Dart Master

Chapter 626

Chapter 626
The black fox made a big case, "Damn it, weasels and hedgehogs dare to ride on our heads to shit and pee, and all the generals will follow me to fight the enemy and kill the bandits."

After the black fox finished speaking, he was about to get up, but he found that none of the generals under his command made a sound, and everyone was sitting upright like wood carvings, with their heads bowed, silent.

"Aren't you afraid to fight?" the black fox pressed the sword on his waist, his black beard trembling and shouted loudly.

"General, it's not that we are greedy for life and afraid of death. It's just that right now, we really don't know who to fight for. My subordinates heard that Hu Erye secretly cleaned up Wanguan's family wealth and almost emptied the treasury of the Changbai White House. They have already Escaped from the secret passage."

"That's right, if we fight here, wouldn't it be better for relatives and enemies? Our four great immortal families are originally one family. When Changbaizi and Master Hu were here, the fox clan lived in Changbai Mountain, devoting themselves to cultivating the Tao, and the mountain was peaceful. But now, do you see how Wumian and Hu Erye have harmed Changbai Mountain and our fairy family?"

"General, if Hu Erye really thinks he is our master, what about others now? I'm waiting here to fight to the death, who am I fighting for, do you know?"


Faced with the doubts from the soldiers below, Heihu was also speechless. He didn't know that Erye Hu probably slipped away, and used them as a shield to escape in the chaos.

Heihu walked outside the big tent and saw that the various factions in the mountain were only besieging but not attacking. He knew in his heart that the situation had not yet reached an irreparable desperate situation. If the other party wanted to kill them all, he might have ordered a general attack long ago.

"Hey..." Just when he was in a dilemma, the commanding soldiers walked into the big tent: "General, Jiangdong Qin King, Mr. Xiao, please see me!"

The black fox froze in his heart, and asked nervously, "How many people did they bring?"

"There are no guards, just the two of them." The commanding soldier said.

Just two people, no guards?The black fox pondered for a while, then he had an idea in his mind, waved his hand, and said to the commanding soldier, "Please!"

Xiao Hua and I walked into the big tent hand in hand, all the generals in the tent got up and saluted Xiao Hua and me, after all Xiao Hua used to be the left envoy of the Changbai Immortal Sect, and to them he was considered an old boss.

"King Qin and Xiao Zuoshi, please take a seat. Someone is here, let's serve wine." Heihu shouted loudly.

"General, you and I are not outsiders, so I won't let you down. I came this time to persuade the general to stop. Wild immortals rarely go down the mountain. The general led the fox clan down the mountain rashly. It violates our Changbai Immortal School's past ancestral rules and ancestral training." Xiao Hua said eloquently.

He spoke in a very orderly manner, and he didn't use his past status to suppress Heihu. He only talked about the ancestral precepts, family rules, and the way of heaven of the four great immortal families, leaving Heihu with almost nothing to say.

Heihu was still a little hesitant, as the commander of the fox fairy clan, he naturally had to follow the orders of Hu Erye, the fairy family of the fox fairy, which also made him difficult.

"Zuo Shi, you also know that going down the mountain is Hu Master's order, I..." The black fox is a little confused, there are some intrigues among the four great fairy families, he is a little wrong, and it is very likely that the fox fairy clan will be ruined, so we have to not cautious.

"There seems to be something wrong with the general's words. If I remember correctly, there has always been only one Patriarch of the Fox Immortal Clan. May I ask all the generals present here, who is the Immortal Master of the Fox Immortal Clan?" I stood up and looked around the crowd. asked with a proud smile.

"The Fox Immortal Clan is naturally Hu Er...Master Hu!" Everyone fell silent.

When Master Hu was around, they lived and worked in peace and contentment. Under the coordination of Changbaizi, the four great immortal families, and even some wild immortals of other sidelines, could coexist peacefully in Snow Palace. Since Faceless and Black Phoenix ruled Snow Palace, this The purge of factions began.

"Very good. To be honest, Wushang and Master Hu also have some friendship. Wushang went up the mountain this time to save Xiao Zi. That's why he went to Changbai alone. Since you generals regard Master Hu as the fairy master, Then we are a family, and we should cooperate sincerely instead of fighting each other." I spread my hands and said loudly.

All the generals present bowed their heads and discussed with each other, nodding in agreement with what I said frequently.

