Dart Master

Chapter 613

Chapter 613
Seeing this situation, Hu Erye immediately understood, knowing that he had been tricked by Cao San, Silverbeard trembled angrily, and shouted: "Give it to me, kill them all."

The personal guards joined the battle again, and I saw that Cao San was not around, obviously he had already gone to the spiritual eye first.

I quickly gave Ziyan a look, and he persuaded Erye Hu, who led Ziyan and led me and a few guards to chase after Lingyan.

Arriving at the White House, Hu Erye rushed to the faceless bedroom with ease, turned on a lamp, and suddenly heard a bang, and a basement door suddenly appeared.

Mr. Hu led us in, and there was a long and narrow corridor inside. Wumian must have been here before, and the walls on both sides were lit with torches.

Passing through the corridor, there is a dark arched door, without a trace of light inside, even my eyes can hardly see the reality, so I can only follow Hu Erye and walk in slowly by feeling.

After about a moment, the eyes gradually became brighter, and the spiritual energy rushed to the face, which made people feel refreshed, relaxed, and indescribably comfortable.

We seem to be in a huge underground cave. I guess this is probably the underground of Changbai Mountain.

This is consistent with the construction of the Snow Palace. The mountain behind the Snow Palace is in a concave shape, and the Snow Palace is just stuck in this groove, and this groove must have been the secret way to enter the Lingyan of Changbai Mountain many years ago.

It was only later that in order to cover it up and guard the immortals of Changbai Mountain, the patriarch of the Changbai Immortal Sect built the Snow Palace and guarded it for generations.

Changbaizi must know this secret, but he never dreamed that Shaodu Fuhui would know the secret of spiritual eyes, faceless joined hands with Hu Erye, and bloodbathed his entire family.

If Little Seed hadn't fled to Jiangdong with the celestial card, the celestial objects here would have been taken away by Wumian and others long ago. Now that I'm here, maybe it's God's will.

Immortals are definitely not something that treacherous people can covet!

In the middle of the cave is a towering ancient pillar, but this ancient pillar is several feet thick, like Optimus Prime, it runs through the entire Changbai Mountain, from the peak to the ground.

The ancient pillars are covered with green vines, and the original carved patterns on them have long been blurred, and one or two can be vaguely discerned. They are nothing more than pictures of ascending to heaven and becoming immortals.

"It turns out that this is the spiritual eye of Changbai Mountain, it is simply unimaginable." Zi Yan looked around and sighed in amazement.

Master Hu stroked his beard and said: "Yes, this is the spiritual pillar. The reason why Changbai Mountain is spiritual is that it absorbs the essence of heaven and earth by this pillar and deters demons, so that peace can be maintained. It is said that in the past, Changbai Mountain was full of demons and volcanoes. The virtue of good life makes Taibai Jinxing gather 72 stars to build this spiritual pillar, and bless Changbai."

Speaking of this, he stretched out his hand and pressed on the head of a spirit beast next to the spirit pillar. With a bang, a stone wall in the middle of the spirit pillar slowly opened.

A burst of dazzling white light bloomed with the opening of the stone wall, piercing the eyes of the person with pain, Hu Erye made a grunting sound from his excited throat, and his whole body was trembling.

"Well, this place was sealed off before, and they really opened their spiritual eyes. God bless me." Second Master Hu shouted excitedly.

"Grandpa, hurry up and go in, it's late, I'm afraid that all the fairy things inside will be taken away by the envoy." Zi Yan urged.

Hu Erye went inside first, Ziyan and I followed closely behind.

Walking into the white light, it is difficult for the piercing person to open his eyes, but when he opened his eyes, he only felt the cold wind blowing against his face, and it was extremely cold.

"Be careful!" Hu Erye shouted.

There is a cave inside, a bit like a water curtain cave, surrounded by dripping water droplets, filled with a musty smell of water, we are on a high cliff at the moment, and there is a dark pool of water underneath.

There are a series of round stone clusters with a distance of Zhang Xu in the pool, winding towards the entrance of the opposite cave. When we arrived, several black shadows had passed through the black water pool and reached the entrance of the opposite cave.

"Cao San!" Erye Hu shouted loudly.

