Dart Master

Chapter 623 Faceless Doom

Chapter 623 Faceless Doom

When I said this, I deliberately blinked at Huang Shu, because I had no face behind my back, so he couldn't see my expression.

As soon as Huang Shu saw me blinking, he immediately understood, knew that I had come, and immediately gained confidence in his heart.

"Your Majesty, don't blame me. I've been a little flustered by that old thief Hu Erye these days. If Your Majesty can protect me, it would be great." Huang Xian quickly pretended to be relaxed, and asked Faceless toasted him a lot.

After drinking for three rounds, Faceless finally couldn't hold back again, and asked Huang Shu for the celestial card again.

Huang Shu took out the radiant celestial card from his waist. Since his hands were full of oil and water, the golden light of the celestial card seemed very real.

Seeing the celestial card shining without face, it must be fake after thinking about it, he knows very well that Huang Shu is just a yellow celestial being, his cultivation level is very different from his own, if he insists on cheating, he will die.

Huang Shu has been hiding for so many days, just to see his death, Wumian thought about it and felt that he was worrying too much.

Immediately, he reached out and took the celestial card from Huang Shu. Huang Shu knelt at his feet motionless, but his eyes were fixed on the bottle of Snow Mountain Yama in Wumian's waist.

"My lord, be careful that this celestial card is fake, you should take a closer look." Seeing that Wumian was shaking with excitement, I quickly reminded him.

"It makes sense. Although I still have great trust in Huang Xian, it's better to be careful in everything." Wu Mian raised the fairy card and carefully identified it under the light.

At this time, Huang Shu's body and mind were already extremely tense, and I was also tense. The person he wanted to steal was Wuface. The other guards, in this way, are extremely disadvantageous to us.

Huang Shu glanced at me, I nodded slightly to him, he gritted his teeth, and quickly stretched his buttery hand towards the faceless waist.

This speed is so fast, I just feel like something flickered, even faster than the time of blinking.

I looked over to the yellow book, and he rolled his eyes at me, indicating that he had succeeded.

I was overjoyed, knowing that the end of Faceless had arrived.

Faceless seems to have seen some clues at this time, because he only saw the battle armor flying into the immortal card, but he has never seen how it exists, so he is not very sure.

"It's strange, there is dragon energy in it, but you can't see the mark of Xuanyuan's battle armor, what's going on?" Wu Mian asked Huang Shu while looking at it.

Huang Shu stood up, pretending to be surprised and said: "No, it was like this when I got it, your lord, don't scare me."

While speaking, Huang Shu leaned over, and I felt a bulge in my waist. I looked down, and Huang Shu had already stuffed the porcelain bottle of Snow Mountain Yama into my waist.

"Don't worry, my lord. I think Huang Xian is sincere. Maybe there is something special about it." I quickly persuaded, then pretended to pour the wine, and took the opportunity to pour all the Snow Mountain Yama into the wine glass.

"No, it's just the remnants of dragon energy. Someone has already taken away the real battle armor." Faceless is a demon after all, and he is well-informed. The magic energy in his hand was forced into the fairy card. The trace of dragon energy left behind naturally couldn't resist the persecution of his powerful demonic energy, and it suddenly dissipated.

If it was a real fairy card, the aura inside would definitely not be so weak. Faceless is not stupid, he immediately understood, and yelled loudly.

Just when he was about to attack Huang Shu, he found that Huang Shu had a strange smile on his face.

In the next second, the wine glass I was holding in midair suddenly turned into a wine sword, spraying Faceless from the side.

As soon as Snow Mountain Yama touched the faceless leather mask, it immediately melted, just like it did on the top of Jinxing Ridge that day.

Faceless let out a scream, covered his face with his hands, and screamed in pain, "Snow Mountain Yama, ah! Damn it!"

"Your Majesty, you guessed it right. This fairy card is indeed a fake. It's really ridiculous to want to get Emperor Xuanyuan's fetish with an impenetrable demon like you." Huang Shu sneered.

At the same time, I broke away from the body of the waiter, and a dragon spirit body wearing a battle armor appeared, as majestic as if the emperor had descended in person.

"Wumian, you have done a lot of evil, and you will be punished today!" While speaking, I raised the Huangquan knife, and aimed at Wumian with a single blow.

