of the mother ape's arms, hung on my neck, and licked my face with her tender pink tongue. .

Snow apes understand human nature, but few can speak human language. Bai Yun is the king of snow apes, with extraordinary talent, and he is very close to Xiao Hua, so he understands human language.

I saw that Xiao Lingzi was extremely cute, his eyes were watery, his fur was white and shiny, his whole body was playful and clever, and I was also happy in my heart, so I took two pills from my pocket and fed it.

I also gave it a kit. The kit was originally given to me by Bai Chaoyang. Although I used up all the tricks in it, I kept it by my side because of brotherhood, and I just gave it to Xiao Lingzi as a gift.

Shao Tianle danced and yelled to hold it and play with it. After teasing Xiao Lingzi for a while, he took off the purple gold longevity lock hanging around his neck and gave it to Xiao Lingzi.

My kit is an ordinary thing, but Shaotian's longevity lock is not simple. It was a congratulatory gift from Qishu when Jin Taibao and his wife got married. Already invincible, all five meridians are cultivated into a god.This lock has been blessed by Uncle Qi. Although it is not a powerful magic weapon, it is blessed by the protection of heaven.

So, when Uncle Qi saw Shaotian and saw him as a fool, even Uncle Qi couldn't believe it, only that it was God's will.

Moreover, if the items left by Uncle Qi and the handicrafts made by the Ma family are sold in the ghost market, they will definitely be priceless.

Because the Ma family almost faded out of Taoism after Ma Tiexin returned to seclusion, and this ingenious family rarely produces anything.

When Baiyun saw that this thing was not a mortal thing, he asked Xiao Lingzi to return it to Shaotian if he dared to ask for it.

"Brother Bai, just keep it. My younger brother is very human, and he will become a fairy and a Buddha in the future. I think Xiao Lingzi and him are also destined. How about it? Let Xiao Lingzi worship him as a teacher. This fate is complete." I thought about it.

Sooner or later, Shaotian will recover his sanity. If there is a chance to open up the path to immortality for three days, the naturally extraordinary Shaotian will definitely have a chance to become a fairy.

His unique knowledge of Bodhi Gate can't be buried, Xiao Lingzi is very familiar with human nature, God knows if it can become the second Fighting Buddha, and it would be better to practice Bodhi Gate in the future.

Then, I asked Shaotian if he would accept Xiao Lingzi as his apprentice.Shaotian was naturally overjoyed, he still didn't understand the specific meaning of the master-student relationship, but when he regained his sanity in the future, he would naturally treat this little snow ape generously.

"My brother agrees, so I agree."

He thought for a while and then asked me, "When I become a master, do I have to eat chicken legs?"

Immediately, Bai Yun and I both burst into laughter, "Brother Shaotian, don't worry, when Xiao Lingzi grows up, I will ask him to buy chicken legs for you every day." Bai Yun laughed.

Shaotian nodded and said, "Okay, I'll accept Xiao Lingzi." Then, he scratched the head of Xiao Lingzi's body, "Little Lingzi, you will be my apprentice from now on, with my brother and me here, no one else dare to bully you."

Xiao Lingzi is still a milk baby, so he doesn't understand these things, he just chirps along with the music.

After making a fuss for a while, I asked Shaotian to play with Xiaolingzi, and Baiyun and I went inside to meet Xiao Hua and Boss Bai.

The chains on Xiao Hua's body have been opened, judging from the broken marks, they should have been torn apart, which shows that Bai Yun's supernatural power is indeed extraordinary.

"Xiao Hua met King Qin!" Xiao Hua and Boss Bai greeted me. I sat down and checked Xiao Hua's injuries. His injuries are already much better. Due to his extremely high strength, he needs to rest for a while. In time, it should be able to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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