When Cao San turned around and saw that it was Erye Hu, he laughed loudly: "Second Master Hu, I'm sorry, I'll take a step first."

"Cao San, you bastard, let me catch you, I must pull out your skin." Hu Erye became furious and yelled.

Cao San seemed to be holding something in his hand, only to hear him laughing and saying: "You can get through the black water pool, let's talk."

Hu Erye snorted coldly, coiled the ancient vines on the cliff, and slowly climbed down. Zi Yan, I, and the other two guards also climbed down.

At the bottom, there was a strong wind, and the black water pool seemed to sense the breath of people. The waves were violent, and there was a foul smell, which was extremely unpleasant.

Who would have imagined that the stench in the majestic Changbai Mountain would be so stinky. I imagined that the pond water was not as muddy as it is now, but crystal clear.

Now Zhenshan Shenzhu has been polluted by secular atmosphere for thousands of years. No wonder the wild immortals in Changbai Mountain have been infected by evil wind and evil spirit.

"Be smart, this water can melt bones and ecstasy, if you are not careful, you may die with no bones left and your souls scattered." Hu Erye warned.

Everyone should be, Hu Erye stepped on the stone platform first, and rushed forward.

Zi Yan and I followed closely, and when we were about to reach the opposite bank, we discovered that two of the stone platforms near the bank had been destroyed, so that we were separated from the opposite bank by nearly three feet.

I took a quick look. If I pass by with the dragon spirit body, there will be no problem. The dragon spirit body is a soul. Although it cannot fly against the wind like a god, the body is three feet three feet above the ground. Moreover, the dragon spirit body is light, and it is not a big problem to leap three feet between vertical steps.

But in this way, my real identity may not be preserved.

I don't want Erye Hu to know my real identity, otherwise this game of chess will be for nothing.

Hu Erye also had a worried face. He stroked his beard and scolded Cao San for his shamelessness. This grandson is really cruel. He removed the stone platform, which undoubtedly blocked our way. Who would dare to risk being turned into black water? The danger to the bone is to fly three feet at will.

While I was thinking, Second Master Hu looked at our three guards. Zi Yan was afraid that he would stare at me, so he moved slightly in front of me.

Second Master Hu saw that Zi Yan seemed to have a good impression of me, so his eyes fell on the other two guards.

"Come here, both of you!" Second Master Hu beckoned.

The two guards didn't know why, so they came over. Mr. Hu stretched out his hands and put them on the guard's head, but he saw the black energy flickering in the palm of his hand, and the magical power of Rongxue Chunyang sucked the guard's cultivation base in the blink of an eye. Cleaned up.

While absorbing all the guards' cultivation base, with a click, Master Hu's sharp claws smashed the guards' heavenly spirits, ending their lives.

Hu Erye stretched out his hand to grab a corpse, and at the same time left one for Ziyan.

Suddenly, he shouted loudly and threw the body forward, at the same time, he soared into the air and flew towards the entrance of the cave like lightning.Seeing that his strength was not enough, he was about to fall into the black water pool. At this time, Hu Erye just landed on the corpse that was thrown into the air. With a little help, he jumped up into the air and landed firmly on the opposite hole.


The corpse he borrowed fell into the black pool, and there was a sound of melting bones and flesh. In an instant, the burly guard turned into a bone. The scene was really terrifying.

The spiritual pillar is affected by the luck and aura of the world. Now evil spirits are rampant, and the entire Yin and Yang worlds are full of evil spirits. The spiritual pillar has also been eroded and affected. For a long time, the luck of Changbai Mountain has also been affected. Even the spiritual water in the pool has become bone-forming evil water.

"Zi Yan, why are you still standing there, jump over here quickly?" Second Master Hu waved his hand and shouted.

Hu Erye's trick is to save people from bad water, but it is really vicious, and Zi Yan looks a little stupid.In her mind, Erye Hu is a humble and benevolent elder who treats the fox fairy under him with great love. She never dreamed that her respected grandfather would be such a vicious person.

Hu Erye's series of absorbing yuan to kill people and saving water made her almost believe her own eyes, but it happened so real in front of her.

"Zi Yan, why are you still standing there?" Second Master Hu was a little impatient, he needed Zi Yi's assistance, so that he would be more sure of defeating Cao San.

(End of this chapter)

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