Faceless was in extreme pain at the moment, his face was damaged, and his whole body began to melt. Originally, he hadn't fully recovered from the serious injury he suffered last time, and his skills were greatly reduced.

Now that he was injured again, it was even more painful. The divine light and dragon energy on my body had a huge restraint effect on his evil energy from Nie Yuan, and he couldn't even open his eyes under the light.


The momentum of my whole body was brewing to the extreme, the swords of the underworld, dragons and tigers roaring, thunder and lightning, and flames mixed with each other, and I chopped down.

Faceless said in shock: "You, are you Qin Wushang?"

"I don't think it's too late now? You think you are worthy of killing King Qin." Huang Shu agreed with a proud face.

Faceless gathered all his strength to block it, his cultivation level is higher than mine, even if he used his life to act at a discount in Jinxing Ridge, he is by no means inferior to me at this time.

But because I was hit by the snow-capped Yama again, and lost the protection of the mask of the talisman god, I was in great pain, and my aura was stronger than mine, so I fell into a disadvantage at the moment.

"King Qin, it's not that easy for you to kill me!" Wumian yelled, his whole body's devilish energy surged, a black light flashed in his palm, and a huge skull blocked the Huangquan knife.

The saber qi split the skull in an instant, and Faceless found that my saber qi was suddenly exhausted, and was overjoyed, thinking that my reputation was just in vain, and my saber skills were nothing more than that.

Immediately, he urged with both palms, "The demons are dancing!"

Immediately, weird laughter was mixed with both palms, and two cyclones of black air clung to my body.

I didn't dodge, and took the fatal blow from Faceless.

A golden light suddenly burst out from the Xuanyuan battle armor, taking all the damage from Faceless, and penetrated through the protective mirror, the dragon inside immediately opened its mouth to swallow the devilish energy, and the remaining less than a layer of devilish energy penetrated into my soul However, it was dissolved by the dragon spirit body itself.

In this way, Wumian's desperate palm didn't do me any harm.

I just took the faceless palm on purpose just now, the purpose is to try the power of Xuanyuan battle armor, now it seems that it is really extraordinary.

Of course, it is not a panacea. Since I obtained it, it does not have a tacit understanding with me, and it is closely linked to my body cultivation, so it is impossible to expect it to block bigger killing moves now.

What it can bear now is about [-]% to [-]% of the damage caused by Faceless Desperate Palm, because the dragon in the heart-protecting mirror can only rely on my merits and cultivation to improve its cultivation. Its maximum limit now is to resolve these injuries .

But this is already not easy, a master against the enemy, this undoubtedly gave me an extra life, at least my body is not damaged at all, and the opponent's palm is almost full of strength, it is difficult to send out such a palm force again.

Knowing the current endurance of the battle armor, I also have a spectrum in my heart.

Wumian saw that I had slapped him, but he seemed to be fine, he couldn't help being shocked, now he had to believe that Emperor Xuanyuan's battle armor had been taken by me, he was horrified, but also extremely disappointed.

He knew that he would definitely not be able to beat me. Every time he took a breath, his cultivation base was rapidly decaying. The best way right now was to run away.

Since I debuted, I have fought against many masters, and I can almost see into the opponent's thinking. How can Faceless hide this thought from me.

I turned around, turned over in the air, and slapped his palms, "Tianlong goes out to sea!"

Two blood dragons wrapped around him, and Faceless had no choice but to turn around and use both hands to rush the demon energy, trying to shake off my dragon energy.

But when he touched the blood dragon, the two blood dragons melted in response, which was obviously another false move by me.Faceless hadn't figured out what kind of trick I was playing, I forced him over again, raised my right hand and thrust it straight into his heart.

Faceless is a rare master after all, my speed is already as fast as a shooting star, he almost instinctively laid his palm sideways, and the moment I touched him, he was separated from the tip of my palm.

"Master Wumian, I was just kidding with you, now let you try my dragon subduing formula!"

"Broken Dragon's Back!"

My fingertips were attached to his fingers, and the first layer of energy passed through. Faceless felt a shock and could still hold on. However, my second knuckle bent again, and after three consecutive knuckle attacks, I The fourth level of Dragon Strength was bent into a fist, and it hit Wumian's palm heavily, giving him a blow from the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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