"Let me just say it straight, I didn't intend to be an enemy of the King of Qin, let alone other fairy families. It's just that the various factions are being purged right now. There are already estrangements and blood feuds. Squeeze out." The black fox said a little worriedly.

"Don't worry, generals. There is no knot in this world that cannot be untied. To restore peace to Changbai Mountain, all the immortal families must abandon their hatred and reunite with the Changbai Immortal Sect. Only in this way can Changbai Mountain be united."

While speaking, a light flashed in my hand, and I held up the Changbai Immortal Card.

Everyone knelt down to listen to the decree.

"For the long-term peace of Changbai Mountain and the prosperity of the Changbai Immortal Sect, today, the king specially named Xiao Hua as the head teacher of the Changbai Immortal Sect, commanding the four great immortal families of Fox, Huang, Bai, and Chang. Black Fox, Chang Zizai, Bai Boss, and Huang Shu are The four great immortal masters, all major immortal masters are the four elders of the immortal sect. May all of you work together to revive the past glory of the Changbai immortal sect. If he can unify yin and yang, the king of Japan will officially list the wild immortals as the orthodox Taoist sect, and Founded a sect for the wild immortals in the Yin Division, and the virtuous wild immortals will be enshrined in the gods, and I hope you can practice with peace of mind, and don't let down this holy land."

I have almost satisfied all the demands of the great immortals. People are profit-oriented, and the wild immortals are no exception. Their biggest appeal is to fight for a place in Taoism without discrimination.

Until now, no matter whether it is King Jiang or King Zhang, no wild fairy has ever been conferred as a god, even the ancestors of the Bai family in the past were only granted a marquis.

If I can become the Lord of the Nether Division, the hope they have been trying to achieve for thousands of years will undoubtedly be realized.

The black fox is undoubtedly the one who has received the most kindness. He was originally a general, and he never dreamed that he could become the fairy master of the fox clan. , The incense received is undoubtedly extremely beneficial to his practice.

Xiao Hua got up slowly and respectfully took the Changbai Immortal Card, and said in a loud voice: "Xiao Hua has taken orders, and today I should respect the order of King Qin of Jiangdong, lead Changbai, unite all ethnic groups, and revive the glory of the Immortal Sect."

Xiao Hua's appointment as the head teacher of Changbai Immortal Sect is undoubtedly expected by everyone, and no one will doubt his benevolence.When Changbai Zi was there before, Xiao Hua won the hearts of Changbai Yexian, and when he became the head teacher, the hanging stone in Heihu's heart fell to the ground. At least there is no need to worry that a benevolent person like Xiao Hua will clean them up.

The black fox generals led the fox clan back to the Snow Palace, and a big riot was quelled like this.

Changbai Mountain has returned to the tranquility of the past. Although Boss Bai, Huang Shu and others complained about some purges of the Fox Clan under the leadership of Hu Erye, I believe that with Xiao Hua's ability, they can completely cleanse the four immortals. family together.

I returned to the Hu Mansion, Zi Yan and Ye Mo have been together for a whole day, and there is still no news. It is a shame for me that Cao San has slipped away, and I must not let Hu Er Ye slip away again.

This vicious guy has poisoned Changbaizi's entire family, if he is not killed, the Changbai Immortal Sect may not feel at ease.

I sat cross-legged in Ziyan's room, meditating on whether I had missed some details. I'm busy these days, and my mind is a little messed up.

Hu Erye's cultivation base is extremely high. I haven't fought against him, but I expect that even if it is not as good as Faceless, it will not be too bad. After all, there are many fox fairies and there are many mouths in the secular world. The fireworks he enjoys Not less.

I always have a kind of uneasiness in my heart, whether something happened to Yemo and Ziyan.

The familiar scent of Zi Yan still remained in the room, and the picture scrolls drawn and knitted by Zi Yi were so eye-catching.

I don't like Ziyan, even if she has a face in purple clothes, I have learned every smile of hers.But if she really had an accident, can my conscience be at ease?
I got up and rubbed each picture scroll lightly, with complicated thoughts in my heart, "Zi Yi, what should I do..."

Ziyan was entrusted to me by Ziyi, even if I have no affection for her, I should protect her well.

I carefully put away all the picture scrolls and kept them in the Qiankun bag. I walked out of the room and looked up at the gorgeous and romantic Snow Palace.

All the big fairy families gathered together to have fun. I looked at all this and smiled slightly, but I felt a strange loneliness in my heart. The wild immortals are lucky, they have a quiet and peaceful pure land.

(End of this chapter